I've had lots of messages asking for help on keeping little ones entertained at home and the biggest thing I would say is just PLAY!
You don't need fancy or Pinterest-worthy activities, you don't need to reinvent yourself as a preschool teacher, you just need the both of you.
Imagine, dream, play, explore, discover, wonder. Build lots of freedom within boundaries that allow for free play and flexibility.
Remember how much magic there is just in the everyday.
Let them lead. Take care of you.
Our top favorite activities so far have been:
Playing masak-masak
Reading lots of books together and on her own
MOPPING (she's obsessed and loves it!)
Starting a balcony planter w some cilantro roots and sprouted onions!
Painting in the shower (easy clean-up!!)
Lots of yoga/movement videos including a Frozen kids yoga she loves)
Playing dress-up
PODCASTS!!! (check out the post yesterday for our favorites!)
and honestly, just being a little kid.
She's learning about the world and herself, of community and practical life skills that are the foundation to development and growth as well as academic learning.
The key and the only thing to keep in mind is let them be little. Be kind and mindful of their growing self-esteem, your words matter so much and little ears are always listening. Help your little one with the hardest part of the task (but not the whole task). Boredom breeds creativity. Allow quiet moments of wonder. Let go of perfection. What you're experiencing now is not the final goal. It is foundational.
Enjoy the time together and in their eyes, this time together is like Christmas.
Make it Christmas for you too, mama.
Working from home? I'll post some tips tomorrow or follow me on instagram (@rachealkwacz) for some of what we've been doing!