So excited to present my OTIS Students who selected me to be their Design Mentor this year 😍✨(They got to choose between myself or Adidas) After presenting to them my design direction, the students had 2.5 months to design and illustrate their best work. This is our Sketch Selection where I then got to choose the design that they will now have to make to present on the runway for OTIS College’s 2019 Bicentennial Gala Fashion Show. I love seeing where the kids take my design direction with their imagination, ideas & techniques. Education is EVERYTHING and I am in mad love with helping to spark the flames of creative wildfire onto the next. Can’t wait for our first Fitting! 👗🧵✂️💘#proudFashionMama #proudOTISalumni #baotranchi #fashiondesigner #education#givingback @otisalumni Otis College of Art and Design Otis Fashion