“Admiral this skirt is too short! It should be illegal! Poor Shimakaze..."
Bella is so childish and stupid, after the release of Pokemon Go she decided to watch the anime again from the start! Still disappointed at XY&Z episode 38 though… Btw, did you know that one of my first cosplays was Hilda from BW?
上個月一開始玩PKM Go就重看了寵物小精靈/神器寶貝的動畫... 由第一季起 @_@ 因為對XYZ第三十八集好失望所以想懷念一下我童年的小智~ 其實我第一次在香港ACG動漫節出cos就是PKM黑白的女主,可惜當年未開始認真cos所以冇相睇!
Photo - Raindrop