🌻台灣仍在居家隔離期. 台灣居住空間較小, 居家隔離難度較高. 尤其這次面對的病毒也比較凶猛. 祝大家平安. 在此提供一些當時我居家隔離時所做的一些事情, 供大家參考:
--對家人睜一隻眼, 閉一隻眼. 一家人天天在一起難免會有不順的時候, 不過能夠在一起很珍貴.
--買香料公司已經調好的香料包做料理. 這樣省時間, 也可以不用傷腦筋, 也讓煮飯多了點變化(可參考這網站: https://www.mccormick.com/spices-and-flavors/recipe-mixes/mccormick-one)
--看書, 看劇, 在線上與股友聊天, 看年報, 整理財報內容
--研究園藝, 在家裡養了很多綠色植物
--整理家裡, 做收納, 移動家具
--晚上喝點小酒, 解壓助眠(不過要注意有可能會胡言亂語😅)
🌻Docusign(DOCU), Crowdstrike(CRWD)的電話會議內容已整理好. 有興趣的讀者可以到部落格那邊去看:
🌻U.S. 10-Year Treasury Yield Slips Below 1.5%
🌻俄亥俄州 躍全球太陽能重鎮
顧問公司Wood Mackenzie統計,去年美國太陽能新增發電量創新高,且2030年前將再增加三倍。First Solar表示,俄亥俄州太陽能面板園區未來主要供應美國市場。近年太陽能產業多數零件來自中國,尤其在去年疫情爆發後,美國重大產業過度依賴海外供應鏈的風險激增,令拜登政府誓言重振美國製造業,並大力推動綠能產業發展。
"其中一個受益者是CardFree Inc.,該公司為餐飲經營者設計和運營線上和移動點餐系統。CardFree的首席執行官Jon Squire稱,該公司的應用軟體讓餐館能夠更好地預測和管理收到的訂單,以優化人員和產能調配。"
🌻現金太多 美銀行業者向企業喊話:別來存款
最近花了不少時間看報紙, 發現報紙還真好看, 除了學到不少財經知識外, 華爾街日報(WSJ)有些文章都挺有深度的. 有時候還一邊看一邊畫重點.
Anyway. 發現這個中文網站, 會翻譯一些WSJ的好文章. 值得書籤(bookmark)起來:
🌻去年很多EV方面的新公司或是小公司. 這篇文章的觀點挺好, 說做EV, 要能夠scale(規模化地拓展)也很重要: https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-electric-vehicle-stocks-are-stuck-in-reverse-11622709998
"Still, the classic Silicon Valley disruption story isn’t playing out in the auto industry as once expected. With their big batteries, EVs are shaping up to be an industrial product that benefits from the kind of industrial scale 20th century manufacturers are good at. This advantage may not persist as other, software-based automotive technologies take off—in-vehicle internet and ultimately automated driving. But these are probably questions for another year."
Lordstown Motors的預警凸顯電動汽車初創公司的資金難題
這兩天看了一部電影and一本書的評論, 發現觸及的主題是一樣的: 信任.
電影是Disney Plus上面的"巡龍使者: 拉雅". 書是一本新書"The Power of Giving Away Power".
我發現一個團體要把事情做好, 重要的不是每個人的能力有多強, 而是彼此能否信任. 當大家都有共識(英文有個片語是, "on the same page"), 有同樣的目標的時候, 事情會好辦很多. 但這其實不容易做到(就像電影中的Raya一樣, 還必須先犧牲自己, 才能說服夥伴.)
Anyway. 覺得這題材挺有趣的, 也是生活中常碰到的事情. 分享給大家.
"巡龍使者: 拉雅"影評: https://movie1314.pixnet.net/coblog/post/353485640
"The Power of Giving Away Power"書評:
Pictures: 網路, Amazon, earningswhispers.com
silicon valley disney+ plus 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
#beritatergempar !
Kami di Petra Media dengan bangganya ingin mengumumkan satu platform antarabangsa yang akan di buka tak lama lagi. Creator plus merupakan satu platform OTT antarabangsa yang di usahakan oleh mantan ketua bahagian pengisian konten global Youtube, benjamin grubbs dan pelabur teknologi silicon valley, jonathan shambroom. Ini adalah platform yg bertujuan untuk menjadikan individu-individu kreatif seluruh dunia (influencers dan KOLs) sebagai superstar dunia hiburan dan Petra Group sekarang telah menjadi pelabur terbesar di dalam usaha merealisasikan Creator plus ini.
Ini adalah di sebabkan visi pengerusi petra group, Datuk Vinod Sekhar yang sudah tiba masanya Malaysia di ketengahkan di mata dunia sebagai salah satu pemain dalam perniagaan hiburan internasional di samping membuka ruang untuk anak-anak seni Malaysia juga untuk membolosi pasaran antarabangsa melalui platform ini.
Kami di petra group amat berbangga dgn Creator plus yg juga akan membuka ruang untuk influencer-influencer ini di berikan bajet khas untuk mereka mencipta konten-konten di tahap yg lebih besar seperti mana yg kita lihat di platform-platform seperti netflix, disney plus, amazon prime dan lain-lain. #creatorplus #petramedia #petravisionworks
silicon valley disney+ plus 在 范范 范瑋琪 Facebook 的最佳解答
Plus League
I want to first talk about why I love basketball and why all of us love basketball, whether playing it or watching people play.
I think beyond the team work, the leadership, the athleticism, I think it touches upon us something deeper.
And that is that people are equal and on the basketball court, and this game allows for us to be equal on the court.
It doesn’t matter if you’re aboriginal or if you’re local, it doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor.
If you have a pair of sneakers you can go out and compete.
Work to get better, and understand your place within the context of team.
And so much of basketball teaches us about life. The game of life. How life works.
Show me how a person plays the game of basketball, and I’ll show you how they live, how they negotiate at work, and how they treat people, their friends and their family.
But today is about plus league and my friend and brother blackie.
My background is in venture capital. I primarily invest in Silicon Valley. And previously I was in HK working for Lee Kai Shing and his venture capital fund.
I got the chance to meet the best entrepreneurs in the world, including the founders of zoom which Horizons invested in back in 2015 I believe.
Blackie often jokes among us that he is from 體育班
He’s sort of making fun of himself as someone who is not good with books or academics, something Taiwan culture puts a huge premium on.
But in venture capital, in innovation and entrepreneurship, we talk a lot about what makes someone successful. often it’s not what university they went to.
There are so many difficulties in life to do something big and great, that the tests and university context doesn’t prepare you for.
what I’ve seen blackie do, is that he has the wisdom from the streets. He knows how to work with the corporate, the government, and also just the kid off the street with no background that just wants to play basketball and even the hater that continues to attack him on social media.
The other thing people ask me about what i see in an entrepreneur when i make a decision about investing or not, is what i call the persistence index.
I look at entrepreneur when they’re pitching this dream they have. And i ask myself, at what point, when the shit hits the fan, will this person give up.
I see blackie and the conviction in his eyes and the difficulties he faced in life. And i say to myself, I’m scared for whoever is trying to stop him because this guy will never give up.
This line 二十年磨一劍 means he’s worked for the past 20 years to do this.
I think all of us here that invested. Chris wang, sold his company to disney. Jameson, sold his company to facebook. Steve, who is not here, sold his company to google. Kai, sold his company to Activision all get really excited when we meet an entrepreneur that can execute, that has deep domain knowledge, and finally, has the opportunity to go beyond Taiwan.
Taiwan has so many things to share to this world. And watching blackie how he works with people from corporate, to government, and also through his experience at ABL able to work with people from other countries, show how much of a team player he is on both the basketball court and also in the game of life.
I’m excited to be a part of this journey. I think there will be many difficulties ahead. But Blackie has this cross tattooed on his leg, which means he’s ready for a lot of suffering and challenges ahead. And while he faces these challenges ahead, I’ll be right there with him on this road.
Thank you. Phil Chen P.League+ #是時候了