Day 17th #burpeeswithoalchallenge #50burpeesfor30dayschallenge
1st Video was 4 years ago when I was first introduced to burpees, my trainer @lavcms taught me how to begin with burpees. My core was weak, my shoulders were weak, whole body including endurance was very very weak.
Then in November 2018 I thought of starting this challenge, but failed because I was alone and no one join me, and I alone couldn’t last more than few days.
2-5th video were some of the videos taken during #burpeeswithoalchallenge 2019 March. My sister @itsnotalwaysaboutheight pushed me to start this challenge and she get all our workout buddies then to join. Therefore almost 100 people doing it. most days I did basic burpees because my upper body strength was still not there yet. We all managed to finish our 30 days, and the feeling was indescribable. It was very powerful, inspiring and great great achievement. Everyone finished it together!
Last video, is my today 50 burpees. How I started again, it’s also because of one thought. And I told my sister @itsnotalwaysaboutheight again. Yup it’s her again, she’s always so supportive towards what I want to do. She pushed me to start it in 2021. If she’s not a pregnant lady now, I can guarantee you, she will be the most passionate challenger in the squad. Her timing has always been 50 burpees non stop, less than 3 mins.
Looking at how this round is going, I am not just overwhelmed, but it has grown bigger than me, bigger than my mere thought, so big that I am so so touched. Seeing now so many of you have become an inspiration and motivation to people around you. Seeing the community generous sharing of their growth and experience, sharing their weakness and struggle, being so real! Just because of the commitment and determination. This challenge is for overcomers. It doesn’t challenge your fitness level but it challenges your mental, your will power.
Conclusion, thought can be small, yes one person is limited, but as long as one person generate a good powerful thought, believe in it, execute it, and influence more and more people to come align with you, the energy can explode like a nuclear bomb (in a positive way).
「power struggle 2019」的推薦目錄:
power struggle 2019 在 Azizan Osman Facebook 的最佳解答
“Hati saya mula memberontak kerana tidak ada perasaan untuk bekerja dan saya ingin mula buat sesuatu yang saya suka..”
Struggle yang dialaminya menyebabkan hidup Puan Suraya memberontak sama ada ingin terus bekerja atau mula buat sesuatu yang beliau suka. Puan suraya mula berbisnes secara serius apabila beliau inginkan bebas kewangan dan bebas masa. dalam hidupnya.
Pada awalnya agak sukar untuk beliau berbisnes kerana tidak mempunyai menthor yang betul dan ilmu bisnes yang sebetulnya namun Allah itu maha mengetahui apabila beliau ditakdirkan untuk dipertemukan RichWorks dalam Seminar Percuma Bina Bisnes Berjaya 2019.
Setelah mendapat bimbingan yang berterusan bersama Elite X Circle dan hadir ke beberapa program RichWorks seperti IMKK, Zero To Million membuka lagi ruang pemikiran beliau untuk lebih jelas dalam bisnes.
Kini, Puan Suraya boleh berbangga kerana impianya untuk Financial dan Time Freedom terlaksa kerana tekad berhenti kerja dan mula serius untuk berbisnes. Sales jualan terkini yang beliau telah capai sehingga hari ini adalah melebihi RM 400 ribu ringgit! Power ke power?
Who's next? Nak dapatkan ilmu Bina Bisnes berjaya 100% percuma? Serius dan komited nak belajar?
power struggle 2019 在 媽媽監督核電廠聯盟 Facebook 的最佳貼文
受肺炎與石油戰波及,以高電價聞名的日本供電成本降 15% !! (09/01/2020 TechNews科技新報)
作者 Daisy Chuang
武漢肺炎(COVID-19)疫情嚴峻,美國能源諮詢公司伍德麥肯茲(Wood Mackenzie)指出,受到疫情影響與油價暴跌,日本能源需求降低,電力供應成本隨之下滑 15%,同時日本太陽能與風力發電成本也持續下探,預計會在未來十年內吸引超過 1,000 億美元的再生能源投資。
伍德麥肯茲表示,這不僅代表日本可以在 2030 年實現綠能發電占比 22-24% 目標,甚至還有機會持續上探到 27% ,不過伍德麥肯茲也補充,如果想要加碼達到綠能氫經濟,太陽能與風能成本還得更便宜。
目前日本太陽能裝置量已經達到 45GW,在總再生能源發電占比的 19% 中,太陽能就占了 8%,伍德麥肯茲預測,未來太陽能面板愈來愈便宜,發電成本估計會降低 30%,有鑑於此,日本太陽能的發電占比還會增加到 18%。
不過日本還有另一個再生能源願景,也就是氫能經濟,不僅希望路上跑著氫燃料車,在 2025 年將氫燃料車從現在 4,000 輛增加到 20 萬輛,到 2030 年再到 80 萬,但是氫氣分子小、活性大,如以氣體型態容易逸散到大氣中,還得發展氫氣製造產業,伍德麥肯茲研究總監 Prakash Sharma 表示,日本電價高昂,再生能源製氫的成本比化石燃料製氫貴高 2-4 倍。
目前化石燃料是主要的氫氣製造來源,從天然氣製氫有 80% 的效率,但科學家想發展更為環保的電解水製氫,Sharma 表示,日本政府期望在 2030 年把再生能源製氫成本降至每公斤 30 美元,但是這有個前提,太陽能與風力發電的平均能源成本得再降 37%,比 30% 還要多更多。
日本的大型太陽能電廠成本仍然是世界上最昂貴的,雖然自 2006 年以來,全球太陽能模組成本已大幅下降,美國的太陽能模組的平均發貨價格從 2006 年每峰瓩(kWp) 3.5 美元,在 2019 年降到 0.4 美元。不過就以上一次日本競標來看,最低報價為每度電 10.99 日圓(約 $ 0.1 美元),最高報價為日幣 13圓,平均為日幣 12.57,這主要是因為日本政府對廢棄農用地的使用限制、電網限制,因此太陽能開發商面臨著土地取得問題。
日本電費高昂,電費組成包括燃料費調整額、再生能源電力,忘記繳費也會有逾期付款時的罰金,除了自家用電量,燃料費跟再生能源電力每月都會調整,其中日本在 2012 年 7 月導引入固定電價(FIT)制度,電力公司有義務在一定的期間內、以相同的價格收購藉由再生能源所產生的電力,這些費用會轉嫁至企業、家庭的電費上。
U.S. Shipments of Solar Photovoltaic Modules Increase as Prices Continue to Fall
Japan’s struggle to drive down renewables costs