[making of]呢篇係我寫畀Patreon讀者嘅號外,而家share 埋出嚟。入面講多咗啲 關於我本書嘅making of,仲有有關 「馬蘭頭獎學金」(搞緊)。放心,所有人都免費睇到
你亦可以睇返Patreon 原文(https://bityl.co/7oFK),所有人都免費睇到,我set 咗 Public,會有返啲相呀 link呀咁咯。
[號外]Ivan 出書了!
1. Ivan要出書了。之前話忙到九彩,就係搞呢本嘢。7萬字,全部由零開始寫,128蚊。寫550字先值1蚊,陰功。仲有你可以估下128蚊我分到幾錢。
2. 一路都有人搵我出書,有時係啲細節傾唔埋,例如指定我寫乜,或者話我提議嘅主題唔吸引,又或者唔畀寫口語。亦好多時因為我唔會的起心肝寫,舊年去台灣,加埋返香港,隔離28日,話會寫書,一隻字都冇寫到。
3. 至於自資?我係拒絶的,唔係畀唔起幾皮嘢,而係自資畀人感覺差:你梗係冇人肯幫你出書,先要自high。
4. 但有時啲嘢就係咁,The Best Plan is no Plan.唔係所有人都係咁,但我可能係,至少我出書係。靠嘅唔係點計劃,點大綱,點試寫一個Chapter—而係一股狠勁:刁那媽頂硬上一take過搞掂佢。我大學做功課寫論文都係咁,返工寫報告都係咁,年青讀者唔好學。
5. 我知有啲人唔多鍾意HomeBlogger諗Sir,但冇佢冇呢本書。就係5月尾有一次同佢傾起,佢問我係咪想出書。佢完全畀晒自由度我,只係我地傾咗一次寫乜,然後就拍板一二三去馬。就係因為我同佢直接傾,唔係好似啲門高狗大傳統出版社咁搞一大輪,先火速搞掂本書。
6. 但仲有個小問題:有冇諗過我出書為乜?對我講,絶對唔係為錢,一本書128蚊,一版印2000本,買晒已經幾難得。你話26萬?但你可以問下人,作者一般會收幾多%?絶對唔化算
7. 唔為錢,為乜?七成係為圓夢,achievement,即係自high。三成為傳承,之後解。咁為咗自high,當然係要搞個合照簽名會之類。就只係為咗呢啲虛榮。
8. 咁問題嚟啦,傾嗰時都5月尾,仲要趕書展。你想像到,本書我係極速寫起嘅。我14日寫咗7萬字,有幾日仲要冇寫,即係一日寫1萬字左右,你可以試下。留意我居然都仲係照寫Patreon同Facebook Page的
9. 留意啲文,係我全新由零開始寫的。固然你睇目錄發現有啲嘢會熟口熟面(不止賺也不止蝕),但,全部我都係由頭寫起,絶對冇copy and paste一隻字。
10. 第一章我的求生指南,講我自己42年嘅故事。你心諗關我春事?我嚟搵發達秘笈的。咁你可以撕走佢唔睇(記得中學時啲女同學都會將本數學書咁拆咗好多份帶返學),不過冇得按比例回水。但,投資就係你性格嘅延續,你嘅職場生涯亦都睇你性格多過實力(由我去講,夠說服力啦)。咁你唔知我經歷過乜,就未必會明我嘅價值觀了。入面亦有講我當年點解揀讀精算,點解去咗英國,點解返嚟教書,點樣入咗銀行,點樣上位,點樣畀人炒之類。
11. 第二章職場求生指南,講我打工嘅故事,包埋我自己「創業」做Content Creator.好多人都係想跳去第三章,但,你冇錢,投乜資?而除非你有父幹或畀人包,否則你嘅錢,咪就係打工返嚟。教你點升職加人工,點跳草裙舞,點揀好老細,求職擇業,做邊行好之類。睇完後,應該對你升職加人工有啲幫助。
12. 第三章,股市求生術。可能好多人直接跳去呢部份。你見部份嘢可能我Patreon講過,但會畀個全新角度你。仲有,入面我寫咗個「阿煩的故事」,全天侯投資法,盡量 one size fit all,fit唔到all都盡量多人,畀咗個理財投資方法你。
13. 冧把?冇乜講喎,平時Patreon仲睇唔夠?
14. 而呢本書嘅作者收益,全數會撥歸「馬蘭頭獎學金」(搞緊),幫我中學(https://bityl.co/7oFE)嘅師弟師妹,窮得嚟而又繼承到我思想嘅。
15. 點解有咁嘅念頭?冇公開講過。再早少少,我同啲中學同學已經講過類似idea,但你知呢啲嘢,人多未必好事,講講下就十個救火的少年,又有啲口爽荷包立,又或者你想畀個窮學生,我想只睇成績。又或者有啲覺得自己錢又出咗又冇份評審。總之,你估到了,以我性格當然就係自己搞算數,自己話晒事。
16. 至於真係扑槌,係舊年12月在台灣隔離時,當其時睇緊誠品書店創辦人吳清友嘅書。我就冇佢咁富貴,但都想「做啲嘢」。咁啱嗰時Patreon開始起飛,我有啲閒錢,就發財立品,自我感覺良好,貢獻下咁,等我末日審判時都有啲嘢寫。但之後大家知道,我畀人炒咗,咁所以都放埋一邊幾個月,到而家再鬆動返啲先再諗。
17. 因乜揀我中學嘅師弟師妹?並唔係我對我中學特別有感情(都有啲,但唔係好多)。而係,我都諗唔到更好嘅對象。唔通畀港大?唔使啦。
18. 況且,客觀地,而家社會流動性低咗好多,一個叻但窮嘅學生,真係唔似以前咁易上到位。我希望就係幫到啲窮但叻嘅學生,等佢地大學時,唔使因為冇錢而要花好多時間搵錢。我一生中冇乜好多後悔嘅事,但其中一樣就係覺得當年唔應該花咁多時間去幫人補習 — 你搵嘅只係細錢,但原本啲時間可以做其他嘢。睇下書,睇下戲,去下旅行都好。
19. 當然,亦同我冇小朋友又唔打算生有關。我呢幾年,開始諗下傳承。傳統上最簡單就係你個仔,如果收徒弟嘅就係徒弟。但我呢?除咗呢本書,就真係要搵個人繼承我嘅思想。所以最後我希望會係學校推薦幾件窮而又叻叻地嘅學生畀我,我逐個傾,可能食餐飯,睇下邊個最啱嘴型。我亦希望可以之後每年同佢地食一次飯咁,「馬蘭頭學人」。
20. 當我每年揀一個學生,一年就4萬蚊,四年就16萬(仆街三改四害人不淺呀)。咁即係我一年要拎16萬出嚟,所以你計到,賣書嘅錢真係微不足道。
21. 一年16萬話多唔多話少唔少咁咯,一個月萬三蚊,我希望第時在Patreon都搞捐款,保證全數去呢個獎學金。因為你地人多,例如當一人一半,你地6500我又6500,呢度1800人,咁你地每人每個月都只係畀多4蚊港紙咁大把。但當然,你會覺得,我啲師弟師妹關你乜事,我發財立品關你乜事,就係4蚊都唔會畀。但我都會照樣試下。
22. 星期日7月18日夜晚會有個好快嘅新書發佈會,應該可以影相簽名之類,但只得45分鐘。問題係,簽名嗰樹買唔到書,書展入面我估都買唔到。即係你要預先買定。
23. 搞到咁趕,當然係我嘅問題。都話5月尾先開始寫,完成到已經係奇蹟。
24. 點買書?4個方法
25. 你可以去Homeblogger個網(https://bityl.co/7oEy),畀完錢,然後上去尖沙咀拎。又或者加多廿蚊,順豐送埋畀你。已經有唔少人訂咗,不過送唔送得切,我都有啲疑問。
26. 唔趕書展見面影相簽名嘅,仲簡單,遲下書局會有得賣
27. 至於海外讀者嘅,Homeblogger應該唔會寄(我試下叫佢哋研究),最簡單就係你搵我買,我寄畀你(但郵費當然你畀,至於點畀我都唔知,最好有香港銀行戶口),不過我分分鐘搞幾個月先會寄。
28. 最後嘅?所有20/40蚊年費會員(記住係年費!),都會送一本畀你。點送我未知,但我估最好係你自己買完,然後PM我,我過數畀你,大家最方便,講個信字。
29. 當然,你之前未係20/40年費,而家先去轉20/40年費都得的,仲有聲音版錄像版送埋,最好人人轉晒20/40年費我本書就賣斷市(初版2000本咋)。照舊年費係有85折的。
月頭訂最抵!2021比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1800人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
同時也有12部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過22萬的網紅Zermatt Neo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,In this episode, we went down to Hand in Hand Restaurant at Boat Quay to demolish a Dumpling Challenge! Hand in Hand is a restaurant that serves a va...
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Be Who You Are, Not What Others Want You To Be!❤
Why are you single? When are you going to get married? When are you having kids? Why you don't have kids? Why is she/he divorced? What happened to them? Why are they like that? Why and why and why people like to ask these insensitive questions, being prejudice, stereotyping, speculates, gossips, and make inappropriate judgments.
How can you ask something that someone can't 100% control, just like death? Some things are unknown, it's like asking, when are you going to die? It's common sense. If you don't know this answer, means you won't know the exact why for such questions.
When someone is single by choice or it's not just the right time for them, let it be. So what if that person wants to be or will be single forever? It may be better for the person than being with the wrong partner for the rest of the person's life. You don't meddle with God's plan or even someone's choices. You can't force people to get into relationships, what's more marriage. If it is forced, how can a marriage be happy and whole? Love is a huge topic. Again it's not just about relationships and marriage.
People should not pretend to be stupid, play dumb, needy, spoiled, or fake just to attract/be with a life partner. Women and men should have their own intelligence, personality, independence, and truthfulness in life. We want to be real and genuine, and if someone wants us to be part of their life, it's better for them to know the real us from the get-go. Not presenting a false front.
A healthy relationship should be two individuals who love and care for each other, support, motivate, respect, be kind, honest, loyal, help, guide, communicate well, listen and give the very best to each other, by also being the best version of themselves. Not one person should be superior to the other or vice versa. If you feel forced and put yourself down for another person, you are probably in the wrong relationship.
Put aside status, education level, salary, or position in career, a partner and a healthy relationship should be side by side, be supportive, help each other, understand each other strengths and weaknesses, able to give and take/compromise, and open to learning from each other when it comes to marriage or any relationship.
A woman's or man's characteristics for example being soft or strong, and men prefer soft/more feminine women, and women who are less intelligent/educated than them, should not be generalized. Some men admire women who are intelligent/educated, strong, and independent and women have their preferences too. Different people are attracted to different traits. No one size fits all.
No one should pretend to be less than she/he is for the opposite partner to feel desirable or dominant. If a person desperately and constantly trying to boost their ego, be dominant or prove power especially in a relationship, this may lead to negative behavioral patterns and impacts such as emotional instability, harassment, abuse, bullying, verbal and physical violence, unhappiness, and depression.
We are all individuals in the end and have our differences. As a human being, one of the goals in life is trying to be better than we were yesterday. Trying to change ourselves for the sake of pleasing someone and pretending just to make someone feel happy or superior is not healthy and can jeopardize our own mental health and also the relationship in the long run.
If we want to change something, for example, I want to be more fitter, healthier, happier, smarter, financially independent, and so forth, it is for ourselves (without being selfish or self-absorbed). If we take care of ourselves first then we can take care of others better. Do for yourself and the motivation will be sustainable than doing for other people.
Respect and love yourself. Respect the people around you. Then we should not be degrading or intimidate anyone. This will make you a better person. We attract what we are.
Life is unique, so does human beings. Life itself is bigger than getting married, having kids, make tons of money, and so forth. This is the typical life cycles, stages and goals we all have learned in our life. The strong pressures in society dictate what is better and not just because that's what it is for the past generations have been. The pressure to fit in with society's standards and expectations is also there.
As a society and individual, let's understand deeper that not everyone will have the same life cycles and even life goals. There are things we can control and can't control. Not everything that is good for you is going to be good for other people. Having or not having something can be a blessing and sometimes only God knows why.
In life, some may walk their path of life and make choices completely different from us and that's perfectly fine. We all have our own unique journey and that makes us different, and we can use that differences to make life better for ourselves and the life of others.
Let this sink in.
#sfartography #rainbowpegasus #life #lifeadvice #motivation #relationships #marriage #begenuine #bereal #beyou
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🚗ONE CarSeat to Fit 3 kids 🚗
👉🏻swipe for a DOREMI ride with The World’s first 𝐅𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 car seat - 𝘾𝙖𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙤 - SUITABLE from 9 months to 12 years old!
Fitting all my three kids of different ages (11months old, 4 years old and 7 years old) - car rides made safe with these features:
🚗 light weight - able to fit into cabin size
🚗 folding and unfolding takes only seconds
🚗 adjustable headrest and side panel to fit height of child
🚗 premium & breathable fabric
For greater comfort
🚗 isofix connector secures placement in a safe and quick manner
🚗 impact side protection for safety assurance
🚗 double clasp for double safety!!
It’s having a while stock last promo running at $299 after 30% off 🛒🛒🛒
It’s easy to slot into the seats with the Isofix connector and importantly we loved how it can fold into 3 size smaller and fit into its own personalised Hamilton bag (see my hubby keep it into the sleek black bag in the video 👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻)
What’s more! 🛒 now over at @shopee_sg Hamilton Strollers Singapore Official Store to get $50 off this Cabrio Car Seat on 6 or 18 June! Now go #lockthisdate 👍🏻 k! #dontsaybojio 🥰
𝘾𝙖𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙤 𝘾𝙖𝙧 𝙎𝙚𝙖𝙩 is also available at ::
🚗@lazada_sg Flagship Store:
Happy to share more if you have any questions, do feel free to ask me! 🙌🏻
one size fit all 在 Zermatt Neo Youtube 的最佳貼文
In this episode, we went down to Hand in Hand Restaurant at Boat Quay to demolish a Dumpling Challenge! Hand in Hand is a restaurant that serves a variety of Chinese cuisine including Peking Duck and Fried Rice, but are renowned for their Xiao Long Bao and Dumplings. They have 2 outlets in Singapore, with the one at Boat Quay actually specialising in Peking Duck.
For this challenge, I ordered 10 servings each of their Dumplings and Xiao Long Bao, and told them to keep them coming. I started with the Dumplings, which were bigger than most dumplings I have had in Singapore. They were filled with shrimp and leek, with noticeable chunks of shrimp dotted throughout each dumpling. As they were fried, they were pleasantly crunchy on the outside while moist and juicy on the inside. The filling-to-wrapper ratio was very generous, which is particularly unexpected for such a large dumpling. Dipped in soya sauce, they were a treat to eat and I was relishing every bite.
Next, I tried their famous Xiao Long Bao. Steamed to perfection, each ball of joy was filled with a soupy, savoury filling that explodes in your mouth when you bite into them. As Xiao Long Bao are generally small in size, they easily fit entirely into your mouth and can be devoured quickly. Topped with soya sauce and ginger, they are the quintessential Chinese snack food suitable for most palates. Hand in Hand lives up their reputation of being an excellent Dumpling and Xiao Long Bao restaurant and my usually light-eating crew voraciously ate dozens of them.
Naturally, it became difficult towards the end even with the help I was getting, but this was one of the rare occasions where I enjoyed the bulk of the challenge and would certainly visit again for regular meal. This place would certainly be on my list of best Dumplings and Xiao Long Bao in Singapore.
Do visit Hand in Hand restaurant for their excellent Dumplings and Xiao Long Bao!
Visit Hand in Hand Restaurant at:
Hand in Hand Shandong Restaurant
69 Boat Quay
Singapore 049857
Hand in Hand Beijing Restaurant
141 – 143 Jalan Besar
Singapore 208859
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one size fit all 在 CarDebuts Youtube 的最佳貼文
Nissan today unveiled the Z Proto, signaling the company's intent to launch a new generation of the legendary Z sports car. Shown at a virtual event beamed around the world from the Nissan Pavilion in Yokohama, the prototype car features a new design inside and out, as well as a V-6 twin turbocharged engine with a manual transmission.
First hinted at in a video named "Nissan A-Z" in May, the Nissan Z Proto pays full respect to 50 years of Z heritage. At the same time, it's a thoroughly modern sports car.
"The Z, as a pure sports car, represents the spirit of Nissan," said Nissan CEO Makoto Uchida. "It's a key model in our Nissan NEXT transformation plan, and it's proof of our ability to do what others don't dare to do, from A to Z. As a Z fan myself, I'm excited to announce that the next Z is coming."
A global community of fans young and old attended today's virtual unveiling. Members of the Z Club in Japan, ZCON participants in Nashville, Tennessee, and enthusiasts in various other markets tuned in for the event.
Exterior: past meets future
Penned and developed by the design team in Japan, the Z Proto boasts a fresh, attractive exterior design with a silhouette that communicates respect for the original model. It sports a bright yellow pearlescent paint – a tribute to a popular paint scheme on both the first generation Z (S30) and the 300ZX (Z32) – and a black roof.
Combining a retro theme with one that also projected futurism was challenging, said Alfonso Albaisa, head of design at Nissan.
The shape of the hood and the canted, teardrop-shaped LED headlights are both unmistakable reminders of the original Z. The rectangular grille's dimensions are similar to the current model with the addition of oval grille fins to offer an updated modern look. The form continues to exude both sportiness and elegance.
The link to the original Z is most striking when viewing the Z Proto from the side. The roofline flows from the nose to the squared-off rear to create a distinctive first-generation Z profile whose rear edge was slightly lower than the front fender height giving the Z its unique posture. The signature transition from the rear quarter glass to the low-slung position of the rear tail adds to the effect.
The rear takes inspiration from the 300ZX (Z32) taillights, reinterpreted for the modern world. Set within a rectangular black section that runs across the rear and wraps around the outer edges, the LED taillights convey a sharp glow.
Lightweight carbon fiber treatments on the side skirts, front lower lip and rear valance ensure nimble performance. 19-inch alloy wheels and dual exhausts complete the Z Proto's striking road presence.
Interior: modern tech with a vintage touch
Designed to fit driver and passenger like a glove, the Z Proto's cabin seamlessly blends modern technology with vintage Z touches.
The interior design team sought advice from professional motorsports legends to give the Z Proto an ideal sports car cabin, both for road and track. This can be seen in the Z's instrumentation. All vital information is found in the 12.3-inch digital meter display and arranged to help the driver grasp it at a glance, such as the redline shift point at the twelve o-clock position.
The new, deep dish steering wheel offers the driver quick access controls without losing its vintage aesthetic.
Yellow accents are found throughout the cabin, including stitching on the instrument panel. The seats feature special yellow accenting and a layered gradation stripe in the center of the seats to create depth.
Sports car joy: an exhilarating, dynamic performer
The original Z was built to bring the joy and excitement of sports car ownership to as many people as possible.
Each new generation had a more powerful engine, although the Z is about more than power increases.
"Z is a balance of power and agility," Tamura continued. "It is a vehicle that creates a connection with the driver not just on the physical level, but emotionally, and responds to the driver's impulses."
Make no mistake though, the Z Proto packs a powerful punch. Under the elongated hood is an enhanced V-6 twin-turbocharged engine mated to a six-speed manual gearbox. As a prototype, work is now underway on synchronizing the power with the grace and control that has defined the Z for the past 50 years.
"With the launch this summer of the groundbreaking Ariya EV, we've started a new era of electrification and autonomous driving technology," said Uchida. "With the Z, we're bringing drivers the excitement of a pure sports car. For more than 50 years we have been creating the legend of Z together. I'm glad you're with us for the next exciting chapter. The new Z is on its way."
Z Proto specifications
Engine V-6 twin turbo
Transmission 6-speed manual
Length 4,382 mm
Width 1,850 mm
Height 1,310 mm
Wheel and tire size Front: 255/40R19

one size fit all 在 Thuvan Pham Youtube 的最佳解答
I'm 167cm tall woohooo
This haul got me exciteddd, loving every piece hehehe.
Hope you like it and I'm having a lot more videos coming your way (vlogsss).
Lots of loveee, Thuvan ?
If you liked this video and want more of it, pls subscribe!
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+ Instagram: Thuvnn https://www.instagram.com/thuvnn/
+ Tiktok: Thuvnnp
+ Youtube: Thuvan Pham
+ Spotify: Thuvnnp
+ Twitch: Thuvnn https://www.twitch.tv/thuvnn
+ Business Inquiries: Thuvnnbeauty@gmail.com
Original price: €39.90 but it's currently discounted for €19.90
Color: Natural. I wear a size XS.
Color: Black. Also wearing a size XS.
Original price: €69.90
Color: Natural (color on the website looks more warm colored but it's the color that you see in my video)
Size: I wear a size XS
+ The green wrap top that I'm wearing is from YesStyle:
Mint green - one size - €25.60
+ I filmed this video on my Canon eos m50
+ I edit with Final Cut Pro
$$ Discount codes:
THUVANPHAM for YesStyle https://ystyle.co/hsv6
thuvnn10 for Hapakristin
++ Goodies from Amazon that I have purchased (affiliate links):
+ Amazon list for US subbies: https://www.amazon.com/shop/thuvnn
+ Amazon list for UK/EU subbies: https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/thuvnn
FTC: This video is not sponsored.

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