Did you know: to be a successful speaker/ emcee/ presenter/ host, what GOES into your BODY before starting your job will impact your performance just as much?
Learn from my experiences, you don't want this:
1. Tummy growling through the mic in front of 1600 people because yours truly forgot to eat between rehearsals/ makeup/ 6 hour event
2. Parched throat and talking like a CHIPMUNK due to too much caffeine
To make sure you are performing at your optimum level as an emcee (after all, client's pay top dollar for you to REPRESENT them, so your job is to project professionalism, on top of flair, charm, a bit of cheekiness (if requested)
SO, Foods to AVOID:
1. Dairy, cheese, processed sugar - produces phlegm and the urge to clear throat EVERY 5 secs
2. Caffeine and Caffeinated tea - diuretic and dehydrating, nuff said! It also stresses your vocal chords
3. Spicy and Fried Foods - phlegm and heartburn
4. carbonated drinks - not only are they sugary, them bubbles surfacing at the worst times ... you can imagine *burp*
Foods you SHOULD eat:
1. Fresh Fruits (-banamas are a great energy source) - good sugar/ energy
2. Chicken/ Fish - lean meat that gives you energy to last longer
3. room temp water
4. honey - self explanatory
READY? Now go ROCK that stage with your most AWESOME voice!
If this helped you, feel free to share
Subscribe to youtube: SERENA C for more emcee tips and whatever you'd like to know about talking (ask away)
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