● 重點一:這不是美國當局第一次針對香港局勢表態,不過是第一次點名林鄭,應敦促針對港警與抗議民眾衝突相關事件的「獨立調查」
● 重點二 : 蓬佩奧今天的公開聲明,呼應了11/17路透引述白宮不具名高級官員的說法,即對北京政府喊話,期望北京政府恪守《中英聯合聲明》的承諾,並保障香港的自由、司法制度與民主生活方式。
「(美國)對香港日益嚴重的政治動盪和暴力行為,包括在香港理工大學和其他校園的抗議者與警察之間的僵持感到嚴重關切。 我們一再呼籲香港各方保持克制。
''The United States is gravely concerned by the deepening political unrest
and violence in Hong Kong including the standoff between protesters in police at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and other campuses.
We repeatedly call for restraint from all parties in Hong Kong. violence by any side is unacceptable. The Hong Kong government bears primary responsibility for bringing calm to Hong Kong. unrest and violence cannot be resolved by law enforcement efforts alone. The government must take clear steps to address public concerns.
In particular, we call on chief executive Carrie Lam to promote accountability by supplementing the Independent Police Complaints council review with an independent investigation into the protest related incidents.
As the United States government has said repeatedly the Chinese Communist Party must honor its promises to the Hong Kong people who only want the freedoms and liberties that They have been promised in the Sino-British Joint Declaration, a UN filed treaty.''
#hongkong #polyU #香港 #香港理工大學 #蓬佩奧
polyu投訴 在 唐家婕 - Jane Tang Facebook 的最讚貼文
● 重點一:這不是美國當局第一次針對香港局勢表態,不過是第一次點名林鄭,應敦促針對港警與抗議民眾衝突相關事件的「獨立調查」
● 重點二 : 蓬佩奧今天的公開聲明,呼應了11/17路透引述白宮不具名高級官員的說法,即對北京政府喊話,期望北京政府恪守《中英聯合聲明》的承諾,並保障香港的自由、司法制度與民主生活方式。
「(美國)對香港日益嚴重的政治動盪和暴力行為,包括在香港理工大學和其他校園的抗議者與警察之間的僵持感到嚴重關切。 我們一再呼籲香港各方保持克制。
''The United States is gravely concerned by the deepening political unrest
and violence in Hong Kong including the standoff between protesters in police at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and other campuses.
We repeatedly call for restraint from all parties in Hong Kong. violence by any side is unacceptable. The Hong Kong government bears primary responsibility for bringing calm to Hong Kong. unrest and violence cannot be resolved by law enforcement efforts alone. The government must take clear steps to address public concerns.
In particular, we call on chief executive Carrie Lam to promote accountability by supplementing the Independent Police Complaints council review with an independent investigation into the protest related incidents.
As the United States government has said repeatedly the Chinese Communist Party must honor its promises to the Hong Kong people who only want the freedoms and liberties that They have been promised in the Sino-British Joint Declaration, a UN filed treaty.''
#hongkong #polyU #香港 #香港理工大學 #蓬佩奧
polyu投訴 在 What do you think about PolyU? - YouTube 的推薦與評價

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polyu投訴 在 Polyu 會計科相認區🦦 - DSE 考生專區板 的推薦與評價
Polyu 會計科相認區 . DSE 考生專區. 2021年8月11日21:35 ... 有應屆DSE考生投訴考評局濫收買卷費用 . 心情125・留言15. thumbnail. ... <看更多>
polyu投訴 在 理工大學事務委員會hkpusu Polyuac - 【學生會跟進宿舍餐廳 ... 的推薦與評價
學生會跟進宿舍餐廳不合理加價之投訴】 【Unexpected HH hall ... 同學作出諮詢,如同學有需要,歡迎聯絡本會(polyuasec@su.polyu.edu.hk)作出跟進。 ... <看更多>