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Auntie Lilly is excited to share the good news with my friends & family about 𝐊𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐨 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐆𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭, the innovative multipurpose sanitizing product from Kleenso Resources Sdn Bhd. 😉😉
With the recent cases of coronavirus spiked in across Malaysia this year, Malaysians are rushing to proactively flatten the curve of rising Covid cases nationwide with the urgent need for safe surface sanitization products amidst the current, MCO 3.0. 😷😷
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ph defense news 在 Papa Azri Facebook 的精選貼文
Di mana Menteri Kesihatan?
1. Rentetan perkembangan kes Covid-19, PH melalui kempen media sosialnya menyerang Menteri Kesihatan, Dr Adham Baba dengan tema ‘Menteri Kesihatan Hilang’.
2. Ia dicetus dengan tuduhan beliau sibuk bermain golf di Desaru, semalam. Turut menyemarakkan tuduhan ini ialah Ahli Parlimen Kangar (PKR) melalui ciapan di Twitter semalam (sudah dipadam): “Eh, Menteri Kesihatan pun main golf?”
3. Menteri Kesihatan, semalam, sebenarnya mengendalikan 3 mesyuarat Covid di Putrajaya.…/bila-pula-saya-main-golf-di-…/
4. Dalam pengendalian Covid, pendekatan Adham bukan seperti menteri-menteri PH terdahulu yang masing-masing sibuk mahu tampil di sidang media setiap hari yang kemudiannya mengeluarkan kenyataan mengarut.
5. Tugas sebagai jurucakap Covid-Kesihatan, diterajui Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan, Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah manakala jurucakap Covid-Keselamatan, diterajui Menteri Pertahanan, Ismail Sabri.
6. Apabila Adham tidak muncul di kaca televisyen, ia bukan petunjuk beliau tidak bekerja. Boleh lihat foto-foto gerak kerjanya yang dipaparkan di Twitter.
7. Jika beliau hilang dan tidak buat kerja, ertinya, katil untuk pesakit Covid tidak cukup, ventilator untuk pesakit kritikal tidak cukup, pusat rawatan huru-hara, peralatan dan perkhidmatan serba daif. Namun, pengiktirafan WHO terhadap gerak kerja kesihatan Malaysia membuktikan sebaliknya, iaitu sektor kesihatan dikendalikan dengan elok sekali.
8. Suatu perkara yang perlu diperbanding, baru-baru ini, beliau umum kementeriannya melanjutkan kontrak lebih 2,000 pegawai perubatan, gigi dan farmasi.…/Kontrak-2070-MO-pergigian-…
9. Ia mengingatkan kita bagaimana PH melayan penjawat awam di bawah KKM ini. Masih ingat elaun kritikal pegawai dan kakitangan kesihatan lantikan baharu nyaris-nyaris dimansuhkan?…/mbm-bantah-pemansuhan-elaun-kr…
10. Dan masih ingat betapa kita kekurangan kakitangan kesihatan, tetapi PH membuat keputusan mahu mengurangkan 5% perjawatan awam (13 Disember 2019)?
11. Bagaimanapun, di pihak orang ramai, jika tidak melihat bagaimana Menteri Kesihatan bekerja, itu bukan salah mereka. Bukan tugas orang ramai untuk membelek dan mengorek satu persatu kerja menteri. Apa yang melintas dan terhidang di skrin telefon, itu yang menjadi tanggapan.
Where is the Minister of Health?
1. A string of development of COVID-19 cases, PH through his social media campaign attacked the Minister of Health, Dr Adham Baba with the theme 'Lost Health Minister'.
2. It was triggered by charges he was busy golfing in Desaru, yesterday. Also enlightened the accusation of the Kangar (PKR) Parliament member via preparation on Twitter yesterday (deleted): ′′ Eh, the Minister of Health is golfing?"
3. Ministers of Health, yesterday, actually handled 3 Covid meetings in Putrajaya.
4. In the handling of Covid, Adham's approach is not like the previous PH ministers who are busy to perform at the media conference every day that later released bullshit statement.
5. Duties as the spokesperson of COVID-Health, led by the Director of Health, Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah while the spokesperson of Covid-Safety, led by the Defense Minister, Is
6. When Adham doesn't appear on the television glass, it's not a clue he doesn't Can see photos of his work featured on Twitter.
7. If he disappears and doesn't do work, it means that the bed for a Covid patient isn't enough, a ventilator for a critical patient is not enough, chaos treatment center, equipment and services are all-daif. However, WHO's recognition of Malaysian health work proves otherwise, the health sector is well operated.
8. Something to comparison, recently, his ministry proceeded the contract of more than 2,000 medical, dental and pharmacy officers.
9. It reminds us how PH treats civil servants under this KKM. Remember the critical allowance of new appointments and health staff are almost abolished?
10. And still remember how much we lack health staff, but PH decided to reduce 5 % of public care (December 13, 2019)?
11. However, on the public, if you don't see how the Health Minister works, it's not their fault. It's not the job of people to turn and dig one by one minister's work. What crossed and served on the phone screen, that's the impression.Translated