[Buy now, pay later]BNPL,金融潮語。其實都潮咗大半年,不過香港咁上下啦。鬼媒講咗年幾兩年Content Creator,都未見香港有乜媒體專門整個beat
1. Buy now, pay later,「屌,咪即係花唄」「有幾撚有創意呀?我中華古已有之」「不過馬雲得罪人之嘛」。其實認真的,唔使括號,花唄都興咗N年,鬼佬而家先開心大現BNPL,完全係reinventing the wheel,不過記住講個英文縮寫就有人覺得好巴閉,Bullshit as a service,Baas.(話時話,Kyle Bass收咗皮未?港紙爆煲冇?)
一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1900人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
2. OK,正經,「咪即係信用卡分期,有幾大發現呀?」。又唔係喎
3. 首先,香港人好撚有錢,同埋好有信用,香港人係好好嘅債仔,你見啲友真係斬人打劫呃同事呃老婆穿公司櫃桶底都會供樓的!
4. 當然,除咗香港人有錢,客觀亦因為香港丁屎咁細,你走得去邊?唔似美國或以前大陸(而家有晒監控另一回事),改個名換個車牌去第個城市又一條好漢。
5. 所以你見香港批信用卡成功率極高,私人貸款極易借,仲要供樓利息低。一個普通打工仔,一百幾十萬信用卡額絶對唔係難事。
6. 我想講嗰時我在英國讀書?出咗信用卡(開名啦,匯豐),500英鎊信用額。「喂你係學生冇收入點同,唔好偷換概念」。但你可以睇下普通一個香港大學生銀行批幾錢信用額畀佢?(*)
7. 我知全世界都低息,係呀我唔知呀可?港息大約都跟美息,但,你見美國有冇可能一兩厘供樓?你有冇諗過,香港供樓銀行收你咁平息,賺乜?「cross selling」,「美國唔識cross selling呀?」(咁當然,再三留意返,香港人好撚有錢)。
8. 真相係,香港嘅delinquency rate (拋個英文好似專業啲)極低。即使咩亞洲金融風暴或沙士或乜,你睇報紙咩負資產又跳樓,但,個delinquency rate都係極低—come the 忽on,負資產不等於delinquent!死還死七孔流血還七孔流血!甚至跳樓都不等於delinquent!別傻了星矢,你還有老豆還有老婆!
9. 但認真,咁低嘅delinquency rate,銀行咪圍到數,所以點解香港銀行嘅net interest margin咁低都仲有錢賺。剛睇業績,中銀香港淨息差1.10%,你諗下仲要出糧仲要交租仲要預你啲友燒炭,但居然都仲係賺唔少錢,可見delinquency rate幾咁低。美國?你可以睇下2008嗰時,啲次按有幾多delinquent,求撚其掉低鎖匙就兩腳一伸走人foreclosure,而美國啲銀主盤邊有香港咁正,可以賣原價咁滯(大把銀行拍賣銀主盤有賺添)
10. 同樣原則,你可以應用落去信用卡,私人貸款。
11. 當然仲有,再講一次,香港人好撚有錢。我冇統計過有幾多巴仙嘅人有信用卡,你睇卡數目唔準,因為有啲好似我咁嘅仆街一條友十幾張卡(又如何?)。但,目測香港嘅信用卡滲透率極高,「我Patreon啲讀者好似全部有」(**)
12. 講返,冇去過美國(係呀,我使唔使識整光刻機?ASML NVIDIA又新高啦屌你),但BNPL同信用卡,就真係唔係同一回事。可以係complement 亦可以係substitute (***)
13. Patreon會寫,有啲人只用信用卡,有啲人只用BNPL,有啲兩樣一齊。但,咩人係傾向用BNPL?你估到了:非白人(Hispanic或黑人),低收入人士,同埋……年青人,
14. 拿,學嘢?呢啲就學嘢啦。
15. 不過,「不如講返冧把」,Affirm就升五成啦,一舊水咁滯。「但2月嗰時140蚊」,而家先返返年頭水平,你買隻垃圾中移動941跑贏佢一截。估值都係好重要的。
16. 最重要係,Amazon雖然同Affirm合作,但冇話exclusive 喎。Amazon嘅作風啦喎,就行內皆知了,你做過佢對家都知。
17. 至於其他Fintech嘢?韓國嘅KaKao Bank,一上市大過晒韓國所有銀行嘅市值添,亦令呀大股東變咗富豪,同啲財閥平起平坐。你諗下,韓國喎,幾不可思議?
18. 香港?有!「咪螞蟻金服」,嗰時上市成功嘅,肯定大過晒所有銀行,分分鐘係全世界最大嘅金融股(而全世界最大嘅銀融股唔係銀行啦下)。
(*)話時話,我好想知道,到底唔同大學甚至唔同科嘅學生,信用額會唔會唔同?拿,醒你呀,拎去做final year project啦。理論上呢,「好似醫科生應該信用額高啲」「你點折墮點包尾做個醫管局非合約都五六七皮啦」。不過我估實際上銀行don’t care,同埋費事你話歧視。不過,「如果見到係唔同大學唔同信用額仲好玩」「我覺得教大應該高啲」。同埋,如果真係。拿,真係醒你呀,認真少少拎嚟做MSc dissertation都得(MPhil PhD就未咁求其),「至少認真過我嗰份」又,我份dissertation真係相當垃圾,但我都don’t care,因為我換得去倫敦結算所實習嘅機會,雖然真係坐嗰邊只係幾日。
(**)呢度示範咩係survivorship bias.冇信用卡又點訂你Patreon呢大哥。「其實可以用Paypal」「但冇信用卡又點有Paypal呢老細」「其實係得的」
(***)有啲人讀經濟就讀死書,以為A同B一係complement 一係substitute,或者兩者之間 0-1。錯,同樣兩樣嘢,唔同情況下,可以係complement亦可以係substitute.例如?你一拖二咪知!「你有本事可以搞到變complement的」「重口味啲嘅,老婆同外婆都得」
一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1900人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅コペル英会話,也在其Youtube影片中提到,こんにちは、イムランです! 大人と子供向けの英会話レッスン動画をアップしています。 英語コーチ解説動画-何から学べばいいですか?ー英語コーチを目指すなら、この2つはおさえましょう。 質問:英語コーチを目指して勉強をしたいけど、何から学べばいいですか? 「これを読むまで英語は諦めないでください」...
「reinventing the wheel」的推薦目錄:
- 關於reinventing the wheel 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於reinventing the wheel 在 孟買春秋 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於reinventing the wheel 在 AppWorks Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於reinventing the wheel 在 コペル英会話 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於reinventing the wheel 在 【#辦公室英語加油站】Reinvent The Wheel 重新發明輪子?你 ... 的評價
- 關於reinventing the wheel 在 Is reinventing the wheel really all that bad? - Software ... 的評價
- 關於reinventing the wheel 在 Are WebSockets reinventing the wheel? - Stack Overflow 的評價
reinventing the wheel 在 孟買春秋 Facebook 的最讚貼文
reinventing the wheel 再度創造輪子。
經過解釋,菲爾認為師父要把唐鳳系統納入台北通,不要下載那麼多 APP 不無道理。他的疑問是,台北通連結唐鳳系統後,使用端需不需要再更新?這是不是設計給還沒有下載唐鳳系統的人?
本人認為,絕大多數的 (非長者) 台灣人應該已經下載了唐鳳預約系統了吧?要資訊局再去研究怎麼把兩者連在一起,強調說我們的服務更好,是我就比你棒的中二心態。
As it has already been invented and is not considered to have any operational flaws, an attempt to reinvent it would be pointless and add no value to the object, and would be a waste of time, diverting the investigator's resources from possibly more worthy goals.
reinventing the wheel 在 AppWorks Facebook 的精選貼文
[Jeff Bezos Is Secretly Kind of Dumb, And Other Surprising Truths About Smart Founders]
Founders eventually realize that it's really counterproductive to generate completely brand new thinking to new problems, according to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. To do otherwise is really stupid.
This sounds counterintuitive in describing the startup approach of one of the world's most successful entrepreneurs, so I'll explain.
For Bezos, being a successful entrepreneur is not about solving each specific problem in a specifically unique way.
That's way too narrow-minded. That is, as the cliche states, reinventing the wheel.
It takes a lot of energy.
Success in startup problem-solving is more about being efficient with your learning, and building maps and templates by gaining as much experience as possible, in many categories.
This founder advantage will enable a founder to implement a pattern-matching mentality to constant challenges in business and life.
Bezos figured this out when he was in university, when he realized how much he sucked at math.
Encountering a really difficult problem in university led him, out of frustration, to seek the help of another student who was much better than him and his roommate at math.
What he learned was that maybe you don't have to be good at math to solve a math problem. You have to be good at recognizing and creating solutions.
Founders can attempt this approach.
Begin to ask, "Should I look at each problem as a unique problem that has never been solved before? Or... should I develop a better way to solve ANY problems?"
Like Bezos, you too can be a great founder. Try the following:
1. Seek the help of someone who knows more and see things differently -- partner with them, soak up how they see the world; get good at thinking in their shoes, learn how they do it. Apply these lessons and attack the problem with a new angle.
2. Get good at building up a mental catalog of models, or maps, of problem-solving -- develop a series of lenses for your thinking. This way you can approach each new experience with a range of experiences in the past that suggest a pattern of logic that characterizes all problems.
This opens the mind to approaches and focuses on solution creation, rather than trying to beating the problem into submission. This often happens when we use a tool so much that we only know how to use that tool. Eventually, the tool becomes very blunt and useless.
3. Realize that what works in one subject may not always be the solution you need. You may have to use something that comes from a similar experience in some other area. Founders are always telling us about how in AI, for example, they used a business or sales solution that comes from the hospitality industry, or sports. It really clears out the muddle.
If you are a founder in Southeast Asia and Taiwan working on something challenging and new...
Twice a year, we offer an ability to work with over 1,100 founders from many generations of startup creation in Greater Southeast Asia in dozens of startup categories.
You can get information about our portfolio, our classes, and our approach at our website, https://appworks.tw/accelerator
Currently, we seek applications in AI and Blockchain, and founders who are thinking way out into the future, and who are focused on learning constantly.
It also so happens to be a fact that over 65% of our graduating founders come from around the southeast Asia region. So, don't think that Taiwan is too far afield from a region that is dominating in startup growth. It's just not true.
As a community, our founders tend to put their entire focus on constantly getting smarter and helping others get smarter in a huge region of the world.
We encourage you to come and join them soon.
You can read the Bezos article here:
Doug Crets
Communications Master, AppWorks
Photo by Daniel Eledut on Unsplash
reinventing the wheel 在 コペル英会話 Youtube 的最佳貼文
英語だとReinventing the wheelと言うんですけど、どういうことかと言うと、生まれてから無人島にいた人が、たまたま20歳になった時に、自分の持っているコップと糸で糸電話をたまたま作って、おお!遠くても声が聞こえる!って発見するんです。で、これを世紀の大発見だ!って思うんですよ。でも、無人島以外には普通にスマホとかあるんですね。でもそのことは知らないから、自分が大発見をしたと思っている。

reinventing the wheel 在 Is reinventing the wheel really all that bad? - Software ... 的推薦與評價
I'm a lot more inclined to reinvent small wheels if using an existing wheel will create a dependency hassle than if the existing wheel is already there, set up ... ... <看更多>
reinventing the wheel 在 Are WebSockets reinventing the wheel? - Stack Overflow 的推薦與評價
... <看更多>
reinventing the wheel 在 【#辦公室英語加油站】Reinvent The Wheel 重新發明輪子?你 ... 的推薦與評價
原來,因為輪子是幾千年前的發明,且並沒有多大缺陷,所以reinvent the wheel(重新發明輪子)這個片語就被用來形容「多此一舉、沒有意義的行為」。 例:Don't reinvent ... ... <看更多>