Who Do The Gods of Plague Favour?
今年一月頭時,我師父 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu 告訴我鼠年一到,馬來西亞會有很多的問題,因為這國家和當時還在執政的首相和老鼠有沖。
In December 2019, my Root Guru Master, His Holiness Living Buddha Lian-Sheng, recorded a Chinese New Year programme in which He gave a score of 20 (out of 100) for the world economy and Earth’s destiny in the year 2020. He even predicted a super-virus appearing: https://youtu.be/gqvgwuQpPPU
In Jan this year, my Shifu (Master Dai Hu) told me that the advent of the Year of Rat would bring plenty of troubles to Malaysia due to energy clashes between the country, the Prime Minister at that time, and the Rat.
So came the news late last night that Malaysia is going to impose a 2-week lock-down of the country, restricting Malaysians from leaving the country as well as foreigners entering Malaysia.
I recorded this video on 9 Feb this year, and uploaded it onto my YouTube channel on 17th Feb to remind fellow Singaporeans not to stockpile out of panic, and to be aware of what’s virtuous and what’s not.
We must believe in our Government, and have faith in the geographical Feng Shui and positive energies of our country. Believe that Singapore will stand out from the rest in handling this virus crisis.
You may not know this. The name and logo of the ruling party, People’s Action Party, are auspicious and a blessing to Singapore. Thus, even though the Party may fall short in some areas, the PAP will be able to lead the country through a crisis, time after time.
Rodents have extraordinary reproductive power. They can give birth to 10-12 young ones every 3-4 weeks, growing their numbers to the thousands in a year’s time. Rodents are also usually carriers of disease. Therefore we see the virulent nature of the Covid-19 disease this year. From the Chinese Metaphysics' point of view, I have mentioned in my video that this pandemic in Singapore will last at least 6 months.
We have yet to see the peak of this disease. But please do not worry.
How long might it last? It all depends on this one factor... please watch my video: https://youtu.be/hyaB3oJ0dyc
peak time節目 在 蘋 , 飯 , 遊 ,生 Facebook 的最佳解答
Stacked Nutella
That's damn cute..although I am not chocolate fans but I would still like to come and try!! Waiting time +15mins, It will be better if its not that busy...dirty table, bottles and bowls are everywhere waiting for collect and clean!!
But the decorations is cute and it's really the memories when we were little!! They suggest to come ard 4/5pm to avoid the peak time~ so please feel free to come and try!!
行完Brick Lane Market,再搵人搵友人介紹嘅店鋪,係依到附近,唔係唔去嘛~
門口唔難搵,但可能係星期日,非常多人,排隊等點野,但係無menu比你嫁,所以一輪到你時就快啲點,事關好多人望住。我有選擇困難症,但基於壓力,諗咩呀,隨便點啦;雖然想點Strawberrynet 嘅熱飲,但真係好多對眼望住,其實我點嘅入面有咩我都唔知,如果想有時間諗清靜,唔咁趕,真係勸大家晏就4/5點先黎;店鋪裝潢超級童真可愛,好多兒童節目啲錄影帶,玩具,糖果,插畫,仲播埋兒童音樂,我啲童年感覺番晒黎;但可能太多人幫襯,所以擴張至地下一層,可惜地下燈泡壞咗幾粒,暗之餘仲無network 收唔到!
隨便啦,等咗起碼25分鐘,杯野黎啦,可愛到爆。比想像中好,唔會甜死人,熱朱古力上個一大舊cream同朱古力醬,慢慢溶化,溶化埋我啦。杯邊都沾滿朱古力醬同早餐個啲朱古力肥粒,正呀!好有童年回憶,好似番咗去細個係咁食,由得你肥嘅時光!費時你淨飲野,杯邊仲插咗舊chocolate brownie 比你,夠晒數!
peak time節目 在 看電影學英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
Let's read these before we go home!
電影 Morning Glory – 麻辣女強人, 10 句精彩對話 Part 11
It's all just a big mess. Because of Mike that he can’t be bothered!
1. But the joke's on me, cause it turns out you failed even more completely than the network thought.
是我太傻了, 因為妳失敗的結果, 其程度遠超過公司(network, 電視網) 想像的還要徹底
2. Not only will you have significantly weakened our news division, you will have presided over the demise of a show that's been on the air for 47 years! Nice work.
妳不單只是讓新聞部陷於困境, 妳將成為主導弄死(demise) 47年歷史的節目, 做得好!
(presided over, be at the head of, be in authority)
3. Go. You've wasted enough of my time.
滾! 妳簡直是在浪費我的時間
4. Can you just not tell anyone yet? Because morale isn't exactly at a peak.
可以先不要告訴任何人嗎? 因為大家現在的士氣都很低落
5. Well, first dates can be awkward.
6. I've had enough!
7. I've looked up to you all my life. You know that? I actually idolized you.
我這輩子都非常尊敬你。你知道嗎? 事實上你是我的偶像
8. What's goin' on? He broke the latest Daybreak EP.
發生什麼事了? 他把Daybreak新上任的 EP (Executive Producer, 製作人)搞瘋了
9. Surprisingly toasty day out here, isn't it, folks?
這裡的氣溫還真意外的暖和, 不是嗎? 鄉親們!
(toasty, pleasantly or comfortably warm)
10. Becky: Jerry, I would like to talk to you. Jerry: You're gonna bust a cap in my ass?
Becky: Jerry, 我要和你談談。 Jerry: 妳想威脅我?
Becky is not going to give up. She has to negotiate with Jerry to have his word.
To be continued…