I made a lot videos for my Guitar Wisdom site on Sunday. Then I just wanted to make a few funky guitar demo videos. Then I thought this maybe.. someone would enjoy it. Do you like this video? 🙏🙏🙏 this song is my original song KYOTO 京都 Now you can listen this song on #spotify #kyoto #pure #stevegadd #willlee Please listen it!! 🙏🙏🙏 Yes! This guitar is Ibanez custom Prestige AZ✅ Tone is so awesome!! Especially this setting!! Middle and rear position👍
3 pure single coils ( I only know that these are not made in Japan and not #seymourduncan #pickups ) 🙏🙏🙏Thanks so much @officialibanezguitars for sending this guitar to me🙏🙏🙏
#tomofujita #ibanez #ibanezguitars #ibanezguitar #ibanezaz #ibanezprestige #prestige #azprestige #prestigemodelsaz #AZ #singlecoil #guitarwisdom #proreverb #fenderproreverb #vemuram #janray #janrayforTF #daddario #nyxl #guitarsolo #guitarsdaily #guitarsarebetter #guitarspotter