〈Pecado É Lhe Deixar de Molho 你沈溺在這罪惡世界〉
——Tribalistas 部落人
【關於這首歌 About the song】
我去年無意中在Spotify上面發現了一首來自巴西團 Tribalistas(部落人)的一首歌。當時覺得:「天阿,這個曲名怎麼那麼長?到底是什麼意思?」,所以去查了歌詞來了解意境。
I came across this song by the Brazilian group Tribalistas last year, and when faced with such a song title, I asked: "WHY so many words and what do they all mean?" So I promptly looked it up.
Upon research, my thoughts were: "Okay this song is gorgeous and - huh, these things rhyme if I translate the lyrics into Mandarin." So I wrote Mandarin lyrics to it, and it has since become one of my most cherished songs.
【關於這支影片 About this video】
After my last endeavor, I've started to sort of figure out what works and doesn't work for me, so I pushed myself on this one to work with more complicated stuff, both in music and video production.
Musically, I added more "instruments" (The slow brushes were my curtains and the cowbell was my water bottle) as well as effects. Visually, I tied the videos together more stylistically and put more effort into neater handwritten lyrics as well as animating more ethereal things from scratch.
I hope you all enjoy. Please feel free to comment with any questions, and would appreciate likes and shares if you enjoy!