#StorytellerNews: 【Haru by Kay Tse】
最近,StoryTeller 參與了歌手謝安琪 Kay @kaytse 首次親自包辦作曲、填詞、編曲及監製的全新歌曲《離不開》MV製作。很高興受到新晉導演李刀拿 Liknifena @liknifena 的邀請,才有幸參與這創作靈感來自氣候變化的音樂企劃。在 Kay 和 Liknifena 的信任和指引下,給予我們很大的自由度去構思這次 mv 的 art direction 和參與故事概念創作。聽著此曲感受很多,因此從佈置不同空間的畫作、花、盆栽、卡帶、椅子、魚缸等等,美術總監李凱儀 Alice @a_slow_soul 希望能透過佈置讓場景更有故事性,每一件都有著它的故事,她將會於下週一跟讀者分享更多。MV已於過去的週日首播,還沒看的朋友現在就先欣賞這由 Kay 首次監製和導演李刀拿拍得很美麗的MV,在夏至以前,跟你訴說有關春天的故事:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNDI9oBG7po
看畢MV,歡迎跟我們分享你的發現和想法 :) 再次感謝 Kay和導演對StoryTeller創作團隊的信任。我們會繼續努力為用不同形式創作更多,一起為所愛的事加油。
The Boy | @willallwailam
The Girl | @wingyanw
The Cat|David Leung
The Mind | @kaytse
Producer | @kaytse
Director| @liknifena
Assistant Director| @wingcwh
Production Manager| @bread_shuen
Production Assistant|Nobear / @wingyanw
Director of Photography |Liknifena
2nd Camera Operator| Mix Chan / @herbzi.leaf
BTS Camera Operator | @waiwai_t
Drone Photographer|Man Siu Lun
Lighting Assistants|Edwin Tam / Lau Ka Lok
Art Director| @a_slow_soul @everyone.is.storyteller
Assistant Director| @isaac.spellman @everyone.is.storyteller
Art assistants / Props Makers| @lester_m_shing / Jacky Leung
Story Writers| @kaytse / Liknifena / @ericawong818 / @a_slow_soul / @wongyuehang2047
Colorist |@wingcwh
CG Editor|Clarice Yip
Title & Typography Design| @thirdparagraph
Graphic Designer | @floydnimbus
Make-up Artist|Kris Wong
Hair Stylists|Cooney Lai / Sing Tam @PI4.HK
Wardrobe Sponsors|
Ports 1961
Tak Lee
Still Photographer | @saladd
Marketing Director | @_brienneip_
Personal Assistant | @tata226
Artist Management |
@light_white_studio (Kay Tse)
@blacklighthk (Will Or)
Acknowledgements |
@zapjok Lo Dai
Kube Kan @koke.lab.hk
Moon Island Studio @moon.sland
#kaytse #謝安琪 #haru #離不開
#lightwhitestudio #淺白本部
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✨#StorytellerNews:【REOPENING : Be Here!】
不知不覺,2020年只剩下不夠99天,Cabinet of Stories 也不知不覺因為疫情停止運作了幾個月。去年Alone Together展覽成功後,我們卻沒有再積極營運這空間。我們忙著故事平台的事、忙於生活、忙於家庭...... 然後,疫情突然來襲,很多事情都不得不停下來。
一段時間過後,我們再次想起最重要的人和事 -- 自己和現在。
在十月的展覽舉行前,我們將於明天先重新公開開放,展示全新的Cabinet、藝術品、繪本故事,一起體驗《Be Here》。在店長帶領下,你可以在Cabinet of Stories 好好看畫、看繪本、分享故事、喝茶、體驗靜觀...... 或是純粹好好坐下稍稍休息。
Just be here.
Cabinet of Stories
WED-FRI : 2pm - 8pm | SAT&SUN : 12pm - 6pm
💁🏻♀️ Walk in 其實也是歡迎的,只是座位有限,若想待久一點,建議先到這裡預約時段:https://forms.gle/LasUVoJaaHi42fjY9
Tel: 51375776
Email : cabinet@story-teller.com.hk
Have you realised there are only 99 days left in 2020? Days are counting and we finally have come up with a new idea.
Cabinet of Stories was not in operation for a few months because of the pandemic. After the success of the “Alone Together” exhibition last year, we were not that active since we were occupied with our platform of StoryTeller, daily life, family...... In a sudden, the pandemic has spread across the world. Unfortunately, quite many things have to either be on hold, or be cancelled abruptly.
Finally, the importance of THE PRESENT and ONESELF is brought to mind again.
After more than half a year, we have eventually developed a clearer vision. We decided to rearrange and redecorate the space, hoping everyone can come visit, and try to find themselves and “see” the present.
Have you ever been in the moment consciously? Do you hear your thoughts deep down in your heart?
We invite you to register for this reopening event, “Be Here”. During this one and a half hour, with our guidance, you can appreciate the paintings, listen to stories, read some story books, have a sip of tea...or just simply take a good rest in the Cabinet of Stories.
Just be here.
Cabinet of Stories
👉🏻We are open now:
WED-FRI : 2pm - 8pm | SAT&SUN : 12pm - 6pm
💁🏻Reservation is preferred, please make your reservation here: https://forms.gle/LasUVoJaaHi42fjY9
Tel: 51375776
Email : cabinet@story-teller.com.hk
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#StorytellerNews : 【 第一本書 + POSTER GIVEAWAY 】
六月除了忙於展覽,也忙於我們第一本和三聯出版社合作的書,不知不覺斷斷續續籌備了一年多,可望趕及今年書展😖(終於進入最後階段努力中)。書的主題是關於未來的想像。我們一直相信未來不是因為現有的而奠定,而是通過我們的想像而建構的,通過故事和訪問城市裡不同的storyteller,希望大家能跟我們一起想像更多 🙊成功出世後再刊登詳情。
非常感謝大家對Alone Together展覽的支持,展覽完滿結束,畫家 Mateusz Kolek 和 Storyteller 衷心感謝,很開心很多人都帶了畫作和故事回家,喜歡我們的故事聲音導航。得到大量媒體報導,甚至海外朋友的支持,有些人還以為我們是否有大量宣傳費呢⋯⋯😅很可惜我們沒有,沒有大財團沒有PR,只有熱血和真心。是大家讓我們相信藝術和故事這條路能繼續好好走下去。看到大家擠在我們細小的故事館專心聽故事看故事那麼久,感覺很神奇。
為了答謝大家也因不少人詢問,我們將送出兩款展覽海報各 20 張,並於稍後限量發售。Mateusz作品的 giclée art print open edition 仍可於故事館 Cabinet of Stories 或網上店購買。
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你將有機會得到海報一張,參與活動即使未被抽中的朋友,你和tag的朋友也會得到我們的網上店coupon code 😀
*故事館Cabinet of Stories暫時休館至我們的book launch,會再通知開放時間🙇🏻
*Storyteller 網上店:http://store.story-teller.com.hk
storytellernews 在 春天的故事-在PTT/IG/網紅社群上服務品牌流行穿搭-2022-08 ... 的推薦與評價
#StorytellerNews: 【Haru by Kay Tse】 最近,StoryTeller 參與了歌手謝安琪... Girl Secret. 大約2 年前. 【#GS_lifestyle】《離不開》是一個關於春天的故事? ... <看更多>
storytellernews 在 Storytellernews - Facebook 的推薦與評價
Storytellernews. 1 like. StoryTellerNews is a community Newspaper founded by Teboho Khoarane. The Aim of the Newspaper is to. ... <看更多>