本專頁的帳號為 siutaoCOS,而該帳號則用了siutaoC0S,把cos中的英文字「O」轉為了數字「0」以混淆視聽。
以FB專頁也只此一個,並沒其他分頁!!!(Singapore及Vietnam Fans Page為本人認可,不是什麼假帳。)
This post will be describing the incident that has happened earlier today, and I would like everyone to be aware and not accidentally give away personal information to a fake account.
This morning when I woke up, I received notifications and questions from friends and everyone, regarding a Facebook account pretending to be mine. *I would like to remind everyone again that this account is not created by me!!!*
This account was recently created and used the same name and profile as my own. My page link is siutaoCOS, and this fake account used siutaoC0S, changing the capitalized [O] in the link name to the numeral [0] zero to befuddle everyone.
During that time, the account created a post that asked everyone to fill in their information in a suspicious website, which was created under a fake identity, attempting to scam personal and credit card information.
Upon discovery, I have posted clarifications and requested everyone to assist in reporting the post. My clarifications were posted on my page, Instagram and personal account.
The scammer messaged my page directly after my revealing that the account was a fake, and asked why I wanted to ruin him, and even harshly scolded me in return for no reason. After that, with the assistance of everyone, the scammer deleted all related information to the attempted scam and changed his profile and cover picture to avoid Facebook’s automated investigation system. In the end, Facebook declared that there was no issue with the scammer’s account.
At this point I was powerless to do anything. 😢
I would like to thank everyone’s efforts in reporting the account, and though it was not successful, I would like to take this opportunity to inform everyone to be aware, and not get scammed by impersonation efforts.😭🙏🏻💦
If by any chance you had filled in personal information or other information, please immediately change all passwords and information, and contact relevant agencies if necessary. This is to prevent misuse of your information and linked accounts.
*****I would also like to mention, that I would not randomly add friends into my personal account, unless it was a public notice, privately discussed or agreed upon.
(I would like everyone to understand that I need some personal space as well🙏🏻😢).
This is my only page on Facebook and I have no other pages!!! (The Singapore and Vietnam Fan Pages were approved by me, and they are not fake accounts or impersonators.)
Apart from direct sales, I will never request for information from anyone. This information from sales will not be disclosed to anyone else or to a third party! In the future, if anyone notices an impersonator or fake account, please help me to report them!😭🙏🏻******
Once again, I would like to thank everyone who has supported me, believed in me and helped out! Love you all! 😭🙏🏻❤️
「point of no return中文」的推薦目錄:
- 關於point of no return中文 在 小桃 Siutao Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於point of no return中文 在 葉郎:異聞筆記 / Dr. Strangenote Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於point of no return中文 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於point of no return中文 在 [歌詞] Point Of No Return(不歸路) - 看板SuperJunior - 批踢踢 ... 的評價
- 關於point of no return中文 在 LiveABC互動英語- #英文片語#一天一片語 point of no return... 的評價
- 關於point of no return中文 在 《 回頭太難》預告片The Point Of No Return Trailer (2000) 的評價
point of no return中文 在 葉郎:異聞筆記 / Dr. Strangenote Facebook 的最佳解答
前天是《Fight Club 鬥陣俱樂部》的20歲生日。20年後這部仰賴DVD成為邪典的電影還直挺挺地站在經典的殿堂,但DVD這個一度統治地球的媒介卻已經是迎向夕陽的牛仔,來日不多了......
【Fight Club: 立足原爆點回顧DVD生與死】
事隔近二十年,記性不好的影迷或許已經很難相信被X世代視作經典的David Fincher電影《Fight Club 鬥陣俱樂部》其實在1999年上映時是票房、評論兩失意的滑鐵盧之作。奇妙的是這部強力攻擊消費主義的「失敗」之作稍後藉以谷底翻身甚至直接躍昇邪典(Cult)的神奇道具,居然還是消費史上普及最快的電子娛樂消費產品——DVD。
二十年來DVD產業劇烈撼動電影這個產業,也強佔你我家中書櫃空間許多年,即使現時已經日薄西山也算是轟轟烈烈活過一場。是時候打破Rule No. 1,談談DVD大爆發的原爆點:《鬥陣俱樂部》。
▇ 都是廣告惹的禍
導演David Fincher本身也是另外一個日薄西山的消費產品——MTV音樂頻道——的「遺產」。憑藉快速、直接、精確控制的鏡頭語言,同輩音樂錄影帶導演中他是極少數進入殿堂得到廣泛、持續認同的作者。
當他看中作家Chuck Palahniuk這本同名小說《鬥陣俱樂部》來改編電影時,這本賣得普普通通的書大約只賣出了5000本左右。「誰不想看信用卡公司被炸掉!」David Fincher如此形容他對這個故事的狂熱。
但包含Rupert Murdoch在內的Fox高層對於David Fincher熱衷的社會議題不太有感,最後斷然決定在電影宣傳期把這些資訊都先隱藏起來,集中火力宣傳電影的暴力畫面和動作橋段。
歷史證明這個錯誤的宣傳策略最後讓他們徹底灰頭土臉。夏天還沒到就發生了慘絕人寰的科倫拜校園殺人事件,錯愕的Fox即便把電影從暑假熱門檔期延後到十月上映,仍然抵擋不了美國輿論對於《鬥陣俱樂部》中暴力內容的強烈質疑。氣憤的電視名嘴Rosie O’Donell甚至不惜在節目中直接爆雷公佈結局,企圖摧毀觀眾樂趣以求徹底毀滅這部電影。
耗資6,300萬美元的《鬥陣俱樂部》在爭議聲中只賣得3,700萬的北美票房,在全球也只有差強人意的1億美元。雖不致血本無歸,但這個慘烈成績間接促使Rupert Murdoch幾個月後毅然開除帶領Fox創造好幾年空前榮景的執行長 Bill Mechanic。
▇ 所有權的消費革命
少為人知的是,跟早年的VHS vs Betamax以及後來的Blu-ray vs HD-DVD一樣,DVD原來也有Sony和Warner為首的兩大陣營規格戰。不同的是這一回的規格戰在正式上市前就達成和解,預先替1996年上市後的成長之路掃除障礙。
1996年12月20日Warner在日本發行的歷史上第一批電影DVD:分別是《Point of No Return 雙面女蠍星》、《Blade Runner 銀翼殺手》、《Eraser 魔鬼毀滅者》和《The Fugitive 絕命追殺令》。DVD大爆發自是日引爆。
▇ 英雄出場神救援
兩年多後,《鬥陣俱樂部》在1999年11月11日發行了那張改變命運的DVD,幾個月後還發行了收藏版的DVD。根據2014年David Fincher自己在Comic-Con大會上的說法:「《鬥陣俱樂部》已經賣掉1,300萬張DVD。老早就回本了!」
另外一個被DVD即刻救援的,是已經在唱片市場崩解中被震得七暈八素的唱片行。尤其對Tower Records、HMV等大型連鎖通路來說,DVD這劑強心針至少讓他們多活了好幾年,因為DVD很快就取代百年歷史的唱片,成為家庭娛樂消費產品的龍頭。
不只有自己的廣告,這時候DVD有自己的行銷策略、自己的海報(以適應空間有限的大賣場貨架)。DVD甚至回頭影響電影企劃的開端和選角,並且左右續集的開拍與否。業界盛傳Warner就是看到《The Matrix駭客任務》的DVD銷售報表,才罕見地同意一口氣開拍兩部續集。
▇ DVD自己的小宇宙
DVD產業創造了一個屬於自己的小宇宙,給了像《鬥陣俱樂部》這樣的小眾電影或是票房失敗的電影第二次機會。類似的命運也發生在《Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 王牌冤家》、《Donnie Darko觸目驚魂28天》等電影上。
David Fincher當年堅持要替《鬥陣俱樂部》加上Edward Norton快速而且量大的碎碎念旁白,甚至開除掉企圖拿掉旁白的製片。電影在威尼斯影展首映時他就知道戲院的票房會完蛋了,因為成堆的義大利文字幕佔據了畫面的將近一半,沒有戲院觀眾會願意看這麼多字幕、消化這麼多資訊。
小眾、多元、更具包容性的DVD觀眾願意。事實上DVD的觀眾還享有特權可以看到那些戲院觀眾看不到的線索:比如慢速放映或是定格才找得到David Fincher在Brad Pitt角色正式登場前就不斷插入、在戲院根本就不可能看到的Brad Pitt畫格。
DVD也成為導演的第二次創作機會,讓他們有機會補正錯誤或是延伸創作。比方《鬥陣俱樂部》DVD播放前仿效FBI反盜版警語的畫面,其實是出自精心設計的一段Brad Pitt角色Tyler給觀眾的警語。
關於二次創作更極致的案例或許是2005年Ridley Scott的《Kingdom of Heaven 王者天下》。電影上映的版本是不忍卒睹的災難,但Ridley Scott爭取到了重新剪輯一個DVD專屬的Director’s Cut導演版的機會,透過DVD的發行得到了起死回生的好評。
Ridley Scott本人也貢獻了DVD產業最重要的商業模式之一:用英文來說叫做Milking擠奶,用中文來說就是一條牛扒好幾層皮。
二十年來他的邪典名作《銀翼殺手》(同時也是歷史上第一張DVD)發行過各種版本的DVD,其中2007年發行的五碟終極收藏版甚至包含了五個剪輯版本的電影正片:包含1982年美國戲院版、1982年國際戲院版、1989年出土的Workprint原始初剪版、1991年導演未認可(!)的導演版以及2007年導演認可的Final Cut終極版。收藏版、特別版、限量版、加長版、修復版、導演版、終極版、重生版…..等等眼花撩亂名詞背後,是殺到眼紅的片商想盡辦法在末日來臨(影迷的DVD櫃再也放不下)前搾乾你荷包的緊繃情緒。
▇ 迎向夕陽的牛仔
兩年後那種市場倍數成長的神奇魔法終於消退,2006年DVD市場最後一次正成長之後,就是漫長死亡的軟著陸。Sony領軍的MGM Holdings也不得不在2010年申請破產。
結果DVD大爆發的奇蹟沒有發生在藍光身上。對比賣出1,300萬張的《鬥陣俱樂部》,目前只有四部藍光電影跨過500萬張的門檻。它們分別是《Frozen 冰雪奇緣》、《Avatar 阿凡達》、《Despicable Me 2 神偷奶爸2》和《Star Wars: The Force Awakens 原力覺醒》。David Fincher導演備受好評的近作《Gone Girl 控制》藍光銷售量甚至連百萬都跨不過。
電視、戲院、DVD多年的糾纏爭戰,最後讓他們投降的大魔王全是「網路」。網路不只清空了大家的CD櫃,連DVD櫃也一併騰空。根據Digital Entertainment Group發佈的2017年美國市場統計數據:線上串流訂閱制產值95.5億,DVD和藍光加總起來已經只剩下4.5億美元,而且還在以每年近20%的速度萎縮中。
不用等到《鬥陣俱樂部》中無政府主義者的炸彈攻擊,二十年後這場光碟片消費狂熱已經就地自爆,人去樓空。而DVD就像任務完結的老牛仔一樣,正搖搖晃晃地騎著馬邁向銀幕遠方的夕陽。The End.
point of no return中文 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文
【解開人生謎題的寶書】(English writing below)
一般人要文昌,因爲追求功名。但我對人間的智慧,已意興闌珊。我要文昌,因爲希望早日開竅,拜託,不要那麽笨 ~~
1) 新加坡紀伊書店 - https://singapore.kinokuniya.com/bw/9789573052654
2) 台灣金石堂 - https://www.kingstone.com.tw/basics/basics.asp?kmcode=2012000022409&lid=common-index-billboard-all&actid=bookindex
3) 真佛般若藏 - https://www.tbboyeh.org/cht#/store
"Dharma Sister, the numbers for book signing have all been given out!"
Venue: Daden Culture book stall at Taiwan Lei Tsang Temple
I was holding on to "The Buddha I Know: Thus Have I Heard", the latest book by my Root Guru, His Holiness Living Buddha Lian Sheng, with my other hand grasping onto the cash, wanting to pay for the book.
"No problem, Dharma Brother. Without the autograph of Grandmaster, I would still wish to buy this book." I smiled in reply, thanking him for his friendly reminder.
I prefer reading from an actual book over an ebook. Back at home, I have one full wall of my Grandmaster's books on my bookshelves.
I rarely buy my Grandmaster's books from Lei Tsang temples. Usually, for His latest release, I would buy from Singapore Kinokuniya book store. It is my hope that this little gesture would help to boost sales at external bookstores, so that my Grandmaster's books can continue to be sold beyond the temples. To pay for it is my small token of appreciation and support for the author's effort.
To have my Grandmaster's autograph on the book is, of course, covetable, but whether the I can attain enlightenment is still dependant on my hard work.
When I first heard my Grandmaster announcing the book title "The Buddha I Know: Thus Have I Heard", I immediately felt a sense of closeness.
Everybody has a different starting point for believing in the Buddha. There are some people who are devoted to Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva, and hence take refuge. For me, it was because of Shakyamuni Buddha.
During my NUS Buddhist Society days, I often visited a Sri Lanka Buddhist temple in Singapore. I would pay homage to Buddha and circumambulate the Bodhi tree. For many years, I would be at the temple regurgitating my troubles and sufferings to Buddha. Sometimes, I would circumambulate endless rounds around the Bodhi tree while being troubled. When my first relationship failed, I cried in front of the Sleeping Buddha for 2 hours.
At that time, I didn't understand why my life was tougher than other people, no matter how much effort I poured in. I kept pleading to Buddha for an answer. For what am I alive for? Why do I have to come to this mortal world? What can I do to improve my life?
Naturally, how could the Buddha that sat on the altar literally speak to this resentful girl?
With the money I scrimped and saved working part-time during my uni days, I bought a Buddha statue and after having it consecrated, I enshrined the statue in my study room. Once, when my mum was angry with me over some issue, she threw away the Buddha statue while I was out.
Upon graduation, I bought another Buddha statue. The silly me assumed that both statues are of Shakyamuni Buddha when in fact, they were of Mahāvairocana Buddha.
I guess this must be one affinity why I took refuge in my Grandmaster 5 years later.
In 2013, Seattle Lei Tsang Temple started a new column "Thus Have I Heard", reporting on the daily Dharma teachings of Grandmaster. Dragging the husband along, we volunteered to translate a few of the reports into English for the official website. It was our little way to repay Grandmaster for his selfless contributions and teachings.
Now you know why I took a liking to the book title almost immediately.
On the flight back from Taiwan, I read the book for about 2 hours.
I suddenly had a realisation. The young lady that cried and bemoaned her fate in front of Shakyamuni Buddha 19 years ago had her prayers answered after all. Buddha did hear her pleas and did not let her prayers go unfulfilled.
I was a Science student and since young, I was full of curiosity for this world. The encyclopaedia I had at home had been read at least 100 times over 10 years. But I had always felt that the knowledge humans need to know should be more than that.
Before taking refuge in Grandmaster, I had read, watched and listened to many Dharma discourses expounded by many famous Venerables, both in English and Chinese. They all explained the teachings of Buddha very well.
However, only Living Buddha Lian-Sheng could thoroughly answer my conundrums about life and this universe, through His Dharma discourses and books.
Especially in this book.
Apart from the science that we know, there is indeed another dimension of existence, another field of energy from the Universe.
When we take refuge to learn the Dharma, we are essentially learning what the Buddha had taught. The sole purpose is to eventually attain Buddhahood.
But do you know, just what kind of Buddhists are recognised by Shakyamuni Buddha as true disciples?
And how can we humans break free from sufferings and achieve bliss? How can we tame the wild minds in us? How do we return to our true self from this mortal body?
Just what actually is our true nature?
That day, Shifu asked a young lady, "You say you wish to learn the Dharma. Then do you know who is the founder of Buddhism?"
She had read all of Shifu's FB articles from 2013-2019, but was unable to reply.
Do not treat the Buddhadharma as ordinary mortal knowledge, let alone masquerade under the name of learning the Dharma, but in reality, using the knowledge to make more money and build a business. Peddling the Buddha for self-profit is a sin that would have you swallowing red hot iron balls and drinking boiling hot liquid iron in Hell!
Before my trip to Taiwan, Shifu told me to take a photo with Taipei 101. So I went there with my Grandmaster's book.
Master Dai Hu had taught me, Taipei 101 is the modern-day version of Wen Chang Pagoda.
In ancient times, Wen Chang is highly valued, because it favours the academics, scholarly achievements and career. When a certain mountain form is lacking in certain geographical locations, a Wen Chang Pagoda ( also known as Wen Feng Pagoda) would be constructed to activate and encourage the birth of more scholarly people.
So in the old days, there is the Wen Chang Pagoda, and now we have the Taipei 101.
In the past, there is Buddha who first expounded on the Four Noble Truths. And now, we have His Holiness, Dharma King Lian Sheng, to continue turning the Wheel of Dharma.
What about humans? Throughout history, humans have lived a befuddled existence. Even till now.
Most people want Wen Chang because they pursue fame and recognition. I covet Wen Chang, because I hope to get enlightened sooner. Oh please, let me be less stupid...
Whether you are new to the teachings of Buddha, or a Buddhist disciple for years, if you are pursuing the ultimate truth of Life like me, this book will open up your eyes and have you singing in praises.
Just how well do you know Buddha?
I strongly recommend this book and you can purchase it online at the links below, or hop over to True Buddha Prajna Treasury to read the ebook or listen to the audiobook for free.
1) Kinokuniya Singapore - https://singapore.kinokuniya.com/bw/9789573052654
2) Kingstone Taiwan - https://www.kingstone.com.tw/basics/basics.asp?kmcode=2012000022409&lid=common-index-billboard-all&actid=bookindex
3) 真佛般若藏 True Buddha Prajna Treasury - https://www.tbboyeh.org/cht#/store
point of no return中文 在 LiveABC互動英語- #英文片語#一天一片語 point of no return... 的推薦與評價
英文片語#一天一片語 point of no return 無法回頭的地步⚠ 原為航空術語,表示「不歸點」, ... CNN互動英語、互動日本語、HOW IT WORKS知識大圖解中文版. ... <看更多>
point of no return中文 在 《 回頭太難》預告片The Point Of No Return Trailer (2000) 的推薦與評價
[天馬片庫]導演:招振強主演:呂良偉馬德鐘彭丹一九九九年九月二十一日台灣發生大地震,全國數千幢樓宇倒塌,接近萬人死傷,數十萬人無家可歸, ... ... <看更多>
point of no return中文 在 [歌詞] Point Of No Return(不歸路) - 看板SuperJunior - 批踢踢 ... 的推薦與評價
藝 無論發生甚麼 簡直無法相信
冷卻的指尖 (基於)防衛本能 感情逐漸麻痺
圭 虛假的世界 是從何時開始
旭 不想知道 只想忘掉
圭 厭惡謊言(的我) 你應深知
旭 你到底是誰? 陌生的人(原意 不認識的女人)
藝 不歸之路 已無法回頭
旭 刺入這胸膛的刀 你應看不到
圭 沒有第二次機會
我們的愛已墜落燃盡 徹底失敗
藝 若立場相反 你是否能忍受?
旭 如何能回頭
圭 無須藉口 你為何哭泣?
不會特別去責備 但也無法原諒
旭 純粹的女神變為惡魔(圭 你就像惡魔)
藝 無法看透 我也有錯吧
旭 完美的演技 徹底受矇騙
藝 你到底是誰? 陌生的人
圭 不歸之路 已無法回頭
藝 填堵傷疤 你應辦不到
旭 沒有第二次機會
我們的愛已墜落燃盡 徹底失敗
藝 後悔也無意義 已於事無補無法回首
圭 當我說我們天生註定
旭 是否在心中嘲笑 Oh Oh Oh
(圭 現在就告訴我)
藝 Yes 就連誓約兩人未來的吻…No
旭 不歸之路
圭 刺入這胸膛的刀 你應看不到
旭 沒有第二次機會
藝 曾愛過 Wo~
圭 不歸之路 已無法回頭
旭 填堵傷疤 你應辦不到
圭 沒有第二次機會
我們的愛已墜落燃盡 徹底失敗
藝 後悔也無意義
旭 我們的愛已墜落燃盡 徹底失敗
圭 再也無法回首
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SuperJunior/M.1439212776.A.3AC.html
※ 編輯: perchingjp (, 08/11/2015 01:36:29
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