日常紀錄 day23 下班後敷面膜之後懶在沙發上的黃瓜小姐
Veg out 耍廢的意思
造句:I’m going to veg out and put on a facial mask on the sofa.
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put out造句 在 Ruby 老師 Facebook 的最佳貼文
[English Time] "hang" 和 "word" 的用法
hang這個單字本是「懸吊、掛上」的意思,但口語中(最常見的是Hang in there!) ,卻有很多運用跳脫了它的本意,形成相當有趣的句子。
例: How's it hanging? (最近過得如何?) / What's up?
解說: hang這個字用在問候時,可以表達出雙方的親近,最常見的句型就是How's it hanging?。
例:Can you hang on the phone? (可以請您稍等一下嗎?)
例: Can you hang on for just a minute?
解說: 在電話交談中,請對方稍等一下,通常會說 hang on a minute。hang on本身也有「緊緊抓住」的意思,所以若說hang on the phone,容易解釋為「緊抓住電話」。
例:I hung out with my friends, Jessie, Helen and Zoey last night. (昨晚我和我的朋友-潔西、海倫和柔依在一起。)
解說: hang out 是一個很口語的用法,指單純跟幾個朋友在一起「廝混、閒聊」。請注意hang的變化形為 hang-hung-hung。(但hang 解作「被吊死、施以絞刑」時,變化形為hang-hanged-hanged)
例:You’re getting the hang of it! (你抓到訣竅了!)
解說: 當你學習某樣技巧,感覺自己抓到要領時,可以用get the hang of something來表達。 容易出錯之處是誤把 hang 寫成hand(手)。
例: Students are hanging on the teacher's lips. 學生們正全神貫注地聽著老師的每一句話。
解說:由於hang on有「緊抓、握住不放」之意,因此衍生出 hang on somebody's every word/lips這個慣用語,指「仔細專注地聆聽某人的每一句話」。
James星期天去參加同事的Party,星期一和他和外籍同事聊起來:I was happy yesterday evening on Mary's party.(昨天晚上瑪麗的聚會上很開心。)
"Word." 外籍同事說了一個字就停住。
一時以為自己沒聽清楚是什麼「字」,James還想問"What word?"同事繼續了:"I haven't had so much fun in a while."很久沒這麼開心了。
原來這個word並不是指什麼字,而是"You're so right.",「對極了」的意思。
當別人說了一個想法,你完全同意,就可以用單一個字"word"或是片語 "word up",表示完全同意。用法很簡單又有新鮮感。例如:
A:The meeting was so well run that I did not hear of any glitches.(會議進行的很順利,完全沒有瑕疵。)
B:Word up!(完全同意。)
"Word up" 除了當完全同意之外,也有人用來打招呼,相當於"What's the word?"或"What's happening?"
和word相關的道地用法,大家較熟悉的有eat one's words(承認錯誤、收回前言)和 break one's word(不守承諾),再來看幾個相關的表達。記得要和一個字「混熟」,多讀幾次後試著造句,想辦法讓這幾個片語融入你的口語中:
1. put in a good word for 幫人說情、美言
If my client puts in a good word for me, the boss may decide to give me another chance.(要是我客戶為我說情,老闆可能會決定再給我一次機會。)
2.Word for word 一字不差地
This is, word for word, the message he gave me.(這就是他叫我帶的口信,一個字也不差。)
3.….the word for it 不足以形容
Angry is not the word for it, I was furious. (豈只是生氣,我是氣瘋了。)
4.From the word go 一開始
The project had problems with funding right from the word go.(這個計劃一開始就有資金的問題。)
put out造句 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最佳貼文
<寫作必備八種句型- (5)>
☛ make a career of 在…方面有所建樹; 以…為生涯
e.g. Caroline is trying to make a career of her cupcake business, which she found promising in the future.
☛ bring…under control 對…加以控制; 使…得到控制
e.g. At present, many governments are going out of their ways to protect the natural environments from being severe contamination, but it seems rather late to bring the situation under effective control.
☛ bracket ….with 把…與…相提並論
e.g. It is not appropriate to bracket your pains in the project with the mistakes you have done.
☛ make no bones about 對…毫不猶豫; 毫不掩飾
e.g. Caroline made no bones about the intimate relationship with the manager and even seemed to take pride in it sometimes.
☛ put a blot on …使…留下污點; 損害…的名譽
e.g. The producer ‘s love affair with the star put a blot on his copybook and thus, he had no only degraded himself, but also done great harm to the company’s image.
☛ bend one’s efforts for ..致力於…; 為…全力以赴
e.g. Naruto bent his efforts for making up with his best friend, whom he thought had the same fate as him.
☛ cherish/nurse the belief that… 懷有…的信念; 確信…
e.g. Ray’s business landed on the rocks for some reasons but he still seemed o cherish the believe that he could nurse it back to life.
☛ bear a resemblance 與…相似; 與…類似
e.g. Genetically, Caroline and Max are twins; nevertheless, much to their parents’ astonishment, they bear no resemblance with each other in fact.
put out造句 在 「英文成語造句篇」第7集:put a premium on 高度評價 的推薦與評價

「英文成語 造句 篇」第7集: put a premium on 高度評價; be public knowledge ... Phrasal Verbs: Add “ OUT ” to change the meaning of these 8 verbs. ... <看更多>
put out造句 在 華南產險- 【in put造句】 小美告訴媽媽:「今天上英文課 的推薦與評價
【in put造句】 小美告訴媽媽:「今天上英文課,老師出了一題片語造句,全班只有我會喔!」 媽媽:「哇! 你好棒!是哪一句片語?」 小美:「是用in put造句。 ... <看更多>