Creative Pebble Stone 創意疊石積木 (附贈遊戲卡) 🪅
早前同大家介紹過香港幼兒教具品牌BabyGrow /Curios™️ 皇牌產品👑⭐English Flashcard - 年銷量5000+ 學前寶寶學習好物💯芷宸好鍾意玩架!而家再入手買埋⭐Curios™️ Creative Pebble Stone 創意疊石積木 (附贈遊戲卡) 🪅!
呢套重量級Pebble Stone超級墜手😍 一套6色,total 36塊彩色木製小石頭🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣 ,每塊不同大小,💡可玩大小排列/Color Sorting/ 自由創意拼砌/Loosepartsplay等遊戲
好啱2歲以上寶寶玩嘅開放式教具#OpenEndedPlay 🥳!包括學習
✅ 顏色認知、分類
✅ 大小排序、輕重、counting
✅ 砌石頭圖案形狀
✅ 練習小手肌
✅ Loosepartsplay
玩完基本大小排列/color sorting🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣後就可以跟遊戲卡砌~ 難度由淺入深,可以玩好耐架😻
而BabyGrow / Curios教具設計左多種創意遊戲sensory play🤩等,當中包括訓練小手肌力量、認顏色、形狀、數字、ABC字母、中文字、練習專注力等!等我再買多幾樣教具俾芷宸學習先!😍
而家用Discount Code【curios11】,可於3個月內購買BabyGrow / Curios產品仲有9折優惠添呀!
#teateamama #下午茶媽媽 #babygrow #curios #flashcards #englishflashcards #親子kol #親子活動 #幼兒英語 #幼兒學習 #媽媽博客 #媽媽推介 #香港媽媽 #prenursery #hkkidsblogger #hkmamainfluencer #hkinfluencer #hkkol #sohappy◽️
prenursery 在 Pinkpinkyanyoga Facebook 的精選貼文
👩🎓香港幼兒教具品牌BabyGrow /Curios™️ 皇牌產品👑
⭐English Flashcard - 年銷量5000+ 學前寶寶學習好物💯
最近我就用 香港幼兒教具品牌BabyGrow /Curios™️ 皇牌產品👑
⭐English Flashcard - 年銷量5000+ 學前寶寶學習好物,
利用Play-based Learning創意學習幫助0-4歲幼兒啟蒙成長💖, 啟發BB認知力🧠同好奇心💕!
呢套English Flashcard
👉🏻 一套4盒Flashcard學習 ABC/數字/顏色形狀/動物,每盒27張卡
👉🏻 適合1-4歲,撕唔爛厚卡
而BabyGrow / Curios教具設計左多種創意遊戲sensory play🤩等,當中包括訓練小手肌力量、認顏色、形狀、數字、ABC字母、中文字、練習專注力等!等我買多幾樣教具俾妃妃學習先!😍
而家用Discount Code【curios11】,可於3個月內購買BabyGrow / Curios產品仲有8折優惠添呀!
下午茶媽媽 tea tea mama
#teateamama #下午茶媽媽 #babygrow #curios #flashcards #englishflashcards #親子kol #親子活動 #幼兒英語 #幼兒學習 #媽媽博客 #媽媽推介 #香港媽媽 #prenursery #hkkidsblogger #hkmamainfluencer #hkinfluencer #hkkol
prenursery 在 Crisel Consunji - Artist / Educator Facebook 的最佳解答
I’ve always believed that music is a powerful tool for early childhood development. This is why I’ve spent years of training and research specifically on age-appropriate methods for the youngest learners.
Now more than ever, I get to witness how music supports families in their transitions, and augments areas of children’s socio-emotional, cognitive, linguistic and physical development which have been challenged by the global pandemic.
I’m so happy to be personally teaching my own #Kindermusik classes this term.
Our team has opened up a few more slots in October, on a first-come, first-served basis. Email info@baumhaus.com.hk to see if there are available spaces for your preferred time slots.
@baumhausHK currently operates EXCLUSIVELY for registered students from Sept. 7th until further notice.
#KindermusikByBaumhaus ranked as HK’s #1 Kindermusik program. Ranked #4 in the world.
📷: @nitsujanidem for @happybatonhk
#BaumhausHongKong #BaumhausHK #KindermusikHK #KindermusikHongKong #KindermusikAtBaumhaus #kindermusik #earlychildhooddevelopment #earlychildhoodeducation #earlychildhood #prenursery #musicandmovement