【《阿里巴巴和四十大盜》的「芝麻開門」魔咒,竟創造了「open sesame」這個字?】
最近我在進修時,遇到了open sesame這個字,當下不禁黑人問號一番。後來查了才發現,他的意思是「輕易獲得......的捷徑、方法」。
#英文 #單字 #芝麻開門 #阿里巴巴和四十大盜 HOPE English 希平方學英文
open sesame意思 在 Vegan Expression Facebook 的最佳貼文
這次去台中,我是在板橋站坐火車去的,當然要買點吃的上路吧!「嚐鱻壽司」雖不是素食店,但也有照顧到素食者呢,有幾款素壽司可以選擇,包括香菇、豆皮、玉米、海藻等,當中最喜歡一定是香菇啊,我是菇迷好不好 😂 味道不錯吃,價錢實惠!一般在車站可以找到~
【嚐鱻壽司 Fish Sushi】
【涼麵店 Cold Noodles】
素食涼麵 Vegan Cold Noodles NT30
玉米涼麵 Sweet Corn Cold Noodles NT45
Taiwan|Vegan Options at Roadside
I took the train at Banqiao Station to Taichung this time. Of course, I want to buy some food on the road! Although "Fish Sushi" is not a vegan shop, it also caters to vegans. There are several types of vegan sushi to choose from, including mushrooms, bean skin, corn, seaweed, etc. The most favorite one goes to mushrooms because I am a mushroom fan. 😂 Good taste, affordable! You can find Fish Sushi at some of the station generally~
In addition, do you notice that most of the vegan restaurants/shop opens during normal business hours? (Like in Kyoto) Meaning that it will be closed when it's not a meal time, unlike Hong Kong, which is open 12 hours a day. If you are like me, always waking up after lunch hour even during travel, you may miss many vegan restaurants! 😥
Don't worry, I found that there are many "cold noodle shops" in Taiwan. They are generally provided vegan option. I like to have cold noodles with sesame sauce. The sesame sauce has a heavy onion and garlic flavor. Those Cold Noodles Shops almost has no lunch break. The price is cheap, and you can find it everywhere, super convenient!
#台灣素食 #路邊素食