➥【孕婦施打mRNA Covid-19疫苗安全性初步報告】:在美國已經有許多孕婦接種mRNA新冠疫苗,但是到目前為止關於安全性的報告很少。本文是由美國疾病管制中心以及食品藥物管理局多位專家學者共同發表的分析報告。
由於在美國接種疫苗的人都會透過 ” V-safe ”手機 APP,在注射後登記自己的健康狀況,並交由「疫苗副作用回報系統」(Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System,VAER)分析。作者擷取系統中自2020年12月14日到2021年2月28日的孕婦資料進行研究。
以上這些症狀都是打完第二劑後更常見。其中,不到1%的孕婦接受第一劑疫苗注射後,發燒超過 38°C;接受第二劑疫苗之後,有將近8%的孕婦發燒超過38°C。另外,孕婦接種第二劑之後相對較容易出現噁心、嘔吐,其他大致上與一般未懷孕者並沒有太大差異。
將近三成的孕婦是在第一孕期中施打疫苗,在第二孕期接種的佔43%,第三孕期佔26%;這3958名施打疫苗的孕產婦在研究期間有827位結束妊娠,其中順利生產的有712位(86.1%),因自發性流產而結束妊娠的有104位(12.6%),與一般懷孕20週以內的自發性流產發生率10%~ 26%相比,風險並未增加。而順利生產的孕婦幾乎(98.3%)都是在第三孕期施打第一劑疫苗。
接受疫苗注射的孕產婦發生早產的機率約9.4 %、胎兒小於妊娠年齡(small for gestational age,SGA)約3.2%、胎兒有先天性異常的比例為2.2%,這都與過去一般孕產婦的數據接近。而有先天性異常胎兒的孕婦都不是在受孕前後或是第一孕期中施打疫苗。
■因此,在接種 mRNA Covid-19疫苗的孕婦安全性初步分析報告中沒有發現特殊的風險。但是,有必要進行更多的長期縱向追蹤,包括對懷孕早期接種疫苗的孕婦,以了解包括孕婦、產婦和嬰兒的狀況...完整轉譯文章,詳連結:http://forum.nhri.org.tw/covid19/virus/j_translate/j2658/ ( 財團法人國家衛生研究院 齊嘉鈺醫師摘要整理)
📋 The New England Journal of Medicine - 2021-06-17
Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons
■ Author:Tom T. Shimabukuro, Shin Y. Kim, Tanya R. Myers, et al.
■ Link:https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2104983
〈 國家衛生研究院-論壇 〉
➥ COVID-19學術資源-轉譯文章 - 2021/06/29
疾病管制署 - 1922防疫達人
small for gestational age 在 兒科女醫艾蜜莉-歐淑娟醫師 Facebook 的最讚貼文
1、子癲前症 (preeclampsia RR=1.54)
—> 從前俗稱「妊娠毒血症」,是妊娠期間胎盤功能不良的一種疾病,會造成孕婦的生命危險、胎兒在子宮內發育不良、早產、甚至是死產的風險也會提高。
2、畸胎(malformations OR= 1.48)
—> 可能跟第一孕期的氣喘惡化,導致胎兒缺氧相關。
3 、新生兒體重過輕(low birth weight RR=1.46)
—> 簡單來說就是胎兒的營養不良、發育不足。
4、早產(Preterm birth RR=1.41)
—> 見第1項。
5、流產(spontaneous abortion OR- 1.41)
6、週產期死亡率上升 (perinatal mortality RR=1.25)
—> 見第1項。
7、胎兒小於妊娠年齡(small size for gestational age RR=1.21)
—> 就是胎兒營養不良、發育不到該有的成熟度,原因見第1項。
根據最新的2017版GINA指引,孕婦的氣喘治療原則與一般的氣喘病患是一致的 。
small for gestational age 在 eVonne 許慧欣 Facebook 的最佳解答
大家幫忙分享一下!please help share my friends' story!
Our daughter, Alicia, was born in the early morning of May 29, 2011, three months before her due date. Because she was born at 25 +1 week gestational age, she was only 654 grams at birth, extremely small and extremely weak. I’ll never forget the first moment I saw my daughter splayed out like a science experiment. She was all skin and bones and I dare not touch her for fear of breaking her. After my first visit with my daughter, the doctor pulled me aside and spoke to me earnestly. She told me that our daughter was in an extremely precarious position, and there were no guarantees that she would even survive past the week. That was a big blow to us, as we had eagerly anticipated the arrival of our precious baby girl for six months by this time. But there was little we could do but pray, and entrust the life of our baby girl into the hands of the doctors and nurses at China Medical University Hospital’s NICU. We will forever be grateful to these health professionals who poured their heart and their energy into the care and wellbeing of our little one. Over the next four and a half months, our daughter who should have been growing inside of my wife’s womb, grew up instead inside an incubator under the careful watch of these dedicated uncles and aunties. We are absolutely grateful that our daughter was born at a time as this where modern medicine and technology is so well-developed. If it weren’t for devices such as ventilators, incubators and monitors, I don’t know if our daughter would be with us today. It was also so vital for us at that point in our lives, being young parents, that we had the assistance of Taiwan’s incredible Health Insurance. By the time our daughter was finally discharged from the hospital, we had an incredible medical bill of over NT$1,000,000,000. If it hadn’t been for Health Insurance, there is no way that we would have been able to afford the level of care that our daughter received. I can’t even imagine needing to make a choice of either going into debt, or allowing my daughter to live. Thankfully, we didn’t have to make that choice. And today our daughter is a bright, healthy four-year-old who is incredibly smart and brings immense amounts of joy and happiness to everyone she comes in contact with. It is our sincerest hope and prayer that future parents would also be able to enjoy the support and assistance of Health Insurance to support them when they need it. When a child is born in such a critical nature, there are many, many decisions and plans that parents need to make. It is absolutely stressful enough for parents to try to understand all that is happening with the child, also the different medicines and procedures they need to go through, without needing to worry about whether or not they can afford the care needed to keep the child alive. These premature infants are precious lives. They are incredible valuable, and a treasure. They are not statistics, or specimens. They are human lives. Human lives that deserve to have the best chance at survival. One day these babies, these humans, will for sure grow up to give incredible contributions to our nation and our society. It is absolutely worth the investment to support these children at the most crucial and critical moments of their lives.
small for gestational age 在 Small for gestational age - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Small for gestational age embryos are those who are smaller in size than normal for the gestational age, most commonly defined as a weight ... ... <看更多>