[Paris pastry / 巴黎甜點] Nicolas Paciello 主廚(Fouquet’s)的聖誕節蛋糕創作 / Yule log 2019 of Nicolas Paciello for Fouquet’s (for English, please click “see more”)
前兩天應邀參加 Hôtel Barrière Le Fouquet's Paris 的下午茶體驗,今年九月剛剛離開 Hotel Prince de Galles 加入 Fouquet’s 的甜點主廚 Nicolas Paciello 向我們介紹他過去兩個月幾乎沒日沒夜辛勤工作的成果—— Retaurant Le Joy 的全新下午茶套餐以及今年的聖誕節蛋糕。
1899 年由 Louis Fouquet 創立的 Restaurant Fouquet's Paris 位於巴黎香榭麗謝與喬治五世大道交口,原本是一個酒館、餐廳。採用創始人 Fouquet 的家族姓氏,後面再加上「’s」的英美式用法,賦予它不少時髦意味。今年適逢 120 周年慶的 Fouquet’s 在巴黎是非常知名且歷史悠久的餐廳,每年被譽為「法國奧斯卡」的凱薩獎頒獎典禮餐會都是在這裡舉行,1990 年,Fouquet’s 餐廳也被列為法國歷史遺跡。1998 年,法國賭場與酒店集團 Barrier 買下 Fouquet’s 餐廳與旁邊六棟建築物、創立 Hôtel Barrier Le Fouquet’s Paris,從此 Fouquet’s 變成為一個包含豪華旅館與餐廳、酒吧的品牌,能和周遭林立的豪華酒店如 Four Seasons Hotel George V、Prince de Galles 等比肩。今年三月,位於路口的 Fouquet’s 餐廳因為黃背心運動被大肆破壞,不得不關門整修,直到七月十四日法國國慶日才重新開幕。旅館內的其他餐廳、酒吧如 Le Joy、Le Marta Paris 等也一併經過重新整修。
從隔壁 Prince de Galles 飯店轉職過來的甜點主廚 Nicolas Paciello 為 Fouquet’s 的 Le Joy 餐廳設計了「two courses」的下午茶套餐(48€ /人,含一杯熱飲,另有含一杯香檳的版本€58 / 人):第一道是包含三明治等鹹點與 scones、cookies(美式餅乾果然很紅吧!)、法式小點心 petit fours 的三層架,第二道則是三樣主廚精選甜點的迷你版,包含開心果閃電泡芙、檸檬塔、巴黎・布列斯特泡芙。
當天 Nicolas Paciello 主廚並為我們介紹了他今年的力作——「La Bûche de Noël de Louis Bouquet」(Louis Fouquet 的聖誕節蛋糕)。他與歷史學家Marion Godfroy-Tayart de Borms 合作設計,參考了 120 年前的流行風格和 Louis Fouquet 本人的喜好,是一款外觀看來非常神秘的蛋糕。放在巧克力雕塑製成的展示高台上的蛋糕,是由濕潤的烘烤杏仁海綿蛋糕(biscuit moelleux à l’amande torréfiée)加上黑巧克力慕斯(mousse de chocolat intense)與糖漬香檸檬(confit de bergamote)組成,隱藏在一層薄薄的杏仁膏之下,鮮紅色的外觀呼應 Fouquet’s 的招牌遮雨檐。我之前也提過,法國現在也在流行減糖,許多甜點都早已顛覆以前法式甜點給人的甜膩印象。而這個蛋糕大概是我過去數年來在法國吃過「最不甜」的蛋糕,主廚 Nicolas 也是刻意如此設計,突出香檸檬的酸味、並用杏仁的香氣和圓潤去中和,讓人在豐盛的聖誕大餐後,仍然能毫無負擔地享用、成為完美的結尾。不過,如果是在平時下午茶品嚐,酸度卻有些過於強烈了。
接下來請大家點開照片一一欣賞主廚的作品,更多當天的影音請參考我的 Instagram 精選動態「Fouquet’s」:https://tinyurl.com/w7kvq2w
🔖 延伸閱讀:
2019 年巴黎聖誕節蛋糕精選:https://tinyurl.com/y6pq87rz
I got invited to Hôtel Barrière Le Fouquet’s Paris earlier this week for tasting their tea time at Restaurant Le Joy and the yule log creation. Nicolas Paciello, head pastry chef (former head pastry chef at Hôtel Prince de Galles) of the hotel who just arrived two months ago gave us a warm welcome.
Situated on the intersection of Avenue des Champs-Élyées and Avenue George V, the brasserie-restaurant Fouquet’s was founded by Louis Fouquet in 1899. Louis Fouquet named the restaurant after his family name but added the “’s” to give it a trendy style. Celebrating its 120 anniversaire this year, Fouquet’s is a legendary restaurant in Paris. It holds the gala dinner for Cézar Awards, the French equivalent of Academy awards, each year and was frequented by many celebrities. The main room of Fouquet’s was listed as an "Inventaire des Monuments Historiques” (French historical monument) in 1990. In 1998, Group Barrière, a French casino and luxury hotel group, bought the restaurant and further acquired 6 buildings around it to create Hôtel Barrière Le Fouquet Paris. Fouquet’s has since then become a brand that includes a luxury hotel, symbolic restaurants and bars. Fouquet’s was severely damaged during the Gillet Jaune movement this march and was thus closed for renovation for several months. It re-opened in July on the Bastille Day this year and the restaurants and bars in the hotel also underwent a make-over.
Fouquet’s new head pastry chef Nicolas Paciello created a new tea time menu for Restaurant Le Joy that is composed of two courses: served on a 3-tiered stand, a sweet and savoury selection including scones, cookies, finger sandwiches, and petit fours comes first, followed by 3 chef’s signature pastries in mini form: pistachio éclairs, lemon tart, and Paris-Brest.
The chef also presented us his Christmas cake creation in tribute to the founder of Fouquet's, “La Bûche de Noël de Louis Fouquet”. In collaboration with the historian Marion Godfroy-Tayart de Borms, this yule log pays great attention to the fashion back to 120 years ago as well as the preference of Louis Fouquet himself. This mysterious-looking cake sits on a high stand made of chocolate and is covered by a thin layer of almond paste, whose vivid color clearly refers to the brasserie’s distinctive red awnings on Charmps-Élysées. The cake itself is made of a moist roasted almond sponge cake, a dark chocolate mousse as well as a bergamot confit. Now that a “less-sugar” trend seems to sweep the French pastry industry, many pastries and desserts here in Paris are much less sweet and filling compared to before. With a rather strong acidity of the bergamot orange rounded by almonds biscuit and chocolate cream, the cake is probably the least sweet cake I’ve ever tasted in recent years. The chef Nicolas has made it on purpose so that it’s light enough to be enjoyed at the end of a Christmas feast. However, if you taste it during tea time in normal days, you might find yourself crave more sweetness.
Click on the photos and have a closer look to the divine pastries and wonderful work of the chef. More videos and experiences in live could be found in my featured stories “Fouquet’s” on Instagram: https://tinyurl.com/w7kvq2w
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#yingspastryguide #fouquets #nicolaspaciello #bûchedenoël2019 #buchedenoel2019 #yingc
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//昨天與合作夥伴討論了原文翻譯與專業知識 ( 謝謝嘉儀與小安子 ),修正了譯文。覺得身在資訊流通的年代也有很大的好處,量產時代就算我們找盡資源還是力有未逮之處,尤其編輯不是專業人士,更是汗顏,而各路專業人士願意幫我們指出錯誤,讓我很感激,書能有不停修正至更臻完善的機會。//
//Once genes had been implicated in the development of sexual preference, the gay child was instantly transformed to normal. His 【hateful】 enemies were the abnormal monsters.
說明:hateful 有兩個相反的意思,要從語境去弄清楚,這句話看了前文,加上末句有「才是」的對照語氣,意思非常清楚,是「懷著恨、充滿惡意的敵人」倒過來變成異常的怪物,而不是「可惡的敵人」。如果作者意指「可惡的敵人」,就不可能有 His hateful enemies were the abnormal monsters. 這句當中的「反而變成」、「才是」的含意。
hateful + 事物,意思通常很明白,是「可恨的」;hateful + 人,就要小心思考理解了,兩種意思都可能出現,光查字典幫不了你。
//It was boredom, more than activism, that prompted the search for the gay gene. Dean Hamer, a researcher at the National Cancer Institute, was not looking for controversy. He was 【not even looking for himself】. Although openly gay, Hamer had never been particularly intrigued by 【the genetics of any form of identity, sexual or otherwise.】
美國國家癌症研究所(National Cancer Institute)的研究員狄恩・哈默(Dean Hamer)並無意找碴,他甚至【也並不在乎自己的身分】,雖然他已出櫃,但對【任何形式的身分認同、性或其他遺傳學】並無特別興趣。//
1. not even looking for himself 的 looking 呼應同一段第一句 search for the gay gene(探尋是否有同性戀基因)的 search,兩個字都是「尋找」之意,所以這句意為「他甚至也不是爲了自己去探尋」,因爲下一句便說明原因:原來,他對很多東西根本不太感興趣,會發現同性戀基因,只不過因爲無聊、無意間發現。不懂這英文怎會理解成「不在乎自己的性向/身分」?根本瞎掰!
2. 下一句也很糟糕:Hamer 對「任何形式的身分認同、性或其他遺傳學」三件事不感興趣,中譯意思顯然是三種東西平行並列,但原文怎麼寫?the genetics of any form of identity, sexual or otherwise 這串字所指的,只有一件事,這是一個樹狀結構:of any form of identity 修飾 genetics,而 sexual or otherwise 又修飾 identity,整個合起來理解,就是「性(sexual)或其他方面的任何一種身分認同的遺傳成因」,也就是說,Hamer 對同性戀是否有遺傳成因並不太感興趣。
//He had tried, unsuccessfully, to study medicine at Edinburgh—but, horrified by the “screams of a strapped-down child 【amid the blood and sawdust】 of the . . . 【operating theater】,” had fled medicine to study theology at Christ’s College in Cambridge.
1.「手術劇場」真是個荒謬的譯法,operating theater 是醫院的手術示範室、手術觀摩室,像樣的字典會另立條目指出這個意思,不會跟「劇場」的意思混淆。在這樣一個空間,一邊進行手術、一邊讓見習醫師或訪問者居高觀摩,處理的是人命關天的真人真事,怎麼變成虛構故事的「劇場」了?在戰爭語境下,theater 是「戰場」,theater 同時也是「電影院」,也是「戲劇表演」,也可指「看表演的觀衆」(比較古老的用法)。最近有本出版熱烈宣傳的書,書名竟然就叫《手術劇場》,這是一種譁衆取寵的取名手段,不是原書名的直譯,但畢竟那是出版社爲了賣書、吸睛所擁有的權利和自由。在普通的文章裡,不同意義的 theater 就該有合適的譯法,否則要叫讀者如何理解?中國的中文譯法經常大而化之,電腦程式的 macro,和 macroeconomics 的 macro,一律是「宏」字;餐廳的 menu 和應用軟體的 menu 一律稱「菜單」,台灣請不要新創如「手術劇場」、「(二次大戰)歐洲劇場」這種沒水準的糟糕詞彙,中文沒有貧瘠到需要一詞用到底。
// 他們還接受靜脈輸液的利益,在手術過程中,包括絕育成本。手術是在無菌的方式和手術劇場。//
// They also receive the benefit of intravenous fluids during the surgery inclusive in the neutering cost. The surgery is carried out in a sterile manner and operative theater.//
這段英文拿去餵給 Google Translate 或 Bing 的機器翻譯,出來的結果都還勝過人工,機器都懂得把「operative theater」正確譯為「手術室」。難道現在一些譯者連查一查字典確認字義,或拜現代科技之賜、參考一下機譯結果這兩件事都懶得做了?
2. 同一句中譯裡,「在血汙和鋸屑中的尖叫」太過直譯 amid 這字,尖叫如何能在「鋸屑中」?這 blood and sawdust 指的是從手術臺流到地上的一灘血水,以及傾倒在地上用來吸收血水的木屑,可不是「人體鋸屑」,而木屑並沒有在空氣中亂飄,譯者寫出「在鋸屑中的尖叫」時,腦子不知浮現什麼奇異的「劇場」景象?我好像看到了譯者心中想像著,是不是那小孩的腿被鋸斷時,有「鋸屑」噴飛出來?
//Jagu—the fourth-born of my father’s siblings—came to live with us in Delhi in 1975, when I was five years old. His mind was also crumbling. Tall and rail thin, with a slightly feral look in his eyes and a shock of matted, overgrown hair, he resembled a Bengali Jim Morrison. Unlike Rajesh, whose illness had surfaced in his twenties, Jagu had been troubled from childhood. Socially awkward, withdrawn to everyone except my grandmother, he was unable to hold a job or live by himself. By 1975, deeper cognitive problems had emerged: he had visions, phantasms, and voices in his head that told him what to do. 【He made up conspiracy theories by the dozens: a banana vendor who sold fruit outside our house was secretly recording Jagu’s behavior. He often spoke to himself, with a particular obsession of reciting made-up train schedules】 (“Shimla to Howrah by Kalka mail, then transfer at Howrah to Shri Jagannath Express to Puri”). He was still capable of extraordinary bursts of tenderness—when I mistakenly smashed a beloved Venetian vase at home, he hid me in his bedclothes and informed my mother that he had “mounds of cash” stashed away that would buy “a thousand” vases in replacement. But 【this episode was symptomatic:】 【even his love for me involved extending the fabric of his psychosis and confabulation.】
一九七五年,當時我五歲,父親的四哥賈古搬來德里與我們同住。他也有精神崩潰的現象。賈古生得又高又瘦,帶著略顯凶悍的眼神和一頭糾結的亂髮,長得就像孟加拉版的美國歌手吉姆.莫理森(Jim Morrison)。和二十歲才發病的拉結什不同的是,他自幼就有精神問題。賈古生性內向畏縮,除了祖母之外,他對任何人都退避三舍,無法工作,生活也不能自理。到了一九七五年,他出現更嚴重的認知問題:幻象、幻覺,聽到腦裡有人指揮他要怎麼做。【他捏造了數十個陰謀:我家門外賣香蕉的小販偷偷記錄了賈古的言行舉止,說他自言自語,特別迷戀自訂的火車行程】 (「由西姆拉搭卡爾卡特郵車到豪拉,然後在豪拉轉札格納斯快車到浦里」)。他依舊會有溫情流露的時刻──有一次我不小心打破了家裡珍藏的威尼斯花瓶,他把我藏在他的被子裡,還告訴我媽他有「成堆的現金」可以買「上千個」花瓶賠償。不過,【這件事其實也說明了】【連他對我的愛都含有思覺失調和虛談症(confabulation)】//
1. He made up conspiracy theories by the dozens 後接一個冒號,這告訴我們,接下來的那句應該是要舉例陰謀,的確也是。不過,譯者卻誤解了英文,把再下一句的「自言自語」誤認為作者還在講述那陰謀,意思變成小販在無端指控賈古(「說他會自言自語、特別迷戀自訂的火車行程」),因此不是事實,但其實作者僅用一個短句舉例陰謀(a banana vendor who sold fruit outside our house was secretly recording Jagu’s behavior),接著便把主題拉回賈古身上,不再提陰謀,所以賈古的自言自語和覆誦火車行程,都是事實。
2. this episode was symptomatic 的翻譯頗敷衍,連醫學基本字彙都掌握不好,很令人不放心。symptomatic 是基本義「表現為某疾病的symptom」,不是引申義「某某事物即將發生的徵兆、跡象、預示」(sign, omen, portent),原譯「說明」,似乎把 symptomatic 理解爲後者而脫離了「病徵、症狀」之意。
symptomatic 後接冒號,表示下一句的內容在解釋、釐清前一句。什麼病的symptom?psychosis 和 confabulation。psychosis 還不能譯為思覺失調,因爲作者到了下一段才交代賈古被醫生正式診斷有思覺失調,這一段,作者對賈古的病症只是稱之為較籠統的 psychosis,譯者不要隨便「劇透」,辜負作者細心的鋪陳。
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