上週六超過二十名高中自然老師從台灣各地來到中壢,參加AIT與中央大學合辦的「如何教授科學寫作工作坊」。前英語教育研究員Bob Powell以二十多年來在美國指導雙語學生的經驗,分享撰寫英語科學報告的核心元素,以及如何幫助學生一磚一瓦建立學術寫作的能力。此外他也以卡內基訓練技巧,傳授老師各種英語簡報技巧。
每年台灣GLOBE學生都會在國際科學線上研討會(IVSS)提交科學研究報告,並積極參加GLOBE學生科學研究展覽。今天的課程將幫助GLOBE教師和學生為這些GLOBE科學活動做更好的準備。GLOBE計畫使台灣師生能夠與全球共124個參與國交流並分享科學數據。立馬了解GLOBE計畫:https://www.globe.gov/de/about/overview #GLOBE #Environment #science
Are you studying in a Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) school? Last Saturday over 20 GLOBE Program teachers from across Taiwan came together in Zhongli to participate in a workshop co-hosted by AIT and National Central University! Drawing from over 20 years of experience teaching bilingual students in the U.S., former English Language Fellow Bob Powell focused on the essential elements in an English science report, as well as the essential building blocks to lay down a solid foundation for students to ultimately achieve successful academic writing. Additionally he shared a few English presentation skills by referring to Dale Carnegie’s methods. Each year, GLOBE students submit science research reports as part of the International Virtual Science Symposium and participate in GLOBE student research exhibitions. The class helps teachers better prepare their students for these GLOBE science activities. The GLOBE project enables Taiwan teachers and students to connect and share scientific data with GLOBE participants in 124 participating countries. For more information about GLOBE, please click https://www.globe.gov/de/about/overview
science workshop for students 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答
十二月:AIT@40的「環境生態月」:AIT@40最終篇章倒數計時!為慶祝AIT 40歲生日,我們為2019年每個月訂定一個主題,凸顯美台在各個領域的成就。十二月是AIT@40「環境生態月」,美國和台灣攜手為「全球環境教育合作夥伴關係」計畫(GEEP)位於台中的亞太區域中心揭開序幕;GEEP計畫是美台發起的全球平台,旨為提升並促進全球的環境教育。AIT也特別邀請到NASA美國航空暨太空總署兩位資深講師,於國立中央大學為GLOBE計畫教師舉辦環境教育工作坊;GLOBE計畫是由NASA所支持的國際科學教育計畫,目的為透過環境保護、數據收集和科學相關的活動讓學生、教師和科學家有更密切的交流。另外,AIT也舉辦了美國紀錄片「怒海控塑」放映會,探討海洋廢棄物對地球所造成的嚴重傷害。
December: AIT@40 Environment Month: We’re counting down our AIT@40 highlights month by month as we approach our AIT@40 finale! To celebrate AIT’s 40th birthday, we selected a special theme for each month in 2019 to highlight our joint accomplishments in that area. DECEMBER was AIT@40 Environment Month. The U.S. and Taiwan partnered in opening the Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP) Asia-Pacific Regional Center in Taichung, a global platform to improve and promote environmental education around the world. NASA Outreach Specialists conducted an education workshop for educators at the National Central University involved in GLOBE, an international science and education program supported by NASA that connects students, teachers, and scientists for environmental protection, data collection, and science-related activities. Finally, AIT hosted public screenings of the U.S. documentary “A Plastic Ocean,” which shines light on the shocking impact that marine debris is having on our planet.
science workshop for students 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答
✅12月2日,美國環保署主任Mark Kasman將與台灣、日本、韓國及東南亞的專家共同參加一場APEC會議,討論海洋環境和海洋廢棄物的問題。
✅12月4日,美國環保署主任Mark Kasman將為37所學校頒發「美台生態學校聯盟」獎項。「美台生態學校聯盟」為美台雙邊環保署於2014年共同發起的計畫,目的為讓環境保護教育向下扎根,提升學校師生對於環境議題的認識,並推廣跨文化學習。在短短五年內,就已經有將近420所學校、192,844位學生和16,472位老師參加本計畫。
✅12月17日,美國國家航空暨太空總署(NASA)資深推廣專家Dorian Wood Janney女士及Peter C. Falcon先生將於國立中央大學為「全球學習與觀測裨益環境計畫」(GLOBE)教師舉辦一日環境教育工作坊。12月19日,兩位推廣專家將為GLOBE學生和一般大眾進行環境講座。「全球學習與觀測裨益環境計畫」(GLOBE)是由NASA所支持的國際科學教育計畫,旨在透過環境保護、數據收集和科學相關的活動讓學生、教師和科學家有更密切的交流。
✅最後美國在台協會將分別於12月13日及12月28日在高雄和台北舉辦兩場美國紀錄片「怒海控塑」放映會。「怒海控塑」講述了海洋廢棄物對地球生態造成的嚴重影響。「島人海洋文化工作室 / 海龜點點名」的台灣專家將於映後座談分享他們的觀察。
上述活動皆展現了美台關係的深度和廣度。歡迎與我們一起慶祝12月的AIT@40環境月吧!#AITat40 #AITat40Celebration #EnvironmentMonth
As part of our yearlong campaign celebrating forty years of U.S.-Taiwan friendship and cooperation, AIT is pleased to name December AIT@40 Environment Month. Each month of 2019 has featured a different theme, highlighting the multifaceted nature of the growing U.S.-Taiwan partnership.
In honor of AIT@40 Environment Month, AIT is happy to announce a series of events that underscore the strong ties that bind the United States and Taiwan in the area of environmental stewardship.
The foundation for the current U.S.-Taiwan cooperation on environmental stewardship was laid nearly three decades ago through technical exchanges between our two Environmental Protection Agencies.
Thanks to this partnership and to Taiwan's own initiative, Taiwan has had tremendous success addressing environmental challenges, making it one of the best places to live in Asia by environmental standards. Beyond its domestic work, Taiwan has also shown vision, leadership, and generosity as it shares its best practices with the world.
To commemorate this legacy of achievement, AIT, the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (Taiwan EPA), the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), and the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) will participate in several events that celebrate our longstanding environmental cooperation.
✅On December 2, U.S. EPA Director Mark Kasman will join Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia experts at an APEC meeting on the marine environment and the problem of marine debris.
✅On December 3, AIT Director Brent Christensen will join Taiwan EPA Minister Chang Tzi-chin and Taichung Mayor Lu Shiou-yen in opening the Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP) Asia-Pacific Regional Center in Taichung. The GEEP was launched by the United States and Taiwan in 2014 and is a global platform to improve and promote environmental education around the world.
✅On the same day in Taichung, AIT Environment, Science and Technology Officer Anna Wang will join U.S. and Taiwan environmental law enforcement experts at a workshop on waste enforcement. U.S. EPA and Taiwan EPA have jointly trained regional environmental law enforcement agencies in inspection techniques, crime scene investigation, and the use of innovative technologies.
✅On December 4, U.S. EPA Director Mark Kasman will award 37 schools under the U.S.-Taiwan Eco-Campus program. The Eco-Campus program, launched by our two EPAs in 2014, connects students and teachers on issues related to environmental protection, cultivates an increased understanding of environmental issues, and promotes cross-cultural learning. In just five years, the program has grown to nearly 420 schools and has involved more than 192,844 students and 16,472 teachers.
✅On December 17, NASA Senior Outreach Specialists Ms. Dorian Wood Janney and Mr. Peter C. Falcon will conduct a one-day environmental education workshop for GLOBE teachers at National Central University. On December 19, the two outreach specialists will deliver environmental lectures for GLOBE students and the general public. The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) program, supported by NASA, is an international science and education program that connects students, teachers, and scientists through environmental protection, data collection, and science-related activities.
✅Finally, AIT will also host two public screenings of the U.S. documentary “A Plastic Ocean” on December 13 and 28 in Kaohsiung and Taipei, respectively. “A Plastic Ocean” tells the story of the shocking impact that marine debris is having on our planet. Taiwan experts from the Sea Turtle Citizen Scientists Project will share their observations during post-screening discussions. All these activities show the breadth and depth of the relationship between the United States and Taiwan on the environment.