📜 2019 Taiwanese Waves Artist Q&A📜
Vol.4 - 萬芳 One-Fang 💋
Q&A最後一彈!像湖水般的萬芳姐來分享對紐約的印象。萬芳姐連回答的時候都好有詩意呀 🧡🧡
Q5:今年的主題是「Taiwanese Bae」,想請你跟我們分享一件最寶貝的人事物?
萬芳:好難喔可以跳過嗎~ (思考很久之後)我覺得是演出的內容跟方式,因為我這個人而延伸出來的視角吧。
Q1: Impression of New York
Wan-Fang: My impression of New York is that many people go to New York to find his or her true-self, searching for dreams and search for who they really are. When we throw ourselves in New York, it’s like we are nothing so that we can feel the true-self and the most original stage of ourselves. By seeing people from around the world, I think it’s a process that you can understand some things.
Q2: How many times have you been to New York? What are you looking forward to do in New York?
Wan-Fang: I haven't counted how many times. I will stay a few days longer, but I'm not sure what I will do, I want to see what is happening in this city. I want to see what would happen if I just throw myself in New York. No special plans to do anything.
Q3: If you compare yourself as 'waves', what kind of waves do you think you are?
Wan-Fang: I don't think of myself as waves; I think I'm more like lake water. The waves that are more relatable to me is more like lake water reflections, there can be outside factors that cause the ripple or water waves, a small waves or a big jump's splash of water, but the lake itself can be very deep or even undercurrent.
Q4: Is there anything special you want to deliver to the New York audiences?
WanFang: This is my first time performing in New York. Since I've been active for over 30 years, it's hard for me to choose the songs for this performance. Some audiences might listen to Wan-Fang from the 90s, some audiences might listen to my songs after 2015, so it's hard for me to choose. But I think if the theme of this year is about female empowerment, I think I can bring my view as a female to New York, and by my music to show New York the look of the female of Taiwan.
Q5: Since the topic this year is 'Taiwanese Bae', we want you to share with us what is your 'bae'?
Wan-Fang: It's a tough question, can I skip it? (After a long time) I think the content and the way I perform because it's a view extended from myself.
Q6: If you want to recommend something that is exclusive in Taiwan to foreign audience, what would you recommend?
Wan-Fang: I think Taiwan's folk belief is fascinating because the people's personality that is formed by folk belief is a very interesting modest. Taiwan is a tiny dot on the earth, but a lot of exciting things happen in this small dot, such as legalizing gay marriage earlier this year, or beliefs that formed up from history, there are some religious people that everyone can attribute to, like TzuChi, started from Taiwan and to the world. When 911 happened there were only some groups that can go on site, one is the International Committee of the Red Cross, and the other one is TzuChi. I think this is something very interesting, a female monk with the willingness of "For Buddhism, for all beings," inspiring the whole world after 50 years.
Taiwanese Waves 2019
・Date:8 / 3 / 2019 (Saturday)
・Time:5pm doors, 6 pm - 10 pm show
・Free Entry!
・Venue:Rumsey Playfield, Central Park, NYC
・Artists:阿爆(阿仍仍)ABao | 9m88 |Tizzy Bac | 萬芳 One-Fang
Photo by DingDong│叮咚
relatable意思 在 Jolie C 陳逸璇 Facebook 的精選貼文
《短暫的婚姻》實在很好看,故事也很Real 很Relatable,所有演員的演技都很精湛,把劇本發揮得淋漓盡致。最初聽到短暫的婚姻是不敢看的,但原來劇目的意思是 「如果深愛,再長的婚姻也是短暫的。」很浪漫,這種幸福好像很夢幻。很喜歡這劇把現實,人性都放上大舞台,笑中有淚,也很有啟發性。Got me thinking a lot, may be even too much...
relatable意思 在 猴子的動漫部屋 Monkey's Comics Facebook 的最佳解答
Hello~ 我終於回來la~~~ 家裏有些維俢+ 趕黃子華本 + 前陣子一直有點頭暈, 把專頁放置了 >///< 也沒有畫畫....orzz
先來公佈一下拖了好久的Thorki貼紙抽獎~! 實在不好意思, 本來應該上星期一就公佈的 QAQ
參加的人有15個, 名額有10個, 但名額反正是我訂的(?), 不如乾脆全15人也送吧~ \^0^/ 謝謝你們跟我分享那麼多奇趣(?)的返校日經歷~~~ 抽獎活動可以跟大家多交流談天, 我自己也好喜歡~~
一個星期內會收到我的inbox~ 留意信箱喔~ 祝有個愉快週末~~~ Love you ~~~ <3
Hi, I’m back, sorry for not being active due to home maintenance and health issues (again)…
Thank you for joining the Thorki stickers giveaway~! I’m sorry for the delay, should be announcing result week ago, but I didn’t have time to handle the fan page…
So, as a extra gift, I will give everyone who joint a sticker~! People who commented in Facebook / retweet in twitter / reblog in Tumblr will get one~! Thank you for sharing your Back To School moments, some are super funny, some are relatable, and some are horrifying! Its’ so nice to chat with you guys~! My page does’t have lots of comments, so sometime I feel like talking to myself or talking to air, haha. It’s good to have more interaction, and I really enjoy that~! Thank you <3
Wait for my inbox / message, I will contact you with 1 week. Enjoy the weekend everyone~ Love you <3
Sticker available in Etsy : https://www.etsy.com/…/…/sale-loki-thor-thorki-kindergarten…