2006年,一名剛獲得紐約的短片競賽的美國新銳導演柯林.李維(Colin Levy)有幸與馬丁.史柯西斯(Martin Scorsese)相會。年輕的李維雖然已經開始創作,但是他對電影史不熟,不僅外國電影看得少,甚至連史柯西斯的《計程車司機 Taxi Driver》(1976)和《蠻牛 Raging Bull》(1980)都沒看過。
在這份名單之中,仍以歐洲電影為主,包括考克多(Jean Cocteau)、狄.西嘉(Vittorio De Sica)、維斯康提(Luchino Visconti)、羅塞里尼(Roberto Rossellini)、楚浮(Francois Truffaut)、高達(Jean-Luc Godard)、安東尼奧尼(Michelangelo Antonioni)、法斯賓達(Rainer Werner Fassbinder)、溫德斯(Wim Wenders)、荷索(Werner Herzog)之作都獲得點名。日本導演如小津安二郎、溝口健二、黑澤明、大島渚亦有作品入選。
《大都會 Metropolis》(1927)
《吸血鬼 Nosferatu》(1922)
《賭徒馬布斯 Dr. Mabuse the Gambler》(1922)
《拿破崙 Napoleon》(1927)
《遊戲規則 The Rules of the Game》(1939)
《天堂的孩子 Children of Paradise》(1945)
《不設防城市 Rome, Open City》(1945)
《老鄉 Paisan》(1946)
《大地震動 La Terra Trema》(1948)
《單車失竊記 Bicycle Thieves》(1948)
《退休生活 Umberto D》(1952)
《美女與野獸 Beauty and the Beast》(1946)
《東京物語 Tokyo Story》(1953)
《生之慾 Ikiru》(1952)
《七武士 Seven Samurai》(1954)
《雨月物語 Ugetsu》(1953)
《山椒大夫 Sansho the Bailiff》(1954)
《天國與地獄 High and Low》(1963)
《曼哈頓的大人物 Big Deal on Madonna Street》(1958)
《洛可兄弟 Rocco and His Brothers》(1960)
《四百擊 The 400 Blows》(1959)
《槍殺鋼琴師 Shoot the Piano Player》(1960)
《斷了氣 Breathless》(1960)
《不法之徒 Band of Outsiders》(1964)
《安逸人生 Il Sorpasso》(1962)
《情事 L'Avventura》(1960)
《春光乍現 Blow-Up》(1966)
《革命前夕 Before the Revolution》(1964)
《屠夫 Le Boucher》(1970)
《週末 Weekend》(1967)
《絞死刑 Death by Hanging》(1968)
《與四季交易的商人 The Merchant of Four Seasons》(1971)
《恐懼吞噬心靈 Ali: Fear Eats the Soul》(1974)
《瑪麗布朗的婚姻 The Marriage of Maria Braun》(1978)
《公路之王 Kings of the Road》(1976)
《美國朋友 The American Friend》(1977)
《賈斯伯荷西之謎 The Mystery of Kaspar Hauser》(1974)
《天譴 Aguirre, the Wrath of God》(1972)
(圖為馬丁.史柯西斯。 來源:Victoria Will/Invision/AP)
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5,860的網紅跟著領隊玩,也在其Youtube影片中提到,G10歐式華麗風加持 全新吃喝玩樂神體驗 新的G10 GO!市集潮到不行! 一進園區,就看見歐式時尚頂棚,唯美花藝搭配浪漫白紗妝點的活動入口,百人在草地上穿白衫大開WHITE派對,品嘗精緻的「風格」餐點。有人甚至愜意的躺在懶骨頭裡,聆聽著爵士女伶低沉慵懶唱著浪漫樂曲,昏黃點點的燈光就這樣隨心情亮了起...
outsiders遊戲 在 Miss M's language teaching salon Facebook 的最讚貼文
1. 學生撰寫自我資料
(1) 你想要跟那個卡通、漫畫或電影人物一起吃晚餐?
(2) 心情不好時想吃什麼水果?
(3) 什麼顏色帶給你安全感?
(4) 最想成為什麼動物?
2. 學生上台自我介紹
3. 學生交換自我資訊
4. 找出個人資料的共同點
1. 教師需要示範且明確的告訴學生您所期待的口語報告是怎麼樣的,從學生的聲量、手勢、眼神、開場白和結語給予示範和指導,這樣學生才知道一個理想的表達是什麼樣貌,才能真正的培養學生的口語表達力。
2. 提醒學生需要適當的分工,假設一組有三個同學,A同學撰寫答案,B同學負責美工,那麼C同學就要負責報告(當然也可以老師自行分配),要讓學生知道,不是能者多(過?)勞,每個人都要為自己的團體付出,而不只是當個旁觀者。
3. 找出共同點可以訓練學生的統整能力,英文課的閱讀訓練經常在訓練學生拿到文章後進行理解、分析和評鑑,這個活動我希望學生拿到資訊要懂得去整理和轉化。同時教師也可以進行態度的教導,在課堂的最後,我告訴學生,只要有心,再怎麼不一樣的人也可以找到共同點,因此不要覺得與你對方不一樣就排斥對方,帶著友善和開放的心,你會更了解對方,也更能找到你與對方的相似之處,就更有助於你的人際關係。
After telling all the classroom rules, I would like to know my students better. Next step I will invite my students to introduce themselves. However, I don’t like the ways they used to do. They are usually one-way introductions. I really hope students have more chances to interact with others. Therefore, I designed some activities for them to engage in this section.
On the other hand, I hope my students know more about how to make a good oral presentation. Also, students need to know how to cooperate with each other. In my opinion, the purpose of the language classes is to communicate with other. For the EFL learners like my students, it’s not an easy job. I hope my students understand that English classes are not equal to grammar rules explanation. They must speak up. It’s a long-term process which means that they need to train themselves now.
It took a class to finish all the teaching process. The steps that I went through are as following.
1. Write down the personal information
I gave my students a piece of paper that they wrote down their personal stuff on it (Names in the middle of the paper and other information in the corners). Besides names, I asked them to answer the following questions.
(1) Who do you like to eat dinner with? (Spider man or Captain America)
(2) What fruits will you eat if you are down?
(3) What color brings you a sense of security?
(4) What animal do you want to be?
2. Invite students to introduce themselves on the stage.
I showed how to make a good oral presentation, including the eye contact, opening and conclusion. Then I picked up some students to do it and encourage them to use English.
3. Exchange Activity.
Students read their personal information and exchange with other students. They needed to do it again and again until time ends.
4. Find out the common grounds
Students went back to their groups and checked out the paper they got. They needed to find out something in common from the paper. They wrote the common grounds on the mini white board and shared with other students.
After the class:
1. Taiwanese students aren’t used to express themselves in public. It’s not right. Besides reading and writing, teachers also need to pay attention to their oral expression. Once students used to it, they will amaze you.
2. Teachers must remind students to have team work spirit. They need to work together for the projects. All the group members need to contribute themselves to their teams. Students can’t be the outsiders.
3. The last activity is a good way to train students to read, analyze and evaluate the reading materials. Also, teachers can teach students right attitude toward friendship at the end of the class. Teachers should remind students to open their mind. It will help to find more friends.
In short, the purpose of this class is to build the relationship between the teacher and students. It will help teachers to understand their students better. On the other hand, students will know more about the ways of giving the lessons. I hope this article will do you good. See you!
outsiders遊戲 在 麗莎邱的業餘翻譯筆記本 Facebook 的精選貼文
*2015年即將上映的電影「模仿遊戲」,講述電腦科學之父-艾倫·圖靈的故事,廣為人知的「驗證碼」(CAPTCHA)其實就來自他的「圖靈測試」(Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart)
“[Alan Turing] was and is a hero of all time…a man who is a gay icon, who didn’t deny his nature, his being, and for that he suffered. … This is a story that celebrates him, that celebrates outsiders; it celebrates anybody who’s ever felt different and ostracized and ever suffered prejudice. This award is to him. This is for Alan Turing. Thank you very much indeed.”
請欣賞: 【今夜秀】 班奈迪克康柏拜區玩「三文字」遊戲
outsiders遊戲 在 跟著領隊玩 Youtube 的精選貼文
G10歐式華麗風加持 全新吃喝玩樂神體驗
新的G10 GO!市集潮到不行! 一進園區,就看見歐式時尚頂棚,唯美花藝搭配浪漫白紗妝點的活動入口,百人在草地上穿白衫大開WHITE派對,品嘗精緻的「風格」餐點。有人甚至愜意的躺在懶骨頭裡,聆聽著爵士女伶低沉慵懶唱著浪漫樂曲,昏黃點點的燈光就這樣隨心情亮了起來。現場的文創區進駐現代新知的三大企業貨櫃,帶你了解綠建材、電動機車等時代產物,全新改版的貨櫃美食與神級快閃美式文創餐車,更讓人味蕾週週驚喜!
夏日草地野餐派對 邀你盡情耍WHITE
這次改版以風格時尚為主,訴求在都市叢林中,打造桃園藝文特區全新食尚秘境。因此,特於7/7亮點日舉辦一場「夏日微醺草地音樂派對」慶改裝! 上百人享受風格餐桌,身著白衫入席耍WHITE,場面相當壯觀。有民眾說,平常工作壓力大,週末就要犒賞自己,約朋友喝點小酒微醺,吃點異國料理,晚上再看星光電影院播放浪漫愛情大片《樂來越愛你La La Land》,免費品嚐「星球工坊」爆米花,這樣的夏日派對,一生就該有一次!
新版貨櫃美食對上神級快閃餐車 競爆你的味蕾
新版貨櫃美食也是G10的新亮點! 從BINGO BISTRO到TRIO、2YUM、打氣吧、鳥大人等,推出齒頰留香的新菜,有義式鮪魚醬筆管冷麵、滷肉乾麵、擂茶花生雞蛋仔、小芒芒人海、泰式炸雞等。今天來品嚐的朋友還可享超值9折優惠,各攤也配合7/7推出77元神秘小餐點。
被網友公認的神級美式文創餐車以每週快閃的方式進駐,像黑膠漢堡的黑色墨魚漢堡、Aha burgers天堂極美味的手作漢堡、River &Truck香噴噴窯烤Pizza、這好咖啡Zero Coffee帶點態度的創意咖啡、Outsiders Patisserie局外人甜點等,等,超多無法抵擋的快閃好料,保證週週競爆你的味蕾!
三大企業貨櫃全新登場 巨大彈珠檯陪你玩一夏
outsiders遊戲 在 夢幻光o Youtube 的最佳解答
遊戲王 自閉流內戰鬥到雙方平手!!? 階級實戰牌組介紹#11(番外篇)
牌組資訊 由左到右:
熔岩魔神 (馬利克新手牌組 馬利克活動
栗子 (第1盒
栗子球(活動 目前無法取得
黃金瓢蟲 (第9盒
迷犬 (第4盒
至高果實 (與杏子決鬥隨機掉落 階級SR兌換卷
心眼的祭壇 (第8迷你
死亡反擊 (第2盒
肥大化 (第6迷你
BGM: 【東方ボーカル】 「那由多の唄」 【森羅万象】
BGM2:【東方Touhou】凋叶棕|true outsiders【中日附詞】
BGM4:【東方Vocal】ALiCE'S EMOTiON|Foughten Field【Vo. 野宮あゆみ】