From SARS to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) - English version is in the second half
新冠肺炎,Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) 新型冠状病毒肺炎,疫情越來越嚴重,被證實可以人傳人,也在武漢以外的許多地方發現病例,造成世界各國及世界衛生組織(WHO)高度關切,當然也讓很多住在中國大陸及附近區域的華人非常緊張,就好像當年的非典肺炎疫情即將再一次大爆發一樣。
怎麼治療?在沒有直接治療武漢肺炎病人的情況下,我們也只能根據有限的資訊來推論,不過,以前大量的流感肺炎治療病例,可以讓我們比較有信心的面對新冠肺炎。當病人已經出現明顯新冠肺炎症狀時,大多已經入裡化熱,嚴重的肺痿肺癰。這個時候,得用大劑量的石膏清肺熱、加強肺津液運作。也得靠葶藶、大戟等把肺下方濃稠的痰飲及胸腔可能的積液去掉,痰飲積液不去,是無法修復肺家津液運作的。同時,肺氣不宣,就好像吸管上頭堵住了,吸管內的水無法上下,我們還得使用麻黃等宣肺、發陽的中藥來配合。另外,肺已經受損了,除了大動作急救外,比較穩定後,還得靠一些潤肺的藥來收尾,讓肺完全恢復。如果我們列一個可能加入的中藥單,大致有石膏、葶藶子、大戟、生半夏、麻黃、射干、紫菀 、款冬花、 生薑、炙甘草、紅棗、麥門冬、杏仁等等。當然,如前面所言,用藥的時機、劑量、藥材比例非常重要,每一個病人的差異也很大,嚴格考驗中醫師的功力與膽識,一旦判斷錯誤,不但沒有效果,反而可能會加重病情。
From SARS to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Written in Chinese by Dr. Andy Lee, January 21, 2020
Translated to English by Dr. James Yeh and Dr. Andy Lee, March 28, 2020
The epidemic from Novel Coronavirus is becoming much more serious. Transmissivity among people has been proven. (Note: It's now named COVID–19. The term “Coronavirus” will be used here.) Cases were found in areas beyond Wuhan. It has caused serious attentions from the WHO (World Health Organization) and many countries around the world. The residents in China and the surrounding regions are quite worried and wonder whether it will break out like SARS (2003). (Note: The article was written on January 21, 2020, before Coronavirus became a global pandemic.)
So far, the modern medical field has not found a cure for Coronavirus, but resorts to treating patients’ symptoms only. Any vaccine to treat Coronavirus is still no way in the sight. What do we do? Every time such a situation happens, the topic of using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is raised (at least among the Chinese communities). There is no exception this time. Many articles related to using TCM on Coronavirus have been popping up on the web. However, unless some TCM doctors who have actually treated many Coronavirus cases, all the discussion would be hypotheses or assumptions. Some hypotheses are worth considering while many others could be quite misleading.
Personally I have not treated patients cases related to Coronavirus. (Note: Shortly after this writing, the author has directly and indirectly participated in treating patients of Coronavirus successfully, and has published other later blogs which included his involvement in treating those patients. Please refer to his medical blog http://www.DrLee.us.) However, I did treat and cure patients inflicted by other viruses in the past, such as the Bird Flu, Swine Flu, and other influenza. A good amount of those patients were diagnosed as severe pneumonia by large hospitals and were required for isolation or self-quarantine. Hence many of patients and online medical forums online are asking for my opinions about Coronavirus.
As we discussed before, all these viruses from the outbreaks are either newly found or mutated from previous strands. The strand can be different every year. Therefore, people always ask how one can say that the TCM knowledge developed in East Han Dynasty (25-220 AD) would be any useful for treating the modern diseases, let alone the severe ones.
It turns out that TCM does not recognize any virus and does not deal with the concept of which type of virus is microscopically at work. TCM looks at how human bodies would become out-of-balance and react to external stimuli. Once the body is out of balance, what symptoms will exhibit and what reactions will be to adjust the body conditions to regain the balance, hence to reduce the damage to the body to the minimum. Let me take an example to illustrate: when there is a gunfight between the police and bandits, we want to see which direction the shots are coming from, causing casualties of the police force, so that we are able to adjust or reinforce the police power. We have no time to think about which brand of the guns or bullets the bandits use.
Over thousands of years, the external viruses have changed and evolved quite a bit, but the evolution of human beings was quite limited. The human body function, no matter how it was damaged, the symptoms due to the damage of the function, the reactions, and the following progression of the disease still follow certain paths. For this very reason, TCM’s focus on the balance of the human body often surpasses the effectiveness of Western medicine, which focuses more on external treats and the microscopic aspect of how human body’s cells are impacted by the external treats.
From the accumulation of many years of clinical treatment and observations, no matter it is Bird Flu, Swine Flu or other influenza, the bodily ‘damage’ and its progression by the viral attack still follow the description of the classic TCM literature “Treatise on Cold Damage on Miscellaneous Disease” (傷寒雜病論). In short summary, the disease usually starts with “Exterior Deficiency or Weakness” (表虛) or “External Coldness” (表寒), for which is matched to one of the several syndromes named with the corresponding herbal remedies such as “Gui Zhi Tang” (桂枝湯) and “Ge Geng Tang” (葛根湯). Then, the disease moves onto the next stage “Interior Coldness” (裡寒) or “Lung Coldness” (肺寒), which shows the syndromes named as “Xiao Qing Long Tang” (小青龍湯), etc. When the respiratory system is “affected by the coldness”, the body fluid function of the respiratory system gets affected. The circulation function of the lung becomes “Dry and Overheated” (燥热). This would lead to a more serious stage “Heated Interior” (入裡化熱) and would often be matched to its herbal remedy “Da Qing Long Tang” (大青龍湯). Or, even worse, it becomes so-called “mixed coldness and heat” (寒熱夾雜) in the lung. Such a complex situation was extensively discussed in Chapter 7 of the classic literature “Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber” (金匮要略肺痿肺癰咳嗽上氣病脈證治第七篇). At this complex stage, the illness development varies significantly among patients of different preconditions and other variants. It is no longer the situation that a simple herbal remedy can be applied to all the situations. The TCM theory illustrates various treatments by those herbal remedies such as “She Gan Ma Hung Tang” (射干麻黃湯), “Ting Li Da Zao Xie Fei Tang” (葶藶大棗瀉肺湯), ”Ze Qi Tang” (澤漆湯), “Xiao Qing Long Jia Shi Gao Tang” (小青龍加石膏湯), and others.
However, even the disease progressions are similar, the more serious viral attacks like Coronavirus can and often do progress much faster with more severe consequences than the common flu. As described in the previous paragraph, normally the disease progression of the “External Coldness” stage to the more serious “Heated Interior” stage usually takes one to two weeks. It is also often due to the ignorance of the patient or misdiagnosis and treatment of the doctor, which prevents the patient from recovering from this “catching a cold”. In the recent several years though, the time period between the time that the patient did not feel well and the time that the patient is in a serious and complex situation can be as short as 3 to 4 days. We also see the trend that this period gets shorter and shorter. In other words, the disease progression is getting much faster. This phenomenon poses a much higher demand on TCM doctors’ ability to make a quick and proper judgment and sensitivity to the subject matter. TCM doctors must intercept the disease progression before it reaches to a more serious stage, even without obvious symptoms of the next stage. TCM doctors have to timely prescribe the proper herbal remedy in terms of the type of herbs and relative dosages of herbs. Too weak a dosage could not stop the progression while too strong a dosage could worsen the condition also. A misjudgment would not be able the turn the conditions around, but hurt the patient more.
The above can be illustrated by a simple example. A patient caught flu and has symptoms such as heavy coughing, lots of sputum, and difficulty in breathing. From the TCM dialectics, with observations of white tongue coating, clear urine, and feeling chilly, etc., it is clearly caused by “Coldness”. Such a patient typically should be prescribed with “She Gan Ma Hung Tang” (射干麻黃湯) or its variations. However, due to the fast progression of the modern flu, the TCM doctor would need to pay attention to much subtle details such as the dryness of the tongue although it still shows the white coating. In this case, Sheng Shi Gao (Gypsum, 生石膏) might need to be added to the herbal remedy to make sure that the lung would not suffer dryness. Given that Sheng Shi Gao (Gypsum, 生石膏) itself is an ingredicient that is “very cold” in nature, the dosage could not be too strong to make the lung too chilly. At the opposite end of the spectrum, if the sound of the coughing is very ‘deep’, like dense sputum coming from the bottom of the lung, the herbal remedy might need to add Ting Li (Sisymbrium indicum, 葶藶) to clear up the lung to avoid too much mucus in the lung. And again, the dosage of葶藶 could not be too much to weaken the lung. (Note: Handling the proper timing and proper remedy can be a real test to the ability and experience of the TCM doctor.)
Let’s go back to the discussion on Coronavirus. From the limited information available so far, we know that there are about two weeks of incubation period after the infection. There are little symptoms during this period and the patient may just feel more tired than usual. More obvious symptoms will start like those of common flu with fever, fatigue but not too serious. Upper respiratory symptoms like running nose are less common. Some patients may not even exhibit fever. About half of the patients infected will recover over a week or so. The other half of the patients will experience difficulty in breathing, or rapid progression to acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, metabolic acidosis, coagulopathy, etc. Some patients had died due to these severe conditions.
From the above description, this Coronavirus, in the beginning, is very much like the common flu and will stay in stages of “Exterior Deficiency or Weakness” (表虛) or “External Coldness” (表寒). Half of the patients infected will recover by themselves as in common cold. The other half of the patients may exhibit situations of rapid penetration into inner organs and excess ‘heat’, which causes loss of fluidity of respiratory system and accumulation of dense sputum at the lower part of the lung. In the TCM theory, the lung serves as the initial “gating factor” of body fluids. When the lung fails to serve the proper function, other organs like the kidney will be adversely affected also. In other words, Coronavirus can turn a light “External Coldness” to extremely severe “Lung Atrophy” (肺痿) and “Lung Abscess” (肺癰), which in turn will impair the function of other organs.
How to treat? Without direct experience of treating Coronavirus patients, we can only postulate from our limited information available in hand. (Note: Shortly after this writing, the author has directly and indirectly participated in treating patients of Coronavirus successfully. The treatments were exactly as outlined in this article.) From the ample experience of dealing pneumonia cases caused by flu, we are confident that we can also treat Coronavirus successfully. When patients are showing the obvious Coronavirus symptoms, most of them would have entered the stage of “Heated Interior” (入裡化熱) with “Lung Atrophy” (肺痿) or “Lung Abscess” (肺癰) to a certain degree. At this stage, we will need large dosages of Sheng Shi Gao (Gypsum, 生石膏) to clear the heat to ensure the proper fluidity function of the lung. Also, we will rely on Ting Li (Sisymbrium indicum, 葶藶), Da Ji (Euphorbia pekinensis Rupr., 大戟), etc. to clear up the dense mucus at the lower part of the lung and to remove the edema of the chest chamber. Without getting rid of the excess mucus and fluid, the lung cannot properly function. We need to use Ma Huang (Ephedra sinica Stapf., 麻黃), etc. to enhance the lung function (宣肺、發陽) and restore proper breathing. When the lung is damaged as in fibrosis, after the conditions stabilize, we need to “moisturize” the lung (润肺) to help the lung to recover fully. In other words, we will most likely use the herbal ingredients such as Sheng Shi Gao (Gypsum, 生石膏), Ting Li (Sisymbrium indicum, 葶藶), Da Ji (Euphorbia pekinensis Rupr., 大戟), Sheng Ban Xia (Pinellia ternate, 生半夏), Ma Huang (Ephedra sinica Stapf., 麻黃), She Gan (Belamcanda chinensis, 射干), Zi Wan (Aster tataricus, 紫菀), Kuan Dong Hua (Tussilago farfara flower, 款冬花), Sheng Jiang (Ginger, 生薑), Zhi Gan Cao (processed Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch., 炙甘草), Hong Zao (Ziziphus jujube, 紅棗), Mai Men Dong (Ophiopogon japonicas, 麥門冬), Xing Ren (Prunus armeniaca, 杏仁), and others. As we discussed in previous paragraphs, the timing, dosage, the relative ratios of different herbal ingredients are very critical. Given that there are quite some variations in patient conditions, the challenges on TCM doctors’ comprehensive knowledge, judgment and courage are unprecedented.
In those articles online, some TCM doctors claimed that Coronavirus can be cured by Ban Lan Gen (Isatis tinctoria root, 板藍根), which is believed to have natural antibiotic chemicals to “clear up the heat and toxics”. Some TCM doctors suggested using a simple mild herbal remedy “Mai Men Dong Tang” (麥門冬湯), which mainly relies on the ingredient Mai Men Dong (Ophiopogon japonicas, 麥門冬). Some people even suggested that having the green bean soup could prevent Coronavirus. In fact, those TCM doctors who have good experience of treating Bird Flu, Swine Flu, and pneumonia caused by other influenza would know that the people making those claims never had the real experience of treating severe pneumonia. They at most helped in a minor way the patients under Western medicine treatments. Under such conditions, it is not a surprise that the China government has not used TCM as the primary method of treating Coronavirus, despite its big promotion of TCM in the recent years. (Note: After this writing, Coronavirus epidemic became so severe in China that the China government changed its strategy and started to use TCM extensively in treating many mild Coronaviurs cases.)
Medicine is the science based on real treatment results. Without a good amount of successful cases in clinical treatments, it is useless to promote any fancy idea of treating patients. If we would like TCM to be respected in the mainstream medicine and to be meaningfully used in a severe epidemic like Coronavirus, it is critical to focus on the most fundamental. That’s the clinical results. Like the martial arts, unless you can fight off the bad guys, it’s just a show of fancy movements.
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...Continue ReadingThe most crying movie of the year
I haven't cried often when I watched a movie for a long time. It means I sing many times in a movie. But this movie made me cry until I couldn't count. Because from the first ten minutes, I was crying when I "released the rocket off the base" and Ocky walked. Going to school.
The movie is over. Someone close to me why I cried so much and tease that I sing like an Ocky. I nodded. I thought some of my childhood would be like Ocky. I have insecure in some things. Wearing a spaceman hat to cover my face when I meet someone like this space and run away from this planet some days, but it shouldn't be just me that way. I think many people should have had a day like this.
I question myself why this movie hits so bad. I think the movie goes deep under the shell of humanity that is not about the look, gender, race, religion, political ideology, etc.
What is deeper than all that I say is "humanity" we have like each other. Afraid, worried, confused, weak, cuddle, and beautiful.
The movie shows us the "behind the scenes" of life. Even we can continue thinking that even the characters that the movie doesn't explain, there should be a sympathetic life.
So I don't feel angry with Julian's parents for showing up at the end of the story because I know that if I give me a little more time to get to know each other, we will understand them for doing this.
I used to sit and look at friends who are in a relationship and think that each person has "special skills" to survive. Some people may not like to do it, but there is a skill that brings life away. Some people don't say no. But if you try to write this like a flower in the middle of the page. Some people have skills to create laughter. Some people are skilled, so it's easier to live happily than others, etc.
We are all "wonders" in our way, as Ocky said.
But this " magic " is a result from some aspects of our lives, so we develop something else into " strengths "
Some people say that if we have lower cost than others, we will have more effort than others. What Ocky has more than the average child is the love from his family. This is " strengths " that can replace " beautifully "
The love he gets, plus feeling bad about what appears on his face makes him gentle, which is not every child can be gentle like him. That's what close friends can feel.
I don't want to be close to "someone who is bright" but I want to be close to someone who is with me and feel comfortable. The one who doesn't think bad to others because they are very much.
If you look at what everyone wants is love. Julian, try to show off or show off. Because they want friends to accept themselves. It's not different from Ocky who wants to have a real friend who gives love by looking. Through his weird looks
It's funny, we want love, but we often think we have to steal love from others. Love is the source of hate.
We think love is limited, but really?
Love is limited when we call and it seems to be unlimited if we give as father and mother have given to Ocky.
And love seems to be so dry if we are the one who calls for love that we have to be loved by this person only as Via has always felt for mother.
There is always love for us in the world. If we don't expect to be loved by the one we want. As via, there is a favorite grandmother.
And love will happen when we know how to give love as Miranda has found out after she opens the opportunity for her family to play.
When we are longing for love, we become an important monster - in that we will not see love. And when we give someone love, we will feel the tenderness of our heart and become beautiful human beings in that condition. Always want to give us love
Apart from everyone is a " miracle human being " is also a " space man " who floats above the real world. Not only has to wear a hat to cover their own face, but every human being hide the " true face " It's always our own. We have problems and secrets that we don't dare to let anyone know. We hide under the mask of normal. Even if we are fighting some problems in life together.
Hiding is a sign of terror. We fear that if others see our "scars" then they will laugh at it. He will see it as a strange thing. He will see that we are weak.
So Miranda pretended to lie that there was a warm family, so he didn't tell her brother about her boyfriend. When she had trouble with Miranda, she didn't tell anyone.
But this is what is necessary for life. The person we trust enough to take off an astronaut hat. Reveals the naked face that opens the feeling in the deep. He doesn't judge us. We don't look at us with eyes. Pity, no mouth. To our problems more than that, He is ready to embrace us with love, understanding.
" the one we dare to open the hat in front of him " that makes us back to be " human " again. No need to be an astronaut. No need to run away from the truth on earth.
In our life, we are looking for this person.
When we meet that person, we will find that there is still love in this world. We will know love and we will become love to others.
If you don't close yourself to be loved by someone in this life, we will meet this person for sure.
Because we were created for someone to love the elements in life that are handsome to become like this nowadays. It makes us become a certain number of people who will be hated, but there will be a number of us who are not like us. Love by someone who is different from us and may be hated by someone who loves us.
The real world is so, we are lathe right by some people, some people and not suitable for some kind of people. Nobody can make everyone in this world love.
But even if I don't love, even if I interrupt the movie, I still tell you what's more important. That's kindness. That's kindness
Impressive sentence is said out of a cute kid's mouth. "If you have to choose between being right and being kind, choose to be kind"
Because when we show kindness to others, love will happen.
Many times, we fight big to discuss who is right. Finally, there may be losers - the conclusion is that both of them are missing. They are not stuck. Both of them. Wounds with both of them for a long time.
We may forget what is more important than authenticity. That's love. When loving that person becomes a small thing. Because the most accurate thing is - in a relationship, we don't have to argue about who is right.
The world is not like in this movie, but this is what the world should be.
I cried no good piece when Ocky was up for over an hour. I forgot how weird Ocky was at the end he turned into the most lovely little angel.
Isn't this the feeling of looking deeper into the beauty of human being in everyone?
We will see this beauty when we embrace " strange " under the astronauts that deprive us from knowing each other because we are " strange " together.
When naked, we can feel the beauty underneath the quirdness that is just a shell.
Ocky's face is not strange when friends accept the scars in our life. It's not weird. If someone accepts us as we are, then that person will experience our beautiful side.
This is the potential of human beings. When we don't steal love and give love to each other, we will bring cuddle beautiful side. cuddle
Definitely not easy because each person has wounds that the other person can't see, even we can't understand anyone.
But Wonder gives me hope for life because this movie tells me that we should understand human friends as much as we can because each person is up to some reason why he is the way he is.
And if you can't understand someone who has passed in our life, don't judge him that he is wrong. Then we are right. Don't judge him that he is bad and we are good
If you really have to choose, choose to be kind instead of right.
If you don't understand, give mercy.
We may not give love to all people like we can't call for love from everyone.
That's the miracle of human being designed for someone to love
While he's traveling to find "who" at least we can be the one who doesn't make him feel more weird.
If you don't love, but don't throw hate on anyone.
All you can do with everyone is not be quick to judge him as long as we haven't touched the humanity of that person.Translated