Donald Trump今日send SMS比支持者,話佢個最新嘅網店上線喇,除咗有"Save America"主題之外,仲有"Don't Blame Me, I Voted Donald Trump!"嘅T-Shirt同杯。唔好睇少呀,阿Trump呢啲少額政治捐獻嘅吸金能力係共和黨中最勁嘅,剩係呢幾個月已經吸咗$8千幾萬美金。
另外嗰兩位呢,Pompeo就啱啱簽咗Fox TV,應該下星期上鏡。Mike Pence就簽咗約出回憶錄,唔知點解偏偏係揀2023年上市。
《The Telegraph》Donald Trump gears up to 'Save America' – and Republicans have a decision to make
《Reuters》Former Secretary of State Pompeo to join Fox News Media
《The Times》Pence hints at 2024 presidential run as he unveils book deal
secretary of state英國 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文
「最近幾週我們見證了國際社會對新疆維吾爾族人遭受迫害所做出的回應。另外,香港的民主鎮壓及俄羅斯所採取的諸多行徑,也從根本上違背了基於規則的國際秩序。對此,我們也看到一個又一個的國家團結一致,為人權大聲疾呼。我們已經與歐盟、英國、加拿大,以及亞洲的許多盟友和夥伴一起站出來發聲。我相信各國共同發聲所集聚起來的力量在未來將會更加顯著。」— 美國國務卿布林肯宣布發表《2020年度人權報告》
《2020年度各國人權報告 ── 台灣部分》請參考:https://www.ait.org.tw/taiwan-2020-human-rights-report/
“…what [we’ve] witnessed in recent weeks, particularly with regard to the response, the international response to the abuses being committed against Uyghurs in Xinjiang, for example, the quashing of democracy in Hong Kong, as well as numerous actions taken by Russia that, again, are fundamentally attacks on the international rules-based order, [we’re] seeing country after country speak out in unison and often in a coordinated fashion. We have spoken out in conjunction and coordination with the European Union, United Kingdom, Canada, many allies and partners in Asia. And the power of countries speaking out together, I think, will be increasingly, increasingly evident.” --- U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, announcing the release of the 2020 Human Rights Report
Read the Taiwan 2020 Human Rights Report: https://www.ait.org.tw/taiwan-2020-human-rights-report/
Read the full 2020 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: https://www.state.gov/reports/2020-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/
secretary of state英國 在 管碧玲 (kuanbiling) Facebook 的最佳解答
1. 我們對中國在新疆侵犯和殘害人權的行為深表關切。所有證據都讓人萬分激憤。
2. 我們今天將採取制裁行動,也會聯合歐盟協調共同制裁行動。我們要求中國停止對新疆維吾爾穆斯林和其他少數民族、宗教團體之鎮壓及釋放被無端拘留之人民。
3. 我們重申透明度和責任制之重要,呼籲中國允許國際社會,包括來自聯合國的獨立調查人員、記者和外國外交官,不受阻礙的進入新疆。
We, the Foreign Ministers of Canada and the United Kingdom, and the United States Secretary of State, are united in our deep and ongoing concern regarding China’s human rights violations and abuses in Xinjiang. The evidence, including from the Chinese Government’s own documents, satellite imagery, and eyewitness testimony is overwhelming. China’s extensive program of repression includes severe restrictions on religious freedoms, the use of forced labour, mass detention in internment camps, forced sterilisations, and the concerted destruction of Uyghur heritage.
Today, we have taken coordinated action on measures, in parallel to measures by the European Union, that send a clear message about the human rights violations and abuses in Xinjiang. We are united in calling for China to end its repressive practices against Uyghur Muslims and members of other ethnic and religious minority groups in Xinjiang, and to release those arbitrarily detained.
We underline the importance of transparency and accountability and call on China to grant the international community, including independent investigators from the United Nations, journalists, and foreign diplomats, unhindered access to Xinjiang.
We will continue to stand together to shine a spotlight on China’s human rights violations. We stand united and call for justice for those suffering in Xinjiang.
secretary of state英國 在 British Office Taipei 英國在台辦事處 - Facebook 的推薦與評價
英國 國際貿易大臣(Secretary of State for International Trade) Liam Fox 於全球科技產業交流活動中致詞. ... <看更多>