Citysuper Causeway Bay 清酒祭又嚟啦!其實我都好鍾意清酒㗎!🥰🍶今年原來已經20周年!有20間酒造帶嚟超過160款清酒,仲有得免費試飲!試咗我喜歡嘅出羽櫻雪女神35純米大吟釀,精米步合35%,優雅而帶淡麗梨香, 正!仲有二次發酵嘅清酒「香檳」,雖然唔係支支都可以試,試咗天山Zero Dosage嘅有氣清酒,乾身而清爽優雅。仲有七田、梵、伯樂星等,做到3月17日,快d去玩啦!周末愉快!Cheers!
CitySuper Sake Fair is back! I like Sake a lot! 🥰🍶 it’s their 20th sake fair this year with 20 Sake breweries & over 160 different sakes! There r free tastings as well! Tried one of my favorite Sake Dewasakura Yukimegami 35 Junmai Daiginjo, with 35% rice polishing ratio, it’s very elegant, silky with pear notes. Awesome! Although u cannot try all sakes, I tried an interesting sparkling Sake with champagne method (second fermentation) and zero dosage from Tenzan Sake brewery. It’s dry & crispy! There are many other famous Sake breweries including Shichida, Born, Hakurakusei & more! The fair will end on 17 March! Go & try some sakes! Cheers! Happy weekend!
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