[138991] 7791. 齊木楠雄的災難:天才魔術師!?蝶野雨綠"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." A Genius Magician?! Uryoku Chouno (2016)★★★
[138992] 7792. 齊木楠雄的災難:在電視中再會!蝶野雨綠"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Second Encounter (on TV)! Uryoku Chouno (2016)★★
[138993] 7793. 齊木楠雄的災難:超級可疑!Dark Reunion"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." How Shady! Dark Reunion! (2016)★★╍
[138994] 7794. 齊木楠雄的災難:海灘 夏日物語"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Beachside Summer Story (2016)★★
[138995] 7795. 齊木楠雄的災難:學校再開!燃堂的憂鬱"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." A New School Term Starts! The Melancholy of Nendou (2016)★★
[138996] 7796. 齊木楠雄的災難:請您收我為弟子"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Please Make Me Your Apprentice! (2016)★★
[138997] 7797. 齊木楠雄的災難:隔壁班級的靈能力者"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Psychic Medium in the Class Next Door (2016)★★
[138998] 7798. 齊木楠雄的災難:灰呂杵志尋找木材之旅"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Kineshi Hairo, in Search of Lumber (2016)★★
[138999] 7799. 齊木楠雄的災難:留下看家的災難"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Home Alone Disaster (2016)★
[139000] 7800. 齊木楠雄的災難:交往了三個月的危機"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Crisis in Three-Month Relationship (2016)★★
[139001] 7801. 齊木楠雄的災難:穿上無敵的迷彩服逃命吧!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Escape Using an Invincible Suit of Camouflage! (2016)★★
[139002] 7802. 齊木楠雄的災難:燃燒吧!PK學園體育祭(前篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Get Fired Up! PK Academy Sports Day (Part 1) (2016)★★
[139003] 7803. 齊木楠雄的災難:燃燒吧!PK學園體育祭(中篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Get Fired Up! PK Academy Sports Day (Part 2) (2016)★★
[139004] 7804. 齊木楠雄的災難:燃燒吧!PK學園體育祭(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Get Fired Up! PK Academy Sports Day (Part 3) (2016)★★
[139005] 7805. 齊木楠雄的災難:別燃燒啊!防災訓練!!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Don’t Catch Fire! Safety Drill! (2016)★★
[139006] 7806. 齊木楠雄的災難:魅惑的高級咖啡果凍"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Enticing Premium Quality Coffee Jello (2016)★★
[139007] 7807. 齊木楠雄的災難:為了不遇到災難就只好…"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." In Order to Avoid Misfortune... (2016)★★
[139008] 7808. 齊木楠雄的災難:照橋同學的最大試煉"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Teruhashi's Biggest Trial... (2016)★★
[139009] 7809. 齊木楠雄的災難:靈能力者鳥束零太的災難"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Disatrous Life of Psychic Medium Reita Toritsuka (2016)★★
[139010] 7810. 齊木楠雄的災難:快點關掉它!毀滅開關"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Stop the Killer Domino Effect! (2016)★★
[139011] 7811. 齊木楠雄的災難:小小國王君臨"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Reign of the Small King (2016)★★
[139012] 7812. 齊木楠雄的災難:鬧起來吧!聖誕前夜"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Frolic! Silent Night (2016)★★
[139013] 7813. 齊木楠雄的災難:煩人的正月(前篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Noisy New Year's (Part 1) (2016)★★
[139014] 7814. 齊木楠雄的災難:煩人的正月(中篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Noisy New Year's (Part 2) (2016)★★
[139015] 7815. 齊木楠雄的災難:煩人的正月(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Noisy New Year's (Part 3) (2016)★★
[139016] 7816. 齊木楠雄的災難:恐怖!松崎老師"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Scariest! Mr. Matsuzaki (2016)★★
[139017] 7817. 齊木楠雄的災難:巧克力盛典"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Chocolate Festival (2016)★★
[139018] 7818. 齊木楠雄的災難:世上最惡!?燃堂爸爸"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Absolutely the Worst!? Nendou's Father (2016)★★
[139019] 7819. 齊木楠雄的災難:毫無疑心!齊木久留美"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Totally Trusting! Kurumi Saiki (2016)★★✚
[139020] 7820. 齊木楠雄的災難:心靈感應消音器"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Telepathy Silencer (2016)★★★
[139021] 7821. 齊木楠雄的災難:超級巨星登場"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Superstar Returns (2016)★★
[139022] 7822. 齊木楠雄的災難:動起來!混亂的期末考試"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Cast the Die! An Upset in the Finals (2016)★★
[139023] 7823. 齊木楠雄的災難:這次一定要再會!蝶野雨綠(前篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Second Encounter (For Real This Time)! Uryoku Chouno (Part 1) (2016)★★
[139024] 7824. 齊木楠雄的災難:這次一定要再會!蝶野雨綠(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Second Encounter (For Real This Time)! Uryoku Chouno (Part 2) (2016)★★
[139025] 7825. 齊木楠雄的災難:目良同學的錢包小故事"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Mera's Money Situation (2016)★★
[139026] 7826. 齊木楠雄的災難:最燃!體育測試"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Reignited! Physical Fitness Test (2016)★★
[139027] 7827. 齊木楠雄的災難:小小的戀愛物語"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Little Love Story (2016)★★
[139028] 7828. 齊木楠雄的災難:新款垃圾遊戲!奧爾法納斯故事"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Latest Crappy Game! Olfana's Story (2016)★★
[139029] 7829. 齊木楠雄的災難:歡迎你回來!真魔(媽媽)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Welcome Home! Mama (2016)★★
[139030] 7830. 齊木楠雄的災難:最適合告白的!?招魂之術"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Best Way of Confessing Love?! Spirit-Summoning Technique (2016)★★
[139031] 7831. 齊木楠雄的災難:起飛吧!改造人汽水超人2號"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Jump! Cyborg Cider-man No. 2 (2016)★★
[139032] 7832. 齊木楠雄的災難:超大型一流企業!?父親的工作"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Industry-leading, Top-ranking Company?! Father's Job (2016)★★
[139033] 7833. 齊木楠雄的災難:改造人汽水超人2號VS怪人檸檬水"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Ciderman No. 2 Vs. The Lemonade Fiend (2016)★★
[139034] 7834. 齊木楠雄的災難:齊木楠雄的祭典日"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Kusuo Saiki's Holiday (2016)★★
[139035] 7835. 齊木楠雄的災難:齊木楠雄的♀(女)難"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Kusuo Saiki's Woman Troubles (2016)★★
[139036] 7836. 齊木楠雄的災難:到底誰能勝出!?命運的小組抽籤"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Who'll Win?! Fateful Grouping (2016)★★
[139037] 7837. 齊木楠雄的災難:旅途必有的阻擋"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Trips and Disasters Go Together (2016)★★
[139038] 7838. 齊木楠雄的災難:載著超能力者的客機GO!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Let's Go On a Plane! With a Psychic On Board! (2016)★★
[139039] 7839. 齊木楠雄的災難:抱歉打擾一下!沖繩修學旅行"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." We're Here! Okinawa School Trip (2016)★★
[139040] 7840. 齊木楠雄的災難:你好!沖繩修學旅行"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Hello! Okinawa School Trip (2016)★★
[139041] 7841. 齊木楠雄的災難:抱歉!沖繩修學旅行"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." I'm Sorry! Okinawa School Trip (2016)★★
[139042] 7842. 齊木楠雄的災難:最糟糕的夜晚遭遇in沖繩 "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Worst Night-Time Incident in Okinawa (2016)★★
[139043] 7843. 齊木楠雄的災難:呀吼!沖繩修學旅行 "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Yah! Okinawa School Trip (2016)★★
[139044] 7844. 齊木楠雄的災難:明天見!沖繩修學旅行 "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." See You Again! Okinawa School Trip (2016)★★
[139045] 7845. 齊木楠雄的災難:再一次再見!沖繩修學旅行 "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." See You Again, Again! Okinawa School Trip (2016)★★
[139046] 7846. 齊木楠雄的災難:夜露死苦!! 特殊分子"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Sup Homies!! Outsider (2016)★★
[139047] 7847. 齊木楠雄的災難:轉校生~最初的邂逅~"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." A Transfer Student! The First Encounters (2016)★★
[139048] 7848. 齊木楠雄的災難:集合!燃堂一家"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Mr. and Mrs. Nendou Together! (2016)★★
[139049] 7849. 齊木楠雄的災難:經營重啟!純咖啡店魔美"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Reviving Café Mami! (2016)★★
[139050] 7850. 齊木楠雄的災難:有罪無罪!?偷竊事件"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Guilty or Not Guilty?! Theft Case (2016)★★
[139051] 7851. 齊木楠雄的災難:要不要採用呢!?班級節目研討會"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Which Idea Will Be Picked?! School Festival Planning (2016)★★
[139052] 7852. 齊木楠雄的災難:高歌吧!REITA演唱會!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Sing! Reita's Recital (2016)★★
[139053] 7853. 齊木楠雄的災難:動起來!PK學園文化祭(前篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Go Wild! PK Academy School Festival Part 1 (2016)★★
[139054] 7854. 齊木楠雄的災難:動起來!PK學園文化祭(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Go Wild! PK Academy School Festival Part 2 (2016)★★
[139055] 7855. 齊木楠雄的災難:去參加文化祭的慶功宴咯"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Let's Go to the School Festival Wrap-up Party (2016)★★
[139056] 7856. 齊木楠雄的災難:最強美少女VS絕對不會心動的男人(前篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Perfect Pretty Girl vs. the Super Stubborn Guy (Part 1) (2016)★★
[139057] 7857. 齊木楠雄的災難:最強美少女VS絕對不會心動的男人(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Perfect Pretty Girl vs. the Super Stubborn Guy (Part 2) (2016)★★
[139058] 7858. 齊木楠雄的災難:超能力·聖誕老人"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Psychic Santa Claus (2016)★★
[139059] 7859. 齊木楠雄的災難:去買新家電!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Let's Go Buy the Latest Electronics! (2016)★★
[139060] 7860. 齊木楠雄的災難:新年伊始的CYCLE "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." New Year's Cycle (2016)★★
[139061] 7861. 齊木楠雄的災難:海藤的猜疑心(前篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Kaidou's Suspicion (Part 1) (2016)★★
[139062] 7862. 齊木楠雄的災難:海藤的猜疑心(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Kaidou's Suspicion (Part 2) (2016)★★
[139063] 7863. 齊木楠雄的災難:無法調節!?燃堂VS海藤!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." No Intervention Needed?! Nendou Vs. Kaidou (2016)★★
[139064] 7864. 齊木楠雄的災難:最恐怖的打工仔"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Worst Part-Timer (2016)★★
[139065] 7865. 齊木楠雄的災難:疾奔!跑者們!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Fierce Run! Runners Psi! (2016)★★
[139066] 7866. 齊木楠雄的災難:照橋同學的齊木家之行"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Teruhashi's Second Visit to the Saiki Residence (2016)★★
[139067] 7867. 齊木楠雄的災難:輕輕鬆鬆!稻草變富翁"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." It's a Piece of Cake! The Straw Millionaire (2016)★★
[139068] 7868. 齊木楠雄的災難:變形!超級尺寸"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Transformation! Super Size (2016)★★
[139069] 7869. 齊木楠雄的災難:再教育的建議"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." He Should Repeat the Grade (2016)★★
[139070] 7870. 齊木楠雄的災難:氣氛最高潮!卡拉OK聚會"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Max Excitement! Karaoke Party (2016)★★
[139071] 7871. 齊木楠雄的災難:萬歲!傲嬌爺爺"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Hurray! Tsundere Grandpa (2016)★★
[139072] 7872. 齊木楠雄的災難:萬萬歲!傲嬌爺爺 "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Hip, Hip, Hurray! Tsundere Grandpa (2016)★★
[139073] 7873. 齊木楠雄的災難:歡迎您來到史上最破遊樂園! "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Welcome to the Farthest Amusement Park! (2016)★★
[139074] 7874. 齊木楠雄的災難:再見!與外公婆告別"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." See you again! Saying Goodbye to the Grandparents (2016)★★
[139075] 7875. 齊木楠雄的災難:慶祝遊戲化!齊藤邦夫的怪談"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Congratulations on the Video Game Release! Kunio Saito's Horror Stories (2016)★★★
[139076] 7876. 齊木楠雄的災難:活用你的才能吧!鳥束受歡迎計劃"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Take Advantage of the Talent! Toritsuka's Plan to Get Popular (2016)★★
[139077] 7877. 齊木楠雄的災難:發揮你的聰明才智吧!PK超自然部"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Use Your Smarts! The PK Occult Club (2016)★★
[139078] 7878. 齊木楠雄的災難:最爛的廚師"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Worst Cooks (2016)★★
[139079] 7879. 齊木楠雄的災難:開庭!心美美會大審判!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Court is in Session! Kokomins Trial! (2016)★★
[139080] 7880. 齊木楠雄的災難:恐怖!動畫第○話的詛咒"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Horror! The Disastrous ___th Episode of the Anime (2016)★★
[139081] 7881. 齊木楠雄的災難:瘋狂科學家現身了!(前篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Here Comes the Mad Scientist! (Part 1) (2016)★★
[139082] 7882. 齊木楠雄的災難:瘋狂科學家現身了!(中篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Here Comes the Mad Scientist! (Part 2) (2016)★★
[139083] 7883. 齊木楠雄的災難:瘋狂科學家現身了!(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Here Comes the Mad Scientist! (Part 3) (2016)★★
[139084] 7884. 齊木楠雄的災難:激走!超能大戰"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Run For It! A Battle of Wits (2016)★★
[139085] 7885. 齊木楠雄的災難:美術館必須盡量保持安靜"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Please at Least Be Quiet in the Art Museum (2016)★★
[139086] 7886. 齊木楠雄的災難:暑假前的災難——暑假來嘍!超自然部合宿篇"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Disaster Before Summer Break: Summer Break! The Occult Club Training Camp (2016)★★
[139087] 7887. 齊木楠雄的災難:暑假來嘍!網球部合宿篇"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Summer Break! The Tennis Club Training Camp (2016)★★
[139088] 7888. 齊木楠雄的災難:暑假來嘍!治驗打工篇"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Summer Break! Clinical Testing Job (2016)★★
[139089] 7889. 齊木楠雄的災難:暑假來嘍!駕照合宿篇"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Summer Break! License training camp (2016)★★
[139090] 7890. 齊木楠雄的災難:暑假來嘍!照橋約會篇"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Summer Break! A Date with Teruhashi (2016)★★
[139091] 7891. 齊木楠雄的災難:財團富二代來了!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Heir to A Conglomerate Makes His Appearance (2016)★★
[139092] 7892. 齊木楠雄的災難:打敗壓倒性的財力!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Break through the Overwhelming Financial Power! (2016)★★
[139093] 7893. 齊木楠雄的災難:捲土重來!傲嬌外公"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Tsundere Grandpa Returns! (2016)★★
[139094] 7894. 齊木楠雄的災難:萬聖節Party來咯"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Holding a Halloween Party (2016)★★
[139095] 7895. 齊木楠雄的災難:才虎一族無敵的財力"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Saiko Family's Unbeatable Financial Power (2016)★★
[139096] 7896. 齊木楠雄的災難:超能開花!?人氣魔術師的憂鬱"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Talent Blossoms?! Melancholy of A Popular Magician (2016)★★
[139097] 7897. 齊木楠雄的災難:暴走妄想鍛煉"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." An Exercise in Runaway Delusion (2016)★★
[139098] 7898. 齊木楠雄的災難:課間休息的災難"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Break-time Disaster (2016)★★
[139099] 7899. 齊木楠雄的災難:粉碎!驚喜生日派對(前篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Crushed! Surprise Party (Part 1) (2016)★★
[139100] 7900. 齊木楠雄的災難:粉碎!驚喜生日派對(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Crushed! Surprise Party (Part 2) (2016)★★
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Các món sashimi hay nigiri vẫn ngon nghẻ nhưng lần này unagi avocado roll làm tui phấn khởi hơn nhiều. Cơm mềm dẻo, lươn nướng vừa tới thêm sốt ngọt ngọt và bơ béo béo nữa, cắn miếng nào tê tái miếng đó luôn. Món thất vọng nhất chắc là takoyaki quá, không hề như tui mong đợi gì cả hic. À món tráng miệng tui thấy sorbet yuzu là ngon nè, kem matcha hông hợp khẩu vị tui lắm, sorbet yuzu thanh thanh mát lạnh ngon tê người luôn!
#saikosushi #sushi #japan #japanesefood #nuôimỡcùngdk #saigon #vietnam #lozisaigon #foodysaigon #foody #ansapquan1 #foodholicvn @ SAIKO SUSHI - 最高寿司 - Japanese Restaurant
saiko最高 在 SUZU PR COMPANY Facebook 的最佳解答
口にすると思わず「もはや最高傑作!」と言わしめるほど美味しい高級食パン専門店が福岡に登場!熊本に続く2号店、7/20(土) グランドオープンします!
博多・美野島で話題のベーカリープロデューサーがプロデュースした高級食パン専門店がオープンします。毎日 焼きたての最高に美味しい食パンを提供します。
プレスリリースなど詳細は→ http://bit.ly/2NLCUiX
2斤/ 800円(税別)
2斤/ 980円(税別)
店舗名:もはや最高傑作 博多本店 http://saiko-kessaku.com/
住 所:福岡県博多区美野島1-11-11
電 話:092-710-5818
交 通:美野島一丁目バス停より徒歩3分/
定休日:不定休 営業時間:10:00 ~ 18:00
プレオープン:2019年7月19日(金)13:00 ~ ※売切れ次第終了
#ジャパンベーカリーマーケティング #岸本拓也 #JBM #パン #パンが好きな人とつながりたい #パンが好き #ベーカリー #行列のできる店 #パン屋 #bread #pr #suzuprcompany #suzupr #高級食パン #食パン #食パン専門店 #こだわり小麦粉 #国産バター #北海道産蜂蜜 #サンマスカットレーズン #雪塩 #もはや最高傑作 #福岡 #FUKUOKA #博多 #美野島 #博多本店 #パンのある暮らし #生食パン #美味しいパン
saiko最高 在 あまり驚かないガッチマンはホラーゲームばかりやっている Youtube 的精選貼文
◆チャンネル登録→ http://goo.gl/bbSz68
▼Twitterもやってます→ https://twitter.com/gatchman666
saiko最高 在 今田イマオ Youtube 的精選貼文
ゲストには、安田大サーカス団長、坂バカ女子部の大宅陽子さん、ちゃりん娘詰田 朱梨さん、ブリヂストンアンカー、NIPPOヴィーニファンティーニの選手が参加されていました。
saiko最高 在 渡辺レベッカ ☆ Rebecca Butler Watanabe Youtube 的精選貼文
An English cover of "Party" from Japanese singer-songwriter Rina Katahira's new album.
Please enjoy this fun girl-power song!
Rina Katahira / Party
Album: Saikou no Shiuchi (2016)
Music/Lyrics: Rina Katahira
English Lyrics: Rebecca Butler Watanabe
■Official MV
リンク / LINKS
■HP⇒ http://BlueEyedUtaUtai.jimdo.com
■Facebook⇒ http://facebook.com/blueeyedutautai
■Twitter⇒ @BlueEyedUtaUtai
Oh, baby, what a terrible wake-up call
Kinda makes me wanna cry and pitch a fit but all
That would do is make me feel miserable
So I’ll try to deal with this like an adult
‘Cause all that I want’s everything that’s mine
But I don’t wanna, I don’t wanna compromise
I don’t need you anymore
I don’t need you anymore
The boys can think whatever they want to
Don’t need an okay from you
I just wanna be my true, my true self
Oh, baby, what a terrible wake-up call
Kinda makes me wanna cry and pitch a fit but all
That would do is make me feel miserable
So I don’t need you anymore
‘Cause all that I want’s everything that’s mine
But I don’t wanna, don’t wanna compromise
Now I can forget you, babe, and all of your lies
So I don’t need you anymore
I wanna laugh and celebrate today
Have fun and party all the night away
And it doesn’t really matter how
But it’s all I can do now
Baby, what a terrible ending scene
Get your dirty hands off, you lost your right to me
So don’t you dare think that I’m anything
Like all those pretty girls that you’ve got waiting
No, I don’t wanna think about the memories
And I don’t have time to wish it happened differently
Give it all back to me
Gve it all back to me
I don’t need you constantly comparing me, to
Every other girl you see
‘Cause it isn’t fair to me, fair to me
Oh, baby, what I terrible ending scene
Used to think that you were special and you loved me
So don’t you dare think that I’m anything
Like all those other pretty girls
No, I don’t wanna think about the memories
And I don’t have time to wish it happened differently
I wanna find out what it means to be me
Give it all back to me
'Cause I don’t need you anymore
I’m gonna wear my best dress
And make up like a princess
Yeah, I’m gonna party tonight
I’ll meet up with my friends and
Have a couple drinks and
Dance until the morning light
好きな服着て 派手なメイクで
suki na fuku kite hade na meiku de
saa soto e dete yukou
友達に会って 音楽に酔って
tomodachi ni atte ongaku ni yotte
asa made odorou
aa sai'aku na mezame datta
naki-wameite komarasetai kedo
mijime na kibun ni naru kara
mou anata wa iranai
hoshii mono zenbu hoshii kedo
dayou nanka shitaku nai kedo
ima nara wasure-rareru kara
mou anata wa iranai
kyou wa tanoshimitai no
sou yatte waratte'tai no
mou nan datte ii kedo
ja nakya yatte'ran'nai
やってらんないよ yeah
yatte'ran'nai yo (yeah)