English below
We are very proud of Jessica’s efforts today to qualify for the Dicky Beach Nippers (Junior) Surf Life Saving Club today. It began with an assessment at the local swimming pool where she had to swim 50m and float on her back for a minute. Then we had to go down to Dicky Beach for an open water ocean swim. The water was extremely choppy and rough and she had to swim out to a buoy about 50m out and back unassisted. Despite never having done that before, she braved the water with waves crashing over her the whole way and completed the swim. It was a massive effort to overcome her doubts and fears. She broke down a little after the swim but it’s a huge step forward in her self belief and now she gets a unique opportunity to be a part of the surf lifesaving community here on the Sunshine Coast.
Unfortunately Jayden got NYQ (Not Yet Qualified) on his swimming assessment but he had fun and is sure to give it another go soon!
Little Nipper是Surf Club會訓練的小小海灘救生員,要加入他們成為學員,每個年齡層都有不同的測試,不滿9歲的姐姐要做泳池自由式50公尺,仰浮1分鐘,然後才可以去海邊測第二階段的實地測驗,要在海水裡游50公尺!
Good Job Jessica!
接下來的旅程我相信會是很豐富和精彩的,妳一定會很享受陽光海岸帶給妳美好,而Nipper的環境,一定會添加更多美麗的色彩在妳的人生的,加油、加油,我的大寶貝,You are awesome ❤️
Max Murphy
Puffy Murphy