今年夏天跟著AIT一起學程式設計!今天的AIT Python課程要教大家怎麼用「PyAutoGui模組」控制鍵盤和操作滑鼠。 這集影片中,老師還設計了一個簡單的打蚊子小遊戲,讓大家可以運用「PyAutoGui模組」控制滑鼠游標瞄準蚊子去處,快跟著影片一起試試看!
想要複習之前的程式課程請點這 👉:
* AIT程式語言課程是因應新冠疫情而推出的線上活動之一。
Today we will introduce the Python “PyAutoGUI” module, which controls the mouse and keyboard. In this video, we put together a simple mosquito swatting game and show you how to utilize PyAutoGui to control the movement of mouse cursor to squash the mosquitos. Please click to watch. All previous python coding videos can be viewed here:
*The series of Python classes is part of AIT's new online learning resources.