The Positive Transformations Of My Children (English version below)
文 / 招甚有 Written by Gordonn Chiu
玳瑚師父,就如暴风雨中的一盏明燈,引导我離開險境, 走向正道。
1) 我現在有很乖巧聽話的孩子。他们非常尊敬长辈,家長及他们的朋友。
2) 孩子兄妹倆比以前更和睦相處,而不會天天争吵。以前他們不讓彼此進入自己的房間,但現在他们能够共用一張書桌,并且好声好氣地交谈,还交换發生在自己身上的故事。這对我來說是一项奇蹟。
3) 我的兒子昨天告诉我, 我已經有一整个月没有用藤条来鞭打他了。以前我每天都打他,因為這曾經是我唯一能够叫他做事情的方法。我告訴他,這很奇怪,因為我根本没想到要用藤条。現在我和我的太太,只要好声好气地叫他做事情,他都會聽從。
4) 在家裡,已经很少,甚至没有喊叫聲或哭闹聲了。这是我一直想要的一个家庭环境。
5) 孩子,现在都会自动自发地完成自己的功課。這對我来说是一项奇蹟,因為我和我太太都常常不在家。
6) 最神奇的是,昨天我其中一个孩子竟然坦誠地承認自己的過失。他清晨六点偷偷用了我的手機,发短訊給他美國的朋友,才回去入眠。這番話,是來之一位十二年裡,常常被逮到卻還要說謊的小孩口中。
眼看著玳瑚師父在我的生活中,所创造的種種奇蹟,我常常都觉得很奇妙。十二年以来,我和我太太的教导方式一点成效都没有, 玳瑚師父卻在一個月裡面,完全改變了我孩子的性格。真是奇蹟啊!
If I have a chance to start my life all over again, I would do it without a 2nd thought with the knowledge i now have. Life has been hard since young and usually, we always blame others during times of adversity but never point the finger back at ourselves.
玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu is like the lighthouse in the stormy weather, guiding me away from danger and towards the right path.
I was a naughty kid from young, always getting into mischief and trouble. Needless to say I always got punished which I deserved 100%, now that I think back.
Maybe it's karma that my own kids turned out the same way. I didn't know of any other way of discipline except the way that most parents of my era did. After 12 years of using this method of shouting, scolding, punishment and even using the rod, I can truly say that it doesn't work at all.
My wife and I were at our wits end. How can we help our children to navigate through this world without undergoing the pain that we went through?
After I obtained the road map of my life, the next step was to help my wife and children as well. I had never thought that Chinese Metaphysics and Buddhism could be used to change a person.
After about 1 month of implementation, I am a living testimonial that Chinese Metaphysics works wonders. If you add in Buddhism, the results are even more fantastic.
These are my current results after about only 1 month of implementation (Please note my kids were the total opposite before):
1) I have very well behaved kids now. They are respectful of elders, parents and their friends.
2) They get along better with each other now. Instead of fighting daily. They didn't even allow each other to enter the other sibling's room. Now they can share the same study table and talk nicely to each other and even share stories. It's a miracle to me.
3) My son told me yesterday that I haven't touched the rod for the entire last 1 month. That used to be the only way I could get him to do anything and it was a daily affair. I told him that it's funny but using the cane did not even come to my mind. Now my wife and I just need to ask him nicely to do things and he usually complies.
4) There is little to no shouting or crying in the house and it is the home environment that I have always wanted.
5) The kids' homework are almost always done, which is a miracle as my wife and I are mostly not at home.
6) More amazingly is that I got a confession of a misdeed yesterday from one of my kids. He came to me confessing that he woke up at 6am to text his friend in USA then he went back to sleep after a while. This came from a boy who used to lie even when caught red handed. Not once in 12 years was there ever a voluntary confession.
A happy home increases your productivity at work and reduces the stress you encounter in daily life. I am consistently amazed by 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu. 12 years of bad teachings with zero results by us and it all changed within 1 month of implementation. He is amazing beyond belief.
Right now, I am getting the road map of my children's life paths. I spent an hour just now sharing with my son his life plan and his current character traits. Even a 12-year-old boy was amazed at how accurate 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu's assessment of him was.
As a parent, I think this is the most precious gift I can ever give him. The life path towards his highest potential, and how to be an asset towards society through charitable and kind acts. This is a gift we should all give our children.
I have known many so-called Masters and paid them thousands of dollars with zero or most times negative results. I have searched many years and I am truly blessed to find 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu with his 100% accuracy and life changing remedies. He sells no Feng Shui or religious artifacts, nor has a shop to draw business, which means he is all about skill and accuracy.
Fate shall determine if you can meet him. If you even have the opportunity to speak with him, please cherish it. Be very polite and respectful as he can change your entire life in wonderful and amazing ways. But never ever take advantage of him.
Some people expect free advice or discounts just because he is kind. How would you like it if your Boss told you tomorrow to work for free or take a paycut? Even in your own job, you get paid more as you gain experience. Moreover, I rate Master Dai Hu as the No. 1 Master of Chinese Metaphysics. The advice he gives is priceless to me. If you want to be stingy, then I don't think you deserve to change your life.
I am glad I have him to advise my entire family and change my fate. Thank you 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu for your selfless teachings and advice.
(Here's a photo of my children crossing the road while holding hands. A scene like this is very unlikely, a rare sight to behold indeed.)
positive character traits 在 MizzNina Facebook 的最讚貼文
And another one; another friend of mine recently named her baby girl “Maryam”. I reflect upon how many friends named “Maryam” I have. And why not, indeed? It is a name oft-mentioned in the Qur’an in a tremendously positive light, with a chapter/surah having it as its title. For women, for all time to come, Allah has mentioned Maryam Bint `Imran, a pious woman from the Bani Israel, as a an example serving to be a beacon of light highlighting positive feminine characteristics and modest character.
The word “Maryam” has Hebrew, Latin and Aramaic origins, and literally means, “pious, chaste”, or, according to other sources, “bitter sea”, or “wished-for child”. Its Hebrew counterpart is “Miriam“. In Egyptian, it may have been derived from Mry, meaning “beloved”.
The Qur’an mentions several traits about Maryam Bint `Imran that highlight her high status. Below I have tried to highlight these traits so that we can endeavor to adopt them for ourselves, and also to appreciate those simple yet valuable women in our lives who possess these traits yet we sometimes undermine them.
She and her future progeny were given into Allah’s protection from Satan by her mother
فَلَمَّا وَضَعَتْهَا قَالَتْ رَبِّ إِنِّي وَضَعْتُهَا أُنثَى وَاللّهُ أَعْلَمُ بِمَا وَضَعَتْ وَلَيْسَ الذَّكَرُ كَالأُنثَى وَإِنِّي سَمَّيْتُهَا مَرْيَمَ وِإِنِّي أُعِيذُهَا بِكَ وَذُرِّيَّتَهَا مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ
But when she had given birth to the child, she said: “O my Sustainer! Behold, I have given birth to a female” – the while Allah had been fully aware of what she would give birth to, and [fully aware] that no male child [she might have hoped for] could ever have been like this female - “and I have named her Maryam. And, verily, I seek Your protection for her and her offspring against Satan, the accursed.” [3:36]
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