Dharma is quite likely the first band in the world to combine ancient and traditional Buddhist sutras with the modern style of death metal.
The band was founded by drummer Jack Tung (Revilement, Demise, Stench of Lust) from Taiwan.
Vocalist Joe Henley (Revilement, Sledge City Slashers, Stench of Lust), from Canada, was later brought on board. Most of the lyrics are sung and screamed in the original Sanskrit, some with a mix of Mandarin Chinese.
Throughout the creative process of the band, the basic tenets of Buddhism were adhered to, with the blessing of a local Buddhist master teacher (Master Song, of Taipei), and all members have taken refuge in the Three Jewels.
Dharma utilizes blast beats and alternate picking to express the furious and dark side of Buddhist scriptures. The inherit ferocity of death metal augments the will of the scriptures to instill within the listener a sense of spiritual relief and undeniable passsion through the release of karma.
This brand new performance style of the Buddhist songs has been undertaken with the goal of spreading the Buddhist culture of Taiwan to the four corners of the world, and to instill in those a sense of peace through the exploration of the sutras in this new form.
stench中文 在 BlackZao Art Facebook 的最佳貼文
Dharma is quite likely the first band in the world to combine ancient and traditional Buddhist sutras with the modern style of death metal.
The band was founded by drummer Jack Tung (Revilement, Demise, Stench of Lust) from Taiwan.
Vocalist Joe Henley (Revilement, Sledge City Slashers, Stench of Lust), from Canada, was later brought on board. Most of the lyrics are sung and screamed in the original Sanskrit, some with a mix of Mandarin Chinese.
Throughout the creative process of the band, the basic tenets of Buddhism were adhered to, with the blessing of a local Buddhist master teacher (Master Song, of Taipei), and all members have taken refuge in the Three Jewels.
Dharma utilizes blast beats and alternate picking to express the furious and dark side of Buddhist scriptures. The inherit ferocity of death metal augments the will of the scriptures to instill within the listener a sense of spiritual relief and undeniable passsion through the release of karma.
This brand new performance style of the Buddhist songs has been undertaken with the goal of spreading the Buddhist culture of Taiwan to the four corners of the world, and to instill in those a sense of peace through the exploration of the sutras in this new form.
stench中文 在 昴宿 Pleiades Facebook 的最佳解答
今年 覺醒音樂祭 Wake Up Festival 我們真的很期待,從內容到主題到規模都是創辦以來最大的一次,這是一個很有溫度跟感情的音樂祭,讓我們再度找回初次參與音樂祭的感覺。
我們今年WAKE UP見!!~~~~
作者:林轉(昴宿 Pleiades吉他手)
在首次參加 WAKE UP之前,其實就有聽聞是一群高中生團隊合作策辦的活動,起初是從社團到學生樂團以及在地樂隊的展演,一路走來到現在,堅韌的理想令人感到感動,同時反思自己是否能做的更多。
然而,首次參加這個音樂祭時,讓我感到很振奮也驚喜,除了邀請來自各個國家豐富多元的樂隊及藝人演出,也給予非常多台灣新秀音樂家及樂隊表現的機會 (還會把大家餵得白白胖胖,喝的比你阿公還醉)出色的美術平面設計、均衡的商業行銷,整體而言都非常優秀了不起。
在台灣的文青文藝從來沒有少過,但在所謂的「文化」以及「土地認同」上有所著墨的,實在少之又少,甚至可說是匱乏。而 WAKE UP確確實實的做到了這點,並且讓所有參加活動的人在無意識下,直接碰觸了這個領域以及議題,進而讓音樂與在地文化做了個美好的結合,並回饋給當地環境正向的影響力。
近幾年獨立音樂崛起,個人認為是:人們意識到主流音樂無法再更滿足他們的內心,發現在精神世界上有了更多的選擇。音樂一直都是與跟人心連結在一起的,冥冥之中不斷的影響我們,真正的改變,不僅是指一兩個人的改變,而是因少數人的改變進而帶起了一個群體的意識變化,而WAKE UP正在進行著這樣的工作跟計劃。
WAKE UP原本過去沒有所謂的正式中文名稱,在之後正式定名為《覺醒音樂祭》,個人非常喜歡這個名字。「覺醒」在我們這個時代以及世代,可以說是最重要的目標,也是個代名詞;從過去舊時代的教育到社會氛圍,或者是思想到生活習慣,我們都要去做個改變甚至是去突破,共同將過去社會以及腦袋中繁瑣的結解開。
無論你是台獨覺醒、女權覺醒、 同婚覺醒、原力覺醒,這都是我們個人成長以及要為彼此努力的重點。
【覺醒音樂祭 Wake Up 2016《理想的島》第十波演出團公佈】
魯蛇沒人可分手|夕陽武士 Sunset Samurai
走在未知的前方|向量單車 Vector the Bike 向量単車
偉人長眠在二七|Kill My 27(JP)
➠ Wake Up2016《理想的島》樂團徵選持續進行中
︴goo.gl/un3DJL (詳細辦法點此)
➠ 票券資訊
︴三日未來票|票價:$500 (已完售)
︴三日盲鳥票|票價:$800 (已完售)
➠ 售票通路
︴實體|7-11 Ibon (INDIEVOX)
︴網路|goo.gl/F8usCJ (INDIEVOX)
滅火器|血肉果汁機|草東沒有派對|濁水溪公社|Mary See the Future|Fox Capture Plan(JP)|感覚ピエロ(JP)|Infernal Chaos|Skull Fist(CA)|麋先生|話梅鹿(HK)|南瓜妮歌迷俱樂部|茄子蛋|OS☆U|八十八顆芭樂籽|昴宿|地下道|羣島|浮舟|城市雨人|勸世宗親會|黑狼|Stranded Whale(HK)|Smoke In Half Note(HK)|MASQUERADER|EMERGING FROM THE COCOON|The Roadside Inn|Orpheus Omega(AU)|Stench of Lust(CA/TW)|Sexy Hammer(HK)|小福氣|Triple Deer|鹿比 ∞ 吠陀|DEER(MX)|奏手候(JP)|椰子!! Coconuts|好事花生|妮可醬|Flyinsnow|銳豆(CN)|孬樂隊(MY)|怕胖|瑪莉咬凱利|新墨鏡|五五身|樹懶教會我的事|Boiler陸龜(JP)|iTuca(JP)│傷心欲絕│午夜乒乓│夕陽武士│向量單車│張三李四│裸絵札(JP)│SOHA(JP)│Kill My 27(JP)
...and more
► 7/15(五) - 7/17(日) /// 「理想的島,我們一起來蓋!」
stench中文 在 《鹽與聖所》Salt and Sanctuary 中文劇情實況Part 7 的推薦與評價
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