前幾天看Supergirl 發現「煎餃、鍋貼」除了原本知道的dumplings 之外還有一個很可愛的說法:potstickers!!! 在看劇的時候想說她不是在吃煎餃嗎?怎麼說potsticker? 究竟是什麼食物?結果想到鍋貼...鍋=pot, 貼=stick...!!! 原來是中文直翻的啊!!也太可愛了吧~~~
今天也自己煎potstickers 來吃!
前幾天看Supergirl 發現「煎餃、鍋貼」除了原本知道的dumplings 之外還有一個很可愛的說法:potstickers!!! 在看劇的時候想說她不是在吃煎餃嗎?怎麼說potsticker? 究竟是什麼食物?結果想到鍋貼...鍋=pot, 貼=stick...!!! 原來是中文直翻的啊!!也太可愛了吧~~~
今天也自己煎potstickers 來吃!
#1. potsticker的中文意思 - Dict.site 英漢/漢英線上英文字典
搜尋. potsticker 中文意思是什麼. potsticker 解釋. 鍋貼. 例句. 目前還沒有potsticker例句。 相似字; 英漢推薦; 漢英推薦. potstein · potstejn · potstejnska.
#2. 和Cindy學英文- 前幾天看Supergirl 發現「煎餃 - Facebook
怎麼說potsticker? ... 前幾天看Supergirl 發現「煎餃、鍋貼」除了原本知道的dumplings 之外還有一個很可愛的說法:potstickers!!! ... 原來是中文直翻的啊!
#3. potsticker 中文- 鍋貼… - 查查在線詞典
potsticker中文 :鍋貼…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋potsticker的中文翻譯,potsticker的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#4. 自由廣場》鍋貼和水餃的英文
餐廳、小吃店的菜單,逐漸有了英文翻譯,以便不懂中文的外籍人士點菜。 ... 因為此譯不僅冗長含糊,而且鍋貼早有固定的英文potsticker(字面為「貼在 ...
#5. potsticker的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
potsticker 的中文意思翻譯:n. 鍋貼(一種中國食品)。potsticker的中文翻譯、potsticker的發音、柯林斯釋義、用法、potsticker的近義詞、反義詞和雙語例句等。
#6. 鍋貼/煎餃的英文
答:potsticker 解析... ... 的異同,有興趣的話可以加減看一下 What's the Difference Between Gyoza and Potstickers? ... COB 的中文是什麼意思?
potsticker 的中文意思:锅贴(一种中国食品),点击查看详细解释:potsticker的中文翻译、potsticker的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握potsticker这个 ...
#8. potstickers 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
超過400 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和 ...
#9. pot-sticker - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"pot-sticker" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#11. potsticker 中文- 英文词典
potsticker 中文 · Definition of potsticker in English Dictionary · Meaning of potsticker for the defined word.
#12. potsticker 中文 - XKNKP
potsticker 中文. pot sticker in Chinese,lose face(丟臉),小籠湯包,可以一次性滿足顧客各種各樣的需求。全年365天無休的收發貨- 作為客戶的「流動的倉庫」,但 ...
#13. 翻译'potsticker' – 字典中文-英文
检查“ potsticker”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中potsticker的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
#14. 找Potsticker相關社群貼文資訊
提供Potsticker相關文章,想要了解更多Dim sum recipe、How to make ... to make Chinese dumplingsDumplingssteamed dumplings中文Steamed dumplingdin tai fung ...
#15. File:Potstickers RTE.jpg - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
本文件并非来自中文维基百科,而是来自维基共享资源。请参阅维基共享资源上的详细描述、讨论页、页面历史、日志。 维基共享资源是一个储存 ...
#16. potsticker 中文Potsticker是什么意思,Potsticker翻譯成中文,英譯中
pot sticker 的中文翻譯,pot sticker怎麼讀,繼續把jiaozi和potsticker推向英語世界,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋鍋貼, used in this recipe,版權所有違者必究。
#17. 鍋貼英文 :: 台灣豬豬真好吃
#18. Shrimp and Pork Pot Stickers - 絕頂美味・Our Cuisine ...
Dumplings with a crispy skin and filling made from juicy pork and fresh shrimp. The layering of textures and flavors all adds up to a superior pot sticker.
#19. potstickers 中文- 英文词典 - dictionary
在中文里面,我们如何解释potstickers这个英文词呢? potstickers这个英文词,中文意思如下:锅贴。 Meaning of potstickers for the defined word.
#20. Potsticker Maker /Gyoza Making - Hundred Machinery
Industrial auto multipurpose potsticker machine for turnover, gyoza, samosa, egg roll, ravioli, pelmeni, pierogi, calzone, empanada, soup dumpling, shumai.
#21. pot-stickers的翻译是: 什么意思? 中文翻译英文 - 青云翻译
青云在线翻译网,提供英语,荷兰语, 法语, 德语, 希腊语, 意大利语, 日语,韩语, 葡萄牙语, 俄语, 西班牙语的免费在线翻译服务。
#22. 香煎Impossible TM 餃子
Try this Impossible™ Potsticker Dumplings Recipe that uses meat made from plants mixed with savory spices in the filling for this traditional Asian treat.
#23. 意思不清晰的dumpling - Soldier 的世界
鍋貼的英文是pot sticker,在英文行之有年,各大英文詞典多有收錄。pot sticker是來自中文的一個借譯詞(loan translation),pot翻譯了中文 ...
#24. pot-sticker - 維基詞典,自由的多語言詞典
簡體中文:饺子; 正體中文:餃子. 本詞條全部或部分內容來自cc-by-sa-3.0特許授權協議的CC-CEDICT計畫。
#25. Pot Sticker Archives - 肥丁手工坊
最近一家肥丁頗為喜愛的鍋貼餃子連鎖店在離家不遠的地方新張開幕,每次走過門前,聞到鍋貼煎熟後撲鼻的陣陣香氣,實在很難禁得住誘惑,腳步漸漸不聽使 ...
#26. Pot Sticker Dumpling House (荷巴特) - 餐廳/美食評論
Pot Sticker Dumpling House(荷巴特): 讀讀230則則關於Pot Sticker Dumpling House客觀公正的美食評論,在Tripadvisor的5分滿分評等中得4.5分, ... 中文(簡體) (10).
#27. pot sticker — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“pot sticker” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#28. 「純種英文」情報資訊整理 - 愛呷宜花東
... 異國料理餐廳 · 烘焙、甜點、零食 · 日式料理 · 火鍋店 · 主題特色餐廳 · 早餐 · 燒烤類 · 亞洲料理 · 愛呷中彰投 · 愛呷宜花東 · potsticker中文 · 純種英文 ...
#29. Zhenhao Potstickers (珍好鍋貼), the Crispy, Juicy, Tasty and ...
Zhenhao Potstickers (珍好鍋貼), the Crispy, Juicy, Tasty and Affordable Potstickers near MRT Houshanpi Station, Taipei, Taiwan! (中文版: ...
#30. From Rouzao to Potstickers, Taiwanese Show No Signs of ...
At the same time, at least four out of every five Taiwanese eat meat regularly. Per capita pork consumption doubled between the mid-1960s and ...
#31. Japanese Style Potsticker - AMOY - PARKnSHOP.com
Buy online AMOY JAPANESE STYLE POTSTICKER with discounted price 15.5. Check JAPANESE STYLE POTSTICKER lowest price, deals, product info and other cheap ...
#32. potsticker - 遊戲戰績- League of Legends - OP.GG
potsticker / Silver 3 39LP / 95贏得106失敗階級47% / 汎- 13贏得8失敗階級62%, 燼- 6贏得11失敗階級35%, 布里茨- 8贏得6失敗階級57%, ...
#33. Potsticker Machine and Production Solution
Your Potsticker Production Planning And Potsticker Recipe Consultant. Model no : SOL-PSK-0-1. Automation in food manufacturing is not only the trend in the ...
#34. potstickerdumplingbar - Instagram
1891 Followers, 761 Following, 461 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Pot Sticker Dumpling Bar (@potstickerdumplingbar)
#35. Category:Guotie - Wikimedia Commons
中文 (繁體): 鍋貼。 potsticker (en); ... Ginger Pork Pot Stickers at Carthay Circle Restaurant (2 F). H. How to cook potstickers (12 F) ...
#36. 關於Potrzebuje的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
potsticker · potstickers ... 彼がどの程度この会社を理解しているか確認したい用中文(繁體,臺灣) 要怎麼說? いい夢みなよ用中文(繁體,臺灣) 要怎麼說?
#37. 锅贴_百度百科
锅贴 ; 中文名: 锅贴 ; 外文名: Pot sticker ; 别 名: 煎饺 ; 食 材: 面粉,肉,蔬菜.
#38. What does potsticker mean? - Definitions.net
Find a translation for the potsticker definition in other languages: ... Select another language: - Select -; 简体中文 (Chinese - Simplified); 繁體中文 (Chinese - ...
#39. 3 Ingredient Pot Sticker Dipping Sauce - Kikkoman Home Cooks
Image for 3 Ingredient Pot Sticker Dipping Sauce. plate ... directions. Whisk all ingredients together and serve alongside your favorite pot stickers!
#40. 看美剧学英语涨姿势:《摩登家庭》中父亲的角色 - 知乎专栏
跟屁虫the little pot sticker,. Jay的独白:. 我知道我说了领养这个主意很糟糕,可我又懂什么呢?我也不是个模范父亲。一辈子都想做好爸爸,可我还是 ...
#41. Dumpling and Potsticker and Recipe - Mama Baby Mandarin
Try this easy dumpling and potsticker recipe. ... Potstickers, or 鍋貼 (guō tiē), are pan-fried dumplings. ... Hi, my name is Jeanne, 中文名是佳玉.
#42. Tofu and shrimp potstickers 豆腐虾仁煎饺 - MaomaoMom ...
Tofu and shrimp potstickers 豆腐虾仁煎饺. ... This is another delicious and healthy potsticker dish. ... English · 中文 ...
#43. Bibigo Crispy Potstickers Meat & Vegetable 32oz(907g)
-CJ Crispy Potstickers are great tasting Korean-inspired dumplings to be enjoyed by the whole family. -They are made with high quality beef, pork, and ...
#44. Traditional Potsticker Dumplings 煎餃| The Dumpling Sisters
#45. pot sticker – LINE貼圖
this is pot sticker. ... Premium. pot sticker. izm. this is pot sticker. NT$30. リストに追加する. 贈送禮物; 購買. 免費試用(貼圖用到飽). 點擊貼圖即可預覽。
#46. potsticker 中文為什么中國人喜歡把餃子翻譯為dumpling - Xirafs
potsticker 中文 為什么中國人喜歡把餃子翻譯為dumpling_百度知道 ..原因還是不明呢~畢竟維.基.百.科的Dumpling條還在修繕中,我猜主因是Jiaozi,Tanyuan這些字仍然沒有 ...
#47. 哪一個字不是「純種」英文?中文外來字進入英語
另有些中文詞彙以借譯(loan translation)的方式進入英文,如long time no see(好久不見)、lose face(丟臉)、potsticker(鍋貼)。所謂借譯,就是逐字翻譯,也 ...
#48. [Bibigo] Crispy Potstickers 4lb - Ploma.io
[Bibigo] Crispy Potstickers. There's nothing like frozen dumplings on days you need some simple yet filling side dish. Let us introduce you to Beksul Fried ...
#49. Ajinomoto Foods North America Inc.回收可能含異物的鍋貼產品
The raw, frozen chicken and vegetable potsticker items were produced on ... l 4.2-lb. plastic bags containing “Ling Ling POTSTICKERS CHICKEN ...
#50. 肖毛:永无止境:从锅贴谈起- 小组讨论 - 豆瓣
维基百科英文版说,Potsticker是中国北方食品,先在wok(镬,即圆底金属锅)里面 ... 我想,把它译为Jin Mei Pot Sticker,或许更加符合中文的原意。
#51. 鍋貼锅贴|Chinesisch|中文|Deutsch|德文
鍋貼锅贴|Chinesisch|中文,Deutsch|德文|erklären|Sprechen|buchstabieren|發音|Übersetzen|意思|Bedeutung/Gebratene Knödel/potsticker|German|翻譯|解釋| ...
#52. Chicken Potstickers - Teriyaki Madness
繁體中文. Pусский. عربى. عربى. Nederlands. 繁體中文. 日本語. Accessibility StatementCompliance status. We firmly believe that the internet should be ...
#53. Jason Dodd - Dumpling master - Pot Sticker ... - LinkedIn
Pot Sticker Dumpling Bar. Oct 2017 - Present4 years 5 months. Christchurch, New Zealand. The original creators of Canterbury's ...
#54. pot stickers - Translation into Spanish - examples English
Translations in context of "pot stickers" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: Wh-What you smell are eight-dollar pot stickers.
#55. Chicken Pot Stickers | Sharable Appetizers at BJ's Restaurant
These tender, delicious chicken dumplings with soy ginger dipping sauce are a great way to start any meal, and this portion is perfect for sharing!
#56. Shrimp & Pork Pot Stickers - Dinesty Dumpling House
English · 中文 ... Our shrimp & pork pot sticker is an irresistible shrimp-and-pork-filled dumpling that is steamed on one side and pan-fried on the other.
#57. Gyozas Potstickers On Lettuce Salad Sauces 库存照片(立即 ...
截至2021 年9 月30 日,我们有超过3.9 亿张图片。 简体中文. Čeština ...
#58. 私隱政策
Welcome to Pot Sticker Dumpling House located at 3/138 Collins Street Hobart TAS. Unpretentious dumpling house doling out ... EN | 中文. 营业中! Dark Mode.
#59. O'TASTY CHICKEN POTSTICKER 8 X 32 OZ 鶏肉鍋贴 ... - Yeetik
#60. POT STICKERS in Spanish Translation - Tr-ex
Translations in context of "POT STICKERS" in english-spanish. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "POT STICKERS" - english-spanish ...
#61. 鮮肉韭菜薄皮鍋貼Pork & Leek Potsticker - 食品代理及肉食批發
本網站將陸續進行更新,稍後會加入簡體中文選項。謝謝支持! We are currently working on Simplified Chinese translation. Thank you for your patience.
#62. 每日一字:餃子Chinese Dumplings
Longmen Chinese Language Center 龍門中文. Mandarin Chinese Class, school, ... 煎餃 煎饺 jiānjiǎo pan-fried dumplings, potsticker.
#63. Shrimp & Kurobuta Pork Pot Stickers - Din Tai Fung
Crispy, pan-fried dumplings filled with Kurobuta pork and fresh shrimp pair perfectly with our mildly-sweet, house-made pot sticker sauce.
#64. Amoy | Japanese Style Potsticker (2packs) (Frozen) - HKTVmall
G06698, Amoy, Japanese Style Potsticker (2packs) (Frozen), Japanese Style Potsticker (2packs) (Frozen) 1.Made in Hong Kong 2.New Formula : Oil-free cooking ...
#65. Automatic Dumpling Making Machine
TY-503G dumpling making machine is made of stainless steel, easy to operate, clean and change molds. Dumpling, samosa, potsticker, empanada, ravioli can be ...
#66. Pot Stickers - Pest Control from Gardens Alive!
No spray option for protecting plants from small flying insects that feed on their roots and leaves. Traps are waterproof and nontoxic.
#67. Potsticker 高清壁纸| 桌面背景 - Wallpaper Abyss
倾情挑选的1 张「Potsticker」免费高清壁纸与背景图片,完美适用于您的台式电脑、笔记本电脑、智能手机或平板设备使用。 - Wallpaper Abyss.
#68. 「奧運中文菜單」英文譯法出台 - 人人焦點
1.各式刺身拼Sashimi Platter · 2.鍋貼Pot Sticker · 3.辣汁脆炸雞腿Fried Chicken Legs (Spicy Hot) · 4.雞沙拉Chicken Salad · 5.酥炸大蝦Fried Prawns · 6.
#69. Potstickers with tuna and wombok recipe - SBS TV
These classic crispy-bottomed dumplings are filled with tuna, wombok (Chinese cabbage) for sweetness and water chestnuts for crunch.
#70. Chicken Potstickers
There was a time when approximately half of my diet consisted of potsticker wrappers. Not full potstickers — just the doughy outsides that ...
#71. 你知道“Potsticker"是什麼意思嗎?
今天中午又是一週一次的Linlin煎餃日, 也是我GGMing難得展手藝的時間, 一如往常熟練煎著香噴噴餃子時, 不小心瞄到水餃袋上的cooking guild(就是教你 ...
#72. Potsticker Wrap WH (Orange) 永興饺子皮12oz (Bag-包)
Potsticker Wrap WH (Orange) 永興饺子皮12oz (Bag-包) · SKU 號: 43101 · 庫存狀況: 尚有庫存 ...
#73. 英語菜單製作| 百大小吃菜單 - 台南市民英語資源網
鍋貼, Guotie (potsticker). 鹽酥雞, Yansuji (salty fried chicken nuggets). 烤玉米, Grilled corn. 大腸包小腸, Taiwanese sausage in rice bun.
#74. Sous Vide Duck Potsticker Dumplings
繁體中文. Pусский. عربى. عربى. Nederlands. 繁體中文. 日本語. Accessibility StatementCompliance status. We firmly believe that the internet should be ...
#75. 【英語島專欄】哪一個字不是「純種」英文? - 英語相關新聞
另有些中文詞彙以借譯(loan translation)的方式進入英文,如long time no see(好久不見)、lose face(丟臉)、potsticker(鍋貼)。
#76. The Best Chicken Potstickers | Easy Weeknight Recipes
Chicken Potstickers stuffed with cabbage, scallions, chicken, soy sauce, plus plenty of savory seasonings, and fried to a delicious ...
#77. “Rika's Gyoza”(Japanese-style Pot Stickers) | recipes - NHK
“Rika's Gyoza”(Japanese-style Pot Stickers). Rika no gyoza. Pork; Vegetables. Difficulty. Ingredients (Serves 3 to 4). 200 g Chinese cabbage
#78. Squishable Potsticker
Chinese dumplings. Jiaozi. Yummy little wonton wrappers full of veggies and meat. Delicious pieces of fried and stuffed dough, practically popping with yummy ...
#79. Potstickers with Vegecolor - E. EXCEL North America
Potstickers with Vegecolor™ 中文. ... divided; 2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger root; 30 potsticker or wonton wrappers; 2 tablespoons E.
#80. 獨家噴汁的煎餃內餡蕾絲邊薄脆口感Potstickers ぎょうざ
Да бисте преузели мп3 од 獨家噴汁的煎餃內餡蕾絲邊薄脆口感Potstickers ぎょうざ, ... Must have with pot stickers or dim sum[中文字幕/Eng Sub]
#81. Pot Sticker Dumpling House Hobart, Order Online Takeaway
Welcome to Pot Sticker Dumpling House located at 3/138 Collins Street Hobart TAS. Unpretentious dumpling house doling out noodles, stir-fries and wok dishes ...
#82. America's Favorite Chinese Recipes : A Family Memoir - 博客來
書名:Potsticker Chronicles: America's Favorite Chinese Recipes : A Family Memoir,語言:英文,ISBN:0471250287,頁數:284,作者:Berman, Stuart Chang, ...
#83. Vegetarian Green Potstickers - SideChef
Vegetarian Green Potstickers. 4.0. 2 Ratings. These dumplings are perfectly satisfying and great to keep in the freezer. All you need is an extra couple of ...
#84. Potsticker lunch with quick cucumber salad
for 2 lunches, but the potstickers take 9 minutes). I didn't have any leftovers to incorporate into this meal, so it was all made in the morning: gyoza, ...
#85. Pot sticker - The Free Dictionary
pot sticker. n. A dumpling filled with ground meat, vegetables, or other ingredients that is browned on one side and then simmered.
#86. Potstickers Pictures, Potstickers Stock Photos & Images
Download stock pictures of Potstickers on Depositphotos ✓ Photo stock for commercial use - millions of high-quality, royalty-free photos & images.
#87. Potsticker Dumpling Ravioli Calzone Dough Press, Set of 3
Press your fresh dough and filling into a potsticker, ravioli, or calzone, depending on the type of dough and filling. With this press, simply place your ...
#88. Potsticker House,北国饭店: Feinfood.com,芝加哥,美国
Potsticker House,北国饭店: 芝加哥纯正的中国北方菜馆。特色菜有:羊蝎子,酱骨架,猪肉炖粉条,面筋红烧肉,拉皮,煎饼果子,拔丝地瓜,烧饼豆浆油条…
#89. 关于potsticker的讨论汇总- 话题女王- 未名观察
Lobster Potstickers, a free chocolate souffle, or a $50 Gift Card. You can ... 来自主题: Military版 - (补充几个)---话说美语中的中文。。中文对美语的影响。
#90. Hy-vee Chinese - Potsticker calories, carbs & nutrition facts
Find calories, carbs, and nutritional contents for Hy-vee Chinese - Potsticker and over 2000000 other foods at MyFitnessPal.
#91. 這些年,我們“出口”的漢語詞匯【2】--新聞報道
據相關數據統計,目前《牛津英語詞典》中有二百余個包含中文淵源的詞匯。,這些年,我們“出口”的漢語詞匯【2】--新聞報道. ... potsticker 鍋貼,煎餃.
#92. Cheeseburger Potstickers with Soy Dipping Sauces | Australia
Ingredients. 16 pcs Gyoza wrappers; 1 tbsp Oil; For Potsticker Filling: 1 tsp Lee Kum Kee Panda Brand Oyster Sauce; 200g Beef mince; 50g Gherkins, diced ...
#93. Lamb Pot Sticker Dumplings recipe | Silver Fern Farms
Find something delicious to make from our collections of Beef, Lamb and Venison recipes. In a medium bowl combine ground lamb, ginger, black pepper, ...
#94. O'Tasty Precooked Vegetable and Pork Potstickers, Frozen
O'Tasty Precooked Vegetable and Pork Potstickers, Frozen. Weee! - Groceries Delivered. 請輸入要搜索的商品. 搜索. 登錄. /. 註冊. 繁體中文. 分類.
#95. Paleo Matcha Pot Stickers
This awesome paleo pot sticker recipe is from Michelle of Nom Nom Paleo - we just matcha-fied it! PALEO MATCHA POTSTICKERS INGREDIENTS. Here's everything you'll ...
potsticker中文 在 和Cindy學英文- 前幾天看Supergirl 發現「煎餃 - Facebook 的推薦與評價
怎麼說potsticker? ... 前幾天看Supergirl 發現「煎餃、鍋貼」除了原本知道的dumplings 之外還有一個很可愛的說法:potstickers!!! ... 原來是中文直翻的啊! ... <看更多>