▒ 渡部雄吉《Stakeout Diary》▒
《Stakeout Diary》(跟監日記)所收錄的照片,是1958年攝影師渡部雄吉(1924-1992)貼身跟隨兩位日本刑警調查一椿恐怖謀殺案件的神秘影像紀錄。
渡部雄吉所拍攝的照片最初發表在與案發同年6月出刊的《日本》雜誌,之後就再也不曾發表,而渡部雄吉的名字也逐漸被遺忘於時間的洪流。直到2006年,一個英國人在日本神保町的舊書店發現了120張渡部雄吉的這批照片,2011年又輾轉由一家法國出版社將這些照片整理出版了一本攝影書 《A Criminal Investigation》(犯罪調查),渡部雄吉與他照片中濃烈的黑色電影氛圍,以及戰後日本昭和時期的社會寫實場景,頓時受到國際矚目。渡部可能自己也沒有想到,這些沉寂了半個世紀的照片竟會浮出,並深深吸引了世人的目光。
2014年出版的這本《Stakeout Diary》則找到了渡部雄吉的兒子渡部浩之,重新檢視底片,並再行編輯了這一幀幀有如偵探劇照般詭秘、幽暗卻又絲絲入扣的謎樣影像……。
Yukichi Watabe documented the investigation of a grisly murder that had occurred in Mito (Ibaraki Prefecture) in 1958. Watabe closely followed two police detectives, one from the Metropolitan Police Department and the other local. Their investigation involved stakeouts around downtown areas of Tokyo, areas that have since changed beyond recognition.
Some photographs from the series appeared in a magazine in the same year but there was no opportunity for any further publication. As a result, the photographs were little known. In 2006, a British dealer in old books found 120 sheets of these photo works at Jinbou-chou (central Tokyo), and the work was published in Paris in 2011. This photo book, A Criminal Investigation, attracted attention all over the world.
For this new publication, we have borrowed negatives from Hiroyuki Watabe, the son of Yukichi Watabe, for a fresh selection, using prints made especially for the purpose.
▒ 購買本書 BUY ▒ : http://goo.gl/nTDOdv
ϟϟ 注意1 : 數量不多,訂購請早!! ϟϟ
ϟϟ 注意2 : 因應線上付款系統塞車狀況,無法完成線上購買或需要以ATM匯款購書的朋友,歡迎點選以下連結寫信給我們 : bookshop.vopmagazine.com/atm
《Stakeout Diary》(張り込み日記) | 渡部雄吉 | 23 x 30.5 cm | 104頁 | 2014 | roshin books | 精裝 | 限量1000冊
Voices of Photography 攝影之聲
stakeout diary 在 VOP Facebook 的精選貼文
▒ 渡部雄吉《Stakeout Diary》▒
《Stakeout Diary》(跟監日記)所收錄的照片,是1958年攝影師渡部雄吉(1924-1992)貼身跟隨兩位日本刑警調查一椿恐怖謀殺案件的神秘影像紀錄。
渡部雄吉所拍攝的照片最初發表在與案發同年6月出刊的《日本》雜誌,之後就再也不曾發表,而渡部雄吉的名字也逐漸被遺忘於時間的洪流。直到2006年,一個英國人在日本神保町的舊書店發現了120張渡部雄吉的這批照片,2011年又輾轉由一家法國出版社將這些照片整理出版了一本攝影書 《A Criminal Investigation》(犯罪調查),渡部雄吉與他照片中濃烈的黑色電影氛圍,以及戰後日本昭和時期的社會寫實場景,頓時受到國際矚目。渡部可能自己也沒有想到,這些沉寂了半個世紀的照片竟會浮出,並深深吸引了世人的目光。
2014年出版的這本《Stakeout Diary》則找到了渡部雄吉的兒子渡部浩之,重新檢視底片,並再行編輯了這一幀幀有如偵探劇照般詭秘、幽暗卻又絲絲入扣的謎樣影像……。
Yukichi Watabe documented the investigation of a grisly murder that had occurred in Mito (Ibaraki Prefecture) in 1958. Watabe closely followed two police detectives, one from the Metropolitan Police Department and the other local. Their investigation involved stakeouts around downtown areas of Tokyo, areas that have since changed beyond recognition.
Some photographs from the series appeared in a magazine in the same year but there was no opportunity for any further publication. As a result, the photographs were little known. In 2006, a British dealer in old books found 120 sheets of these photo works at Jinbou-chou (central Tokyo), and the work was published in Paris in 2011. This photo book, A Criminal Investigation, attracted attention all over the world.
For this new publication, we have borrowed negatives from Hiroyuki Watabe, the son of Yukichi Watabe, for a fresh selection, using prints made especially for the purpose.
▒ 購買本書 BUY ▒ : http://goo.gl/nTDOdv
ϟϟ 注意1 : 數量極少,訂購請早!! ϟϟ
ϟϟ 注意2 : 因應線上付款系統塞車狀況,無法完成線上購買或需要以ATM匯款購書的朋友,歡迎點選以下連結寫信給我們 : bookshop.vopmagazine.com/atm
《Stakeout Diary》(張り込み日記) | 渡部雄吉 | 23 x 30.5 cm | 104頁 | 2014 | roshin books | 精裝 | 限量1000冊
Voices of Photography 攝影之聲