要不是最後兩天從五星級飯店搬到青年旅館,不然我們根本不想出門體驗巴拿馬市區😂 York 帶我去之前從可從希爾頓窗戶看到的舊城區🏙️ 原來舊城區建於 1673,而且還是座世界遺產❤️
不過最令人震驚的是舊城區到處都在維修。 維修完整性的程度讓我想到愛沙尼亞的 Tallinn 塔林古城😝 不過說真的巴拿馬運河每艘船需要付三十萬到八十萬美金通過,這個國家真的有很多錢可以做很多事情😂
巴拿馬運河被譽為「世界七大現代工程奇蹟」😊 跟巴拉圭與巴西合建的伊泰普水壩是同等級。 當時進去水壩看到那高聳的牆壁,瞬間令人感到渺小😲 沒看過那篇網誌的人趕快看這篇來↪ https://wp.me/p5lkw8-1CW 真的是我們倆大大推薦的南美冷門景點❤️
而巴拿馬運河本身橫跨太平洋以及大西洋,節省了貨船的時間🛳️ 我們很幸運晚到還看到兩艘船經過! 雖然本身很無聊,但是之後背後偉大工程的歷史以及創新性就不得感到佩服😍 由於時間不夠,這篇相簿就先給大家看看照片,其他的介紹就等我的網誌吧😁 #巴拿馬 #世界奇蹟 #世界遺產 #中美蜜月行
Oh~ Panama City, you surprised me 🎵 After moving into a cheap hostel, York and I finally went out and explored😂 There's actually more to this city than the Canal ❤️
We discovered the UNESCO old town on the other side of the city🏡 Built in 1673, this old town has the feel of old town Tallinn in Estonia 😊 There's restoration going on EVERYWHERE, I guess if each ship costs USD$300,000 to USD$800,000 to go through the canal💰 the country technically can fix up a lot of things 😂
A visit to Panama Canal is also a must in this country! Considered to be one of the "Seven Wonders of the Modern World"🏙️ This gigantic engineering miracle is not to be missed😍 We saw two large vessels crossing the Miraflores Lock 🛳️ We also visited the musuem which gave us more info on the canal than BBC documentary itself 🎬 Ahh~ Enjoying city life ❤️ #panamacity #unesco #backpackinghoneymoon
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