你知道嗎?【斯巴達的狗狗公主——史上首位在奧運「摘金*」的女性 】 和這紀錄現代人無法效法的各種理由 #本日冷知識1577 #文長注意
撒花 。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。 撒花
2021 東京奧運有個重點數字——百分之 49——是史上最高的女性運動員參與比率。
回首 1896 年,在顧拜旦男爵(Pierre de Frédy, Baron de Coubertin, 1863-1937)的多年鼓吹之後,第一屆的現代奧運在雅典舉辦。時代風氣使然,當時女性運動員是徹底(被)缺席的。顧拜旦心目中的奧運會,是純粹由男子業餘運動員進行的友好競賽。猶如古希臘的奧林匹克賽事也是謝絕女子參加的。
古代奧運更是嚴禁已婚婦人在場觀戰,理由倒不難懂:希臘男子在田徑賽事中一貫是正面全裸的。奇怪的是未婚女子的待遇就完全不同,不僅可以旁觀男子賽事,甚至可能會在天后希拉(Hera)的慶典上,或與奧運會同步舉辦未婚女子版的運動競賽,可惜這類賽事(Heraean games)的具體記述甚少。
但是酷妮絲卡公主(Cyniska of Sparta, 442-?)就是一位超犯規的存在,她是連續兩屆古代奧林匹克奧運會:396 年與 392 年的大贏家。
關於本文中提到古希臘的年代,都遵從偷懶原則,省略了「西元前」或 BC 字樣,各位請自己在腦中加負號。關於公主芳名,雖然拉丁拼法很引誘人念成賽妮絲卡,但考慮希臘文是拼成 Κυνίσκα,其中 υ (upsilon) 古音發 /u/,所以,酷妮絲卡。名字涵義是小狗狗♀源自希臘語 κύων 狗。又想到 cynic→犬儒也是同個字根。於是標題「狗狗公主」。
現代人無法效法酷妮絲卡的第一個理由是,她取勝的項目已經不存在了:飆四匹馬拉的雙輪戰車(chariot)賽。就是所謂的少女與戰車......其實不是,因為 396 年時她已 46 歲了。而且其實酷妮絲卡雖然未婚,卻仍是不能親自上場競技的,即使是公主也無法無視習俗。所以她鑽了一個漏洞。但並不是女扮男裝(酷拉皮卡也不是)。公主的奧運夢是這樣圓夢的:她出錢養馬、親自訓練馬匹,奧運時聘個男人上場駕駛但仍是以她的名義競賽。換句話說,古代奧運的馬術常常是騎手獲勝,但金主獲得榮耀。畢竟馬就像古代的超跑,超貴,貴到平民根本養不起,騎師騎雇主的馬就是常態了。 #我是今夜最稀有的品種
作家色諾芬(Xenophon of Athens, c. 430-354)更不客氣評論道,大多奧運競技如田徑靠的是男兒傑出的勇氣♂和技藝 → 多半是戰爭技能的衍伸,例如有一項是著全副重裝步兵的裝甲,約六公斤重在 1 stade ≒ 180 公尺的跑道上往返跑一趟,稱為 hoplitodromos (hoplite 重裝步兵, dromo 跑)。離題講一下,大型運動會場叫 stadium 就是因為古希臘田徑場通常寬 1 stade 左右,此一希臘古長度單位是跑道通常的長度。
色諾芬狂酸說,反觀和馬相關的競賽靠的根本是「恁爸有錢」。畢竟要入手優異的名馬、飼養、日復一日訓練都需一擲千金。超譯成現代術語就類似說,以大量投資墊高競爭者的入場門檻,就是用錢 KO 對手這樣。
又双離個題,在酷妮絲卡初次奪冠後過了十屆,356 年的奧運會上,馬其頓的菲利浦二世的馬贏了某馬術項目。傳說同一天適逢亞歷山大出生,被當成大吉之兆——幸好亞歷山大沒有因此被命名為 Hippodromniki 之類的,hippodrome 跑馬,nike 勝利。想他姐姐出生那天菲利浦國王恰在 Thessaly 打了勝仗,大喜之下就命名女兒 Thessaloniki 了 (也是現代希臘第二大城)。
扯太遠啦,浪子回頭。斯巴達的酷妮絲卡公主的功績,現代人無法效法也大概無須吹捧的第二個理由在於她的身分:她的父親 Archidamus 二世是斯巴達國王(雙王之一),她的哥哥也繼任父親,是為斯巴達國王 Agesilaus 二世。斯巴達的「雙王」理解成是戰時的兩名最高軍事領袖,且是斯巴達最顯赫家系才能擔任的。
話說日後,哲學家亞里斯多德(384-322)將會見證斯巴達從希臘的霸主衰退成一地方勢力,讓出其霸主地位給馬其頓。亞里斯多德評論說,斯巴達的衰退起因是它「淪為女性治國的地方」。只不過亞里斯多德有個特色:他說過的每句話幾乎都錯了——還真不容易——我們切莫聽他。例如他也曾斬釘截鐵說女人的牙齒比男人少 XD。
出於這種優生考量,斯巴達人相信體質強健的女子對於生育壯丁也同等重要,於是產生了格言:「生男當然最好,但即使生女也要把她教養的和她的兄弟一樣強」。這樣到底算不算一種性別分工下的權力平均咧?也因此,斯巴達女性接受的教育包括了健體強身的各種運動、音樂舞蹈甚至騎乘,都由年長的女性教授,只差沒有軍事訓練而已(卡珊德拉表示)。斯巴達很可能有女子運動會,甚至可能讓年輕的男女在賽事上裸裎相見相互競技。又順帶一提,英語的健身房/體育館 gymnasium 這個字就來自希臘語的裸體 γυμνός (gumnos),不過奇怪的,德語 gymnasium 的意思是大學預科學校......不細說了XD
再加上,其實斯巴達男人在 30 歲之前是不能和妻子同居的,斯巴達男人從相當於我們小學的年紀就被要求集體生活,集體受軍事訓練,和同儕與師長養成親密♂無間的信任關係,如果早早成家生子,要總不在家的男人張羅家務事和養育後代......就無法,於是斯巴達女性需當家,並掙得了高度自主權。與之相對,理想的斯巴達女性美德完全在於能否養育出勇士。斯巴達的悍母民風在歷史的一頁展現了。希臘化時代的名將,國王皮洛士(Pyrrhus of Epirus, 306-272)在他生命的最後一年揮軍試圖硬吃斯巴達,當兩軍在城下對峙,斯巴達女性一擁而出,連夜在兩軍之間挖了一條戰壕,還叫士兵男孩們今晚多休息,儲備體力以待拂曉決戰,多威猛的斯巴達媽媽。
最後來說壓軸的限制級內容,斯巴達社會型態的根本由來——其強悍勇武與其說是出於抵禦外敵,更是無時無刻不在防範身邊眾多的奴隸:黑勞士(Helots)的反叛。歷史之父希羅多德曾估計,每 1 個斯巴達公民或許對應到 7 個黑勞士奴隸,這種懸殊比例,表示斯巴達人隨時都要有以一砍十的自信。
斯巴達人始終使用一種非人的恐怖,在統御/蹂躪著這大量的他們眼中的人形牲畜,詳情不可描述。因此斯巴達人的男女分工才會如前述,貫徹優生考量,資源全用產兵,技能全點武力,斯巴達女人並不需紡織下田飼養,生產勞作由奴隸做,女人唯需要生養教育出男子,男子唯需要高效率的殺人。知道這些背景,再看《300 壯士》你或許會有完全不同的感受。
另一種政治操作就高調了:冠軍會被當成半神,即古希臘的英雄崇拜(hero cult)。斯巴達的酷妮絲卡,我們的狗狗公主就獲得這種待遇,即使在她過世後多年,在斯巴達對她的崇拜仍不停歇,激勵了更多斯巴達女子投入奧運。畢竟在希臘人心目中傑出的人 = 英雄 = 有神性。出了英雄的家系更是世世代代講話卡大聲。酷妮絲卡的王兄會大力支持她追求奧運夢,大概有著這種算盤,即使他們家世早就夠顯赫了,但能利用的政治資本就要利用......
參考資料:wikipedia - Cynisca ; wikipedia - Women in ancient Sparta。現代奧運的男女運動員人數比 Number of athletes at the Summer Olympics by gender 1896-2016
Published by Aaron O'Neill, Jul 15, 2020。
同時也有211部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過120萬的網紅Phê Phim,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Phê Phim News: WARNER BROS. lại TỪ CHỐI ZACK SNYDER? | Review sớm A QUIET PLACE 2 Đây không phải review phim hay tóm tắt phim!...
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深山中的夜晚,頭頂上滿布著閃爍星辰,本該浪漫無比,卻無人在意,大家的目光都聚焦於 #轟隆巨響的火山爆發。
旅行到瓜地馬拉的安地瓜時,我報名了永生難忘的旅行行程,兩天一夜的 #阿卡特南戈火山健行(Volcán Acatenango)。
一言以蔽之:「This is too Sparta!!!」
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ผมไม่ได้ไปร่วมชุมนุมในวันที่ 14-15 ตุลาคม ที่ผ่านมา เพราะก่อนหน้านี้ผมไปชุมนุมบ่อย และที่บ้านก็ทัดทานเอาไว้หลายครั้งว่าอย่าไป อย่าทำให้ตัวเองและครอบครัวเดือดร้อน
แต่การไม่ได้ไปสองวันที่ผ่านทำให้ผมรู้สึกเหมือนมีชะนักติดอยู่ในใจ มันเหมือนเวลาเราดูหนังสงคราม แล้วเพื่อนทุกคนหยิบดาบจับปืนไปรบกันหมด เหลือแต่เราที่ไปไม่ได้ ...จะด้วยเหตุผลอะไรก็แล้วแต่...มันทำให้ผมรู้สึกผิดมาก
พอรู้ว่าจะมีการชุมนุมวันนี้อีกวัน ผมเลยคิดว่า เออ...เราอยากไป...อยากชดเชยสิ่งที่เพื่อน ๆ ทำไว้เมื่อสองว...
Continue ReadingI didn't go to the congregation on October 14-15th, since I went to gather more often and at home, I have decided not to go. Don't bother myself and family.
But not going to the last two days makes me feel like I have a chance to be stuck in my mind. It's like when we watch a war movie and all friends pick up swords and fighters. There are only reasons we can't go... It makes me feel so guilty.
When I knew there would be another gathering today, I thought, um, we wanted to go... I wanted to make up for what friends did two days ago.
I drove through Chidlom station from 3 pm. I saw the police set up a police station, messing up and investigating from many directions. I saw that I was taking control of all the rules from 2 pm. I was still talking to friends. Today, I should be Moob. I'm ′′ pouring Let me come to watch.
After stirring until Siam, around 4 o'clock, eating and working. Waiting for news about how we are going to do it. Mob announces really postponed. Made an appointment at 5 o'clock, but moved to close to Pathumwan. ...
I walked from Paracetamol to the middle of the intersection with Kerry, sound, and the speaker. And the people stood down. But it wasn't like two days ago. From the angle where I stood from the stereo for 20 Meters. People are watching from the corner. Very few. (Let's see the picture behind the side where there are many people. It's the road in front of Bunchak
Standing to listen to the speech. The atmosphere is normal. The first time, it seems to be a smooth talk. But there is a sound. There is a sound in the moment that ′′ go out ′′ from the side of the Suphai field. I guess I'm going to chase the agent. I'm trying to break through, normally someone gives me free drinking water. I accept it without knowing it will save my life later....
It's raining while it's raining. I'm standing in the rain and working in the middle of the Mop (imitation of Northern Netanya). Sister, the lady pokes me, ′′ Do you want a rain coat? I bought it for those who don't have it. ′′ Which I also accept. Thank you very much.
Talking to his sister, standing behind me, makes me look at the back road (in front of paragon). I see the emergency light far away..... Do you think it's an emergency vehicle? I don't know how to feel... so I went to see it.
I walked closer to the emergency light in front of Paragon. I saw a man standing in front of the board, turning to the Ratchadraphaphat crossroads. And I found a lot of police, standing in front of the board in the formation, preparing to invade the back. There was a majestic water in the back. With a megaphone order all the time.
I was shocked, ran back to the spot where I was standing assembly and shouted, ′′ The water car comes! The water car came!" The people who listened for the first time. Most of them were shocked. I couldn't do anything right. I passed about 5 seconds until I started to move. It's broken now.
The biggest dharma puzzle in my life today is when I came running back to tell the news and thought it's okay. I sent the news and someone found out.... and I ran back to the front line of the point.... Why did I run.....
While going back, I heard a megaphone. ′′ Give the demonstrators 3 minutes to leave the area
Come back this time, vertical. Let's get the demolition like a shield. Prepare to get water from the water car. Sparta warrior in the movie 300 with a little ironing. There is a noise from the telephone. Counting down. My heart is beating like a battlefield.
10.... Damn. What do I do?
9.... They will be positive.
8.... Damn went to push the fence with him.
7.... I shouldn't be okay. You won't be healthy. You
6.... Let's take a video!
Taken my mobile phone camera and took it on the roadside. Not on the road.
3... 2... 1 Police move in vs Demonstrators
First round of sprinklers - second round. Federal station, no problem. The demonstrators are shouting. Happy to shoot around three times. Straightly hit the demonstrators. I watched the time they defeated the riot in the abroad. The water pressure was very high. I got the body blown away.
Demonstrators still stand. Water car. Change water color. Injection color to blue. Shooting at the demonstrators in mind. I wonder why they changed colors?.... But in the middle of the road, they were pushed for minutes. The situation is very disturbing. It seems like they saw the person. Snatch the shield from the police and use it to push the police.
A while back, some demonstrators joined the metal fence to the forefront. But it wasn't much, but it wasn't much. The demonstrators retreated and broke down from where I was standing for a while. The car was injected with the footprint. Made the front of me crack. I was in the second row. I took a water car and shot it. Now it's in my head. Face in my mouth.
I got water for 2-3 seconds. I feel pain in my eyes and face. Someone said that it's mixed with tear gas. So I took the water bottle that they gave away when I listened to it. I washed my face but I had less oil because I ate and divided other people. So I escaped into Siam. There was a person standing and watching in Siam. It was about 20 people from the point of the vagina. There was a woman shouting ′′ There was water in the water. If anybody got gas, I could wash my face
I have a sister. The old one was around the corner and said that ′′ you need to wash it off, you have been left before. It will have long term consequences
I tried to wash as much as I could and ran out of the area. Keep my life in the next battle. We will fight for a long time.
Ps. Found out later that blue is injected to identify the demonstrators to easily catch. Clear water is a chemical mix of eye pain.Translated
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Contact Sparta 300+ on Messenger. Highlights info row image. Personal Blog. Page TransparencySee More. Facebook is showing information to help you better ... ... <看更多>
sparta 300 在 Spartan 300 - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
May 10, 2018 - Explore Albert Hernandez's board "Spartan 300", followed by 165 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about spartan warrior, greek warrior, ... ... <看更多>