今年的 #紐約大都會台灣日 不只台味濃濃,更有一種感謝的味道。
Mets Taiwan Day/ 紐約大都會台灣日數個小時前在地球的另一端盛大舉行,已經舉辦16屆的這個活動是大聯盟球隊中規模最大的台灣文化慶典, 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen總統特別穿上「Taiwan No.1」球衣錄製影片,以神秘嘉賓的身分與 蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao大使同框,跨海現身球場大螢幕致詞,並介紹台灣的奧運選手!
這是我國駐美大使 #第一次獲大都會隊邀請開球,意義非凡,場內許多觀眾身穿與總統相同的球衣,氣氛熱烈!場外則有 #電音三太子、#官將首 等台灣傳統民俗技藝表演,現場宛如台灣廟會般的熱鬧。
This year’s #MetsTaiwanDay felt almost like #Thanksgiving, although we didn’t see any turkeys and it was Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen sporting a “Taiwan No. 1” jersey on the big screen giving thanks to the US for their donation of 2.5 million vaccines! She also took the opportunity to introduce Taiwan's Olympic team.
Ambassador Hsiao Bi-khim took to the field to throw the first pitch, the first to be thrown for the Mets by a Taiwan representative to the US! The atmosphere was electric inside the stadium, while outside the Third Lotus Prince was bringing some Taiwanese electro to fans!
You can check out some of the photos below and earlier today we posted a film made especially for broadcast at the game!!
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【布林肯推文支持台灣與立陶宛拓展關係 】
最近 #美國 國務卿布林肯推文表示與 #立陶宛 外長藍柏吉斯通話,表示堅定支持 #立陶宛 與 #台灣 拓展關係,而美國國務院更以 #ironclad 形容,在中國的脅迫之下,美國支持立陶宛如鋼鐵般堅定!
如同外交部吳部長在推文表示, #美國與理念相近國家的支持更堅定了我們對抗威權主義的決心,面對威權脅迫台灣不會退縮,未來也會持續與理念相近愛好自由的民主國家相互合作!
MOFA is grateful to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken for his conversation with Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis in which he expressed #US support for #Lithuania in its regional challenges and for the country’s decision to expand ties with #Taiwan and the subsequent press release in which US solidarity for the Lithuania was described as “ironclad.” This demonstrates the United States' leadership in defending democracy. As Minister Joseph Wu tweeted, "Your backing toughens our resolve to fight off authoritarianism."
realfriendsrealprogress 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳解答
台灣位於 #民主陣營對抗專制政權的第一線,堅持民主自由價值,且對於國際社會的安全與繁榮,扮演不可或缺的角色。我國政府 #將持續提升自我防衛能力,捍衛台灣人民得來不易的民主與自由,並與美國及其他理念相近國家深化合作,共同促進台海及印太區域的和平、穩定及繁榮。
MOFA welcomes the assurances from both US President Joe Biden, during his interview with ABC, and State Department Spokesperson Ned Price during a press briefing, on the US commitment to Taiwan.
Taiwan plays an indispensable role in the collective security and prosperity of the international community and will continue to upgrade our defensive capabilities to maintain the hard-won freedoms and democratic institutions of the Taiwanese people. We will continue to work with #LikeMinded partners like the US to ensure the peace, stability and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific region.
In the course of the interview, President Biden stated that there was a fundamental difference between Afghanistan and Taiwan and that the #US will honor its sacred commitment to its partners, including Taiwan.
Price responded to a question on comparisons made by third parties between the situation of Taiwan and Afghanistan, stating that the US continues to support a peaceful resolution of cross-strait relations consistent with the wishes and best interests of the Taiwan people. He added that the US has an abiding interest in peace and security across the Taiwan Strait central to the security and stability of the broader Indo-Pacific.