老爺昨天本來要回去陪我婆婆的. 不過因為他堅持於和樹根對抗.所以今天才要回去. 也好! 昨天的麵包吃完了!
今天也是假期日. 其實週六的超市聽說很滿. 周五我去飲料店寄包裹時就看到很多人扛啤酒XD
我們家不太喝啤酒. 所以這樣看著別人扛也蠻新奇的. 近來因為疫情趨緩. 餐廳的戶外用餐處開放. 但還是比較多人喜歡在家就好. 台灣的疫情有些緊張. 我自己覺得應該以平常心對待. 因為我想到一年多前那個以為自己被感染( 突然發燒) 結果診所當時也如臨大敵的感覺. 時至今日. 除了回到家馬上去洗手. 外套口袋總是有口罩及消毒凝膠. 背包裡有一條護手霜... 好像就很夠了. 之前備著的消毒水. 後來都讓我拿來在餵養硬種前消毒工作檯面.
不要互相猜忌也不要互相指責. 因為沒有人想要被傳染. 沒有人是故意的. 台灣其實對這些被感染者的追蹤蠻透明的.
但是, 你的檢查結果不需要讓別人知道. 這就是個人隱私問題. 德國是必須這樣尊重個人隱私的.
政府利用免費快篩讓民眾去登記快篩( 一周可以做很多次). 也因為進入很多商店都需要快篩陰性證明. 所以也變成大家都是先去快篩拿證明再去商店買東西. 當然, 對於很多人都有的COVID追蹤App. 則會有增加數據量的效果. 千萬不要恐慌...
這次的大麵包孔洞我覺得不錯. 照了一些照片. 覺得不同的角度光線孔洞的感覺也會不同....
昨天也做了今天早上的脆皮. 有段時間沒勤做. 手感是還在. 但是因為溫度關係. 我覺得很有影響. 這是照之前的文做的.http://foodchainunme.blogspot.com/2020/07/spelt-hard-toast-recipe-dinkel-sandwich.html 只是使用的是硬種.
手感其實都蠻好的. 就是在整形時覺得溫度降得很低. 因為麵團溫度本來就是打到24度終溫. 但是在分割整型時溫度降到20度!!! 因為我放室內. 但昨天老爺進進出出把門打開. 昨天的天氣沒有很好. 室溫從原本關門22度到開門20度!
整形後發我還是放28度. 後來就發現不對了. 因為就算28度. 還是發酵超過1.5小時. 吐司. 尤其是斯佩爾特粉. 如果沒有雞蛋加持. 真的蠻容易出狀況的. 孔洞不滿意. 但是還可以吃. 因為老爺說好吃. 還會繼續研究下去就是了.
去年種的球莖又有一種準備開花了. 這是觀賞用的蔥花. 叫Zierlauch
我在台灣沒見過. 百度上說它叫大花蔥XD 但它真的沒有蔥味. 花蠻香的. 我沒有種過. 所以這幾天看到它這個樣子其實有點密集恐懼症發作😅😅😅 給大家看一下三年前我婆婆送我的母親節禮物. 這就是那些含苞待放的花之後的樣子!
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過236的網紅Jessica Chong-Jhingoree,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello! Thanks for stopping by. I am sure most of you have watched countless sourdough videos available out there, and most are mix by hand tutorials...
opencrumb 在 Jessica Chong-Jhingoree Youtube 的精選貼文
Thanks for stopping by.
I am sure most of you have watched countless sourdough videos available out there, and most are mix by hand tutorials.
If you find joy in touching your dough and don’t mind the mess, well, good for you ??
But if you prefer a no-fuss and less messy way without compromising the end result, this recipe is for you!
See, I am impatient. I work a mentally demanding full time job, and when I make sourdough, I don’t like to fuss over them.
Normally, I maximise my yield for each batch by making 4-6 (sometimes 8!) loaves of sourdough, because making 1 or 10 loaves to me takes the same amount of preparation and effort.
Anyway, here’s the recipe.
300g Bob’s Artisan Bread Flour (or any high protein bread flour, at least 12-13% protein)
65g starter (tripled, use at peak)
233g water (room temperature)
6g Pink Himalayan Salt (or regular salt)
1. Autolyse 30 minutes
2. Add starter, mix, wait 15 minutes (I sometimes add salt together with starter when I am not in the mood and still get great results)
3. Add salt, mix, wait 15 minutes
4. Transfer to a bulking dish
5. Coil fold x 1
6. Coil fold x 2
7. Coil fold x 3
8. Coil fold x 4 - skip this step if your dough is strong
9. Leave to bulk
10. Total bulk 4 hours at 28C
11. Final shape
12. Cold retard overnight at 3C - make sure your fridge temperature no more than 3C!
13. Preheat oven at 250C, fan mode, for 1 hour
14. Bake at 250C, fan mode, for 35 minutes, lid close
15. And 250C, fan mode, for 5 minutes, lid off
16. Let bread cool completely before cutting, at least 1 hour
#sourdough #opencrumb #sourdoughbread
Always begin with a strong and healthy starter.
Make sure your dough has increased 50% in size.
As beginners, I know it is very hard to determine if your dough has finished its bulk fermentation based on the look and feel, due to the lack of experience. I know that feeling very well, because I was once that lost, clueless beginner myself.
After tinkering with sourdough for about a year, I have come up with a rough timing guide for bulk fermentation based on room/kitchen temperature, well, sort of like a cheat sheet, so you can get the hang of sourdough bread making and get good results every time.
Remember, bulk fermentation starts when starter is mixed into the dough.
Hope this helps!
23C = 6 1/2 hours
24C = 6 hours
25C = 5 1/2 hours
26C = 5 hours
27C = 4 1/2 hours
28C = 4 hours
29C = 3 1/2 hours
30C = 3 hours
31C = 2 1/2 hours
Personal // https://instagram.com/puterijessica
Soap Making // https://instagram.com/thesoapproject
Sourdough // https://instagram.com/thefoodprojectmy
Purchase Links:
Bob’s Artisan Bread Flour // https://www.amazon.com/Bobs-Red-Mill-Artisan-Ounces/dp/B019IKHF3M
Pink Himalayan Salt // https://www.amazon.com/HQOExpress-Organic-Pink-Himalayan-Salt/dp/B07QQL7VHP/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=himalayan+pink+salt&qid=1623762046&sr=8-6
Tanita Kitchen Scale // https://www.amazon.com/TANITA-Tonita-digital-cooking-KD-321/dp/B002WBTFDI
Tanita Room Thermometer // https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/Tanita-Thermometer-Humidity-Digital-Tabletop/dp/B010CK4Z9Y
Ikea Foljsam Bulking Dish // https://www.amazon.com/IKEA-503-112-69-Följsam-Clear-Glass/dp/B07L4L1YQC/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=ikea+foljsam&qid=1623762611&sr=8-3
Bread Banneton // https://www.amazon.co.uk/Banneton-Brotform-Rising-Proofing-Proving/dp/B01CCLAPQS
Bread Lame // https://www.amazon.com/UPKOCH-Wooden-Slashing-Plastic-Protective/dp/B081YNTM23/ref=mp_s_a_1_35?dchild=1&keywords=bread+lame&qid=1623930160&sr=8-35
Kuhn Rikon Bread Knife // https://www.amazon.com/Kuhn-Rikon-FBA_23505-Bread-Knife/dp/B009DOAINS
Equipment Used:
Camera // iPhone XS Max
Mic // Shure MV88
Video Editing // InShot Pro
Audio Editing // Cubase Pro 10.5
Music Credits:
Music by frumhere - the broken heart gang - https://thmatc.co/?l=23888EC7
Intro Music:
Music: Intro
Musician: Jeff Kaale