台中│每天都是Vegan Day
如果我住在台中,一定天天去 Veganday Cuisine,首先老闆娘年輕美麗可愛,原來就是 布魯桑 / Bluesomeone!這家的食物非常非常高水準,我差點就錯過了,幸好有 植芮堂-素食保養專賣 介紹我去!
一打開菜單,第一道被我相中的就是招牌菜 - 很像紅酒燉牛肉,跟菜名一樣,真的很像,牛肉是猴頭菇,一口咬下去,立刻在咀裡融化,超嫩口的!然後,白花辣蔬翅,這根本就是雞翅吧,真的太像了,居然是花椰菜做的?!還有蘿蔔湯,不喜歡吃蘿蔔的我竟然吃不出來,還覺得湯很甜很好喝,太利害了!
除了主菜和小吃,當然少不了我最愛的甜點囉,分別點了巧克仙度瑞拉:朱古力味不會很重,淡淡的有點像咖啡味,超喜歡;提拉米蘇:選用豆腐做奶油,超好吃,大愛;法式草莓蛋糕 (抹茶味):這是新品喔,不管你是否抹茶控,也會立馬愛上;檸檬塔:酸酸甜甜的,很開胃,吃完覺得還可以再繼續!
Veganday Cuisine 實在讓我太驚豔了,無論是主菜、小菜、甜點、飲料,還是裝潢、老闆、員工、還有寄賣純素周邊的小物品 (保養品、化妝品、環保物品)等等等等,都做得非常完整和完美!超級羨慕住在台中的你們,老闆娘我求你快來香港開一家!
PS 他們還可以宅配蛋糕耶,麻煩每一款寄一個來香港
很像紅酒燉牛肉(飯) NT258
Vegan Boeuf Burgundy without Wine
松露白醬意大利麵 NT238
Vegan Cream Sauce Spaghetti with Truffle Oil
墨西哥餅配蔬菜莎莎醬 NT118
Tortilla Chips with Salsa
白花辣蔬翅 NT158
Cauliflower Wings
Mutcha Strawberry Cake (NEW)
提拉米蘇 NT100
巧克仙度瑞拉 NT100
Vegan Chocolate Cake
檸檬塔 NT90
Lemon Tart
Every Day is Vegan Day
If I live in Taichung, I must go to Veganday Cuisine every day because it's really amazing. No matter it's main course, side dish, dessert, drink, decoration, the owner, the staff etc. All done very complete and perfect! Super envy of you living in Taichung, please come to Hong Kong to open one for us!
As soon as I opened the menu, the first one was the signature dish - Vegan boeuf burgundy without wine. It was really like red wine stewed beef. The beef is actually monkey head mushroom. It melts immediately in the mouth when you bite it! So Juicy! Then, the cauliflower wings, this is just same as chicken wings? ! There is also a radish soup, I don't like to eat radish, but I didn't realize it is and I even think that the soup is very sweet and tasty!
In addition to the main dishes and snacks, of course, my favorite desserts come to the end, I ordered 3 different kinds of vegan cakes, and the owner offer us a new mutcha strawberry cake as well! I can't stop eating those cakes because they are just tooooo good~
【Veganday Cuisine】
Address: 臺中市西區大忠南街91號
Open: 11:30 - 15:00;17:00 - 21:00
Close: Not Specified