In 2020, people born in the year of Rat have pretty good fortune in wealth and career. Their salary may increase and they might get promoted and pass some qualification exams and get the certificates. In the aspect of health better to have medical checkups 🧧#CNY #happynewyear #chinesenewyear #qbobo #fortune #godoffortune #財神
Ox is the second in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac sign. Years of the Ox include 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033...
Oxen used to be capable farming tools in agricultural society, which attach to the symbol of diligence, persistence and honesty. People born in the Year of Ox are probably tardy in action, but industrious and cautious. Most of them are conservative and hold their faith firmly.
Years of the Tiger. 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
The Tiger's Personality: Brave, Confident...
People born in a year of the Tiger are brave, competitive, unpredictable, and confident. They are very charming and well-liked by others. But sometimes they are likely to be impetuous, irritable, and overindulged.
With stubborn personalities and tough judgment, Tigers work actively and express themselves boldly, doing things in a high-handed manner. They are authoritative and never go back on what they have said.
With great confidence and indomitable fortitude, they can be competent leaders. They will not make preparations for anything, but can handle anything that comes along.
2023 Year of the Rabbit
Years of the Rabbit 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
The Rabbit's Personality: Quiet, Elegant...
Rabbits tend to be gentle, quiet, elegant, quick, and skillful. However, they might be superficial, stubborn, melancholy, and too cautious.
When encountering tough difficulties, they are never discouraged but instead remain persistent in their endeavors to find solutions.
Gentlemen always treat people politely, with a gentle smile that makes people feel that they are credible and sincere.
Ladies, apart from having a pretty and demure appearance, have a pure heart.
Year of the Dragon
China Zodiac Animal - Dragon
Dragon is the fifth in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac sign. The Years of the Dragon include 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024...
The Dragon enjoys a very high reputation in Chinese culture. Chinese people regard themselves as descendents of the dragon. In ancient China, this imaginary creature was thought to speed across the sky with divine power. It is the token of authority, dignity, honor, success, luck, and capacity. Emperors entitled themselves exclusively as 'dragon'.
Year of the Snake
China Zodiac Animal - Snake
Snake is the sixth in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac sign. The Years of the Snake include 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037...
Snake carries the meanings of malevolence, cattiness and mystery, as well as acumen and divination. In some places, people believe that a Snake found in their court can bring delight. However, in most cases, this animal is considered evil, which scares people from the bottom of the heart. There are some idioms in China indicating the danger of this animal, for example, once bitten by the Snake twice shy of ten years.
Year of the Horse
China Zodiac Animal - Horse
Horse is the seventh in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac sign. The Years of the Horse include 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026...
The Five Elements of Horse is Fire , which symbolizes enthusiasm and energy. The animal gives people an impression of independence and integrity. Its spirit is recognized to be the Chinese people's ethos - making unremitting efforts to improve themselves with passion and diligence.
Years of the Goat 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, and 2027
The Goat's Personality: Calm, Gentle...
People born in a year of the Goat are generally believed to be gentle, mild-mannered, shy, stable, sympathetic, amicable, and brimming with a strong sense of kindheartedness and justice.
They have very delicate thoughts, strong creativity, and perseverance, and acquire professional skills well.
Although they look gentle on the surface, they are tough on the inside, always insisting on their own opinions in their minds.
Although they prefer to be in groups, they do not want to be the center of attention. They are reserved and quiet.
Year of the Monkey
China Zodiac Animal - Monkey
Monkey is the ninth in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac. The Years of the Monkey include 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028...
The monkey is a clever animal. It is usually compared to a smart person. During the Spring and Autumn Period (770 - 476 BC), the dignified Chinese official title of marquis was pronounced 'Hou', the same as the pronunciation of ‘monkey’ in Chinese. The animal was thereby bestowed with an auspicious meaning.
the year of the Rooster
Years of the Rooster 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, and 2029
the year of the Rooster
People born in a year of the Rooster are very observant. Hardworking, resourceful, courageous, and talented.
Roosters are talkative, frank, open, honest, and loyal individuals. They like to be the center of attention and always appear attractive and beautiful.
Roosters expect others to listen to them while they speak, and can become agitated if they don't. Vain and boastful, Roosters like to brag about themselves and their accomplishments.
Dog Years
The Dog occupies the 11th position in the Chinese zodiac after the Rooster and before the Pig. In Chinese astrology, each year is related to a Chinese zodiac animal according to a 12-year cycle.
Dog - Love Compatibility
People born in the Year of the Dog usually have similar attitudes and preference towards love and relationships. Most of them show distinctive features when involved in a stable relationship. They are gentle, responsible, kind-hearted and loyal, and these characteristics leave a reliable impression in lovers’ eyes.
According to Chinese zodiac compatibility, they are good at communicating with partners even when there are any difficulties. Showing an abundance of patience makes them good listeners in a marriage.
2020 is a year beginning well and ending hard for Dogs. With everything going well, they won’t be satisfied because of their slowly growing greed. Throughout the whole year, Dogs should always be aware of gains and losses, so that they will know how to behave correctly.
Due to their loyal personality, Dogs tend to choose a career based on the principle of serving others.
the year of the pig
2019 Year of the Pig
Years of the Pig 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, and 2031
The Pig's Personality: Diligent, Compassionate...
Pigs are diligent, compassionate, and generous. They have great concentration: once they set a goal, they will devote all their energy to achieving it. Though Pigs rarely seek help from others, they will not refuse to give others a hand. Pigs never suspect trickery, so they are easily fooled.
General speaking, Pigs are relatively calm when facing trouble. No matter how difficult the problems are Pigs encounter, they can handle things properly and carefully. They have a great sense of responsibility to finish what they are engaged in.
「seventh pronunciation」的推薦目錄:
seventh pronunciation 在 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club Facebook 的最佳解答
#迷上英式英文【嗚啊!女神Emma Watson把聲...】
這是六年前的Emma Watson。輕柔如絲般的迷人聲線⋯
徇眾要求,蕭叔叔transcribed左女神Emma Watson段短片。
I just wanna say hi to everyone who is a Burberry fan on Facebook. I loved reading all of your comments of the show. I had such an amazing time and it’s so nice that you guys were involved, and it was screened live, and yeah, just thanks for supporting Burberry. So we’re here in London, we’re shooting the spring/summer Burberry campaign. Chris is here, Mary is here, all the old team is together. We’re having such an amazing day. Oh my god six shots. I think we’re shooting the seventh now. It’s gone amazingly well, and I think you guys are gonna see some of the images soon. I really hope that you like them. And let us know what you think.
自學發音的方法先找個模仿對象學語言是個模仿過程:要模仿,先要有個模仿對象。所以第一件事是找個 pronunciation model,一個喜歡的人:演員、歌星、新聞報導員、清談節目主持都可以,只要能找到錄音就行。為什麼要選喜歡的人?喜歡才有動力去模仿呀。選人的時候,還要留意那口音是否你想學的那種。不單要考慮英式、美式、澳式或是加拿大式,更要留意model的性別、年紀和教育程度,因為不同背景的人,說話口音也不同。例如年輕少女最好別找七十歲的阿婆作模範,否則學足了就搞笑。(這是真人真事,我有個教英文的朋友,一開口像個英國東南部半posh的中產阿婆;但她只是個二十多歲的小姑娘。)從兩方面下手選了合心水的model,就找幾段他/她的錄像或錄音。不要貪心,不用長篇大論的,幾分鐘就夠了,剪成大約二三十秒的短片,就可以開工。
學英文發音要從兩方面下手:一是「咬字」articulation ,二是「旋律和節奏」rhythm and melody(西方的語音學家稱它們為 segmental 和 supra-segmental features,我嫌翹口,不採用)。前者是每個音的發音方法,唇舌鼻喉的運作;後者是眾音拼湊起來後的輕重、快慢、高低音。換句話說,咬字是微觀的發音特點;旋律節奏是宏觀的。要鍛煉發音,兩者都要留意。我建議學生,不妨分開來學練,避免分神。每一個音,不論大小,都不放過聽幾秒,重播再重播,每聽到一個跟自己讀法有些微不同的音,都停下來,多聽幾次,照著讀。有錄音器材的話,不妨把自己的聲音也錄起來比較。不要放過任何微小的音,要「吹毛求疵」的細聽、分析。
再給大家一例。以下短片,是蕭叔叔多年前講解怎樣練There’s been (/zb/) 發音。別貪心,幾分鐘的錄音就夠就是這樣一絲不苟的練習。
對初學者來說,只二十秒的片已夠練幾個星期。語調節奏也是同一個練法,不過練的時候,盡量不要給咬字影響,否則顧此失彼,反而壞事。花一兩個月練完幾分鐘的片,英文發音該有小成。別以為只練一兩段片,就只會說這幾句;其實練習的多數是 generally applicable 的東西,就以在上面第二段片所談的 /bz/ 連音為例,它不但適用於原句的 “There’s been”,更可用於詞組如 “He’s been”,”was born”,”This is Ben”,”his brother”等等。
其實幾分鐘的說話,差不多已包含所有英文的音,和大半語調節奏的變化。讓那聲音入腦,再從自己的口發出最後,多給你一個貼士:成功把 pronunciation model 的聲音和語調入腦之後,看到任何英文寫的東西時都可想想:「我的model會怎樣說這句話?聽起來會怎樣?」有時還可用那聲音跟自己說話。久而久之,你一開口,就是腦內一直縈繞的那把聲音。
蕭愷一,AKA蕭叔叔。夢想做男神,現實是大叔的英文教學狂熱份子,law grad,哲學碩士dropout,語言學愛好者。以 speak English like an educated native 為教與學的終極目標。Facebook專頁
蕭叔叔時間有限,不常收生,有時被逼趕客。但好多時都會同對方分享一下自己學英文speaking的經驗,叔叔想說明的是,只要練得其法,要speak English like a native,實在不一定要請老師幫手的。你問問蕭叔叔facebook上的朋友就知。何況蕭叔叔自己也是靠自己死練爛練,大家也無理由唔得。今次寫這一篇,是由舊blog的舊文改寫。希望幫到各位迷途的同學仔。