This beautiful art museum, The Louvre, totally captivated my heart because I love art very much and the best art museum I have been so far!🎨
We could only spend less than 2 hours during that time because the museum needs to be closed. We still couldn't cover the whole museum within the hours because it's massive!
Musee du Louvre is the world-famous and biggest museum in the world. It would take you 200 days to see every piece of art here because the museum houses about 550,000 works!
The architecture was impressive and you can't resist admiring all the masterpiece and every single details and corner, art lovers, it's mindblowing!🤯 I can also sleep here for sure.🤣
Watching Lupin definitely brought back memories. Can't wait for Lupin Season 2!🧐🤩
Ps: I'm sharing my travel memories and stories pre Covid and will be sharing more from time to time (throwback). I'm at home, only mind travelling through my photos. Please stay at home and stay safe all!😊
#sfartography #rainbowpegasus #travelofie #portrait #travel #paris #france #louvre #louvremuseum #louvrepyramid #louvreparis #museedulouvre #thelouvre #lupin #netflix #mindtravel #writerscommunity #photography
safe to sleep 200 在 Gaylen Kasai 小辣椒 Facebook 的最佳貼文
We've just "safe zone" our room with @yvesnscents . I've always fear Mosquitoes and I've been really worried about using commercial types of Mosquitoes Repellents because they contain chemicals and to imagine Vegas Chan breathing in those chemicals scares me too. I'm glad that I've been introduced to "safe zone" by Yves Nature Scent a mosquito repellent which is 100% made of Lemongrass. We love how the smell fills the room. Lemongrass works great to balance the mind and emotions to ensure a good night sleep. "Safe Zone" is easy to use, all you've gotta do it plug & play and it effectively treats range up to 200 sq ft. Each bottle can last up to one whole month and even the deisign of the device is very stylish.
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safe to sleep 200 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的精選貼文
【瓜地馬拉】哇!經過了一個晚上還是無法消化前一晚見到的景色😮 我們居然那個近的距離觀看火山爆發😍 完全不需要望遠鏡頭,濃漿的細節完全清晰可見🌋 這真的是我們做過最瘋狂又可能有生命危險的事了 ☠
重點是在這一天我們先爬上中美洲第三高峰 Acatenango 阿卡特南戈火山位於 3550M 的營地 🏕 從這裡你其實可以從安全距離(大約四公里)觀看中美最活耀的火山之一 Fuego 富埃戈火山👀 這座火山在 2015 年的爆發還影響到瓜地馬拉的國際機場以及需要驅散附近百位居民😱
不過我們與另一位美國的滑雪教練決定多付導遊一些錢,請他帶我們到 Fuego 富埃戈火山旁的小峰🌋 說真的當時濃霧超大,從營區也無法看到火山的身影😨 但我們還是爬下幾百公尺,然後爬上 3600M 的高度在大約九百多公尺的距離近看火山爆發!導遊還給我們看上個禮拜的照片,濃漿還打到他們旁邊的地上呢😱 其實這段健行真的是很危險,我將會詳細記錄在網誌上,真的超級驚險😟 目前先把最精彩的影片分享給大家看吧❤️
Ps. 話說我們午夜十二點才回到營區⛺ 早已經精疲力竭... 一天總共上升了將近三千米!然後睡不到三個小時又直接起床攻 3976M 到阿卡特南戈火山頂端看日出🌄 說真的我超驚訝身體居然沒什麼痛,倒是睡覺時會夢到跌倒(這趟健行我摔了好多好多次)然後整個人抽蓄踢到 York😂 這趟健行真的是太酷了!等不及分享網誌或照片給大家看❤️ #瓜地馬拉 #火山健行 #挑戰自我
WOW😮 Still couldn't believe what we've seen last night😍 Front row VIP seat on the ridge of an active volcano🌋!!! Probably could've gotten ourselves killed☠ The crazy thing was we did it after we reached the base camp of 3rd highest volcano in Central America- Acatenango (3550M) 🏕 From here you suppose to see one of the most active volcanoes in Central America- Volcano Fuego at a safe distance 👀
However we "tipped" the guide and asked him to take us closer to the volcano "illegally"😬 We hiked down in TOTAL DENSE FOG to the saddle between two volcanoes & hiked back up to 3600M where we were less than 0.9km from the volcano!!! Our guide told us lava will actually falls next to our feet if the eruptions are big enough😱 He even had photo evidence😮
We only got back to the base camp at 12am that night⛺ I don't think I've ever pushed by body so hard that we almost elevated 3000M in 14 hours😖 With less than 3 hours of sleep, we summited the top of Acatenango (3976M) to see the sunrise🌄 I am surprised my legs weren't in too much pain😮 It certainly isn't the hardest hike but it was the most rewarding one for sure❤ EPIC EPIC EPIC😍😍😍 #guatemala #daredevil #backpackinghoneymoon
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