[152881] 19681. 銀河英雄傳說:在永遠的黑夜中"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" In the Eternal Night (1988)★★
[152882] 19682. 銀河英雄傳說:亞斯提會戰"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Battle of Astarte (1988)★★
[152883] 19683. 銀河英雄傳說:第十三艦隊誕生"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Birth of the 13th Fleet (1989)★★
[152884] 19684. 銀河英雄傳說:帝國的落日餘暉"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Empire’s Afterglow (1989)★★★
[152885] 19685. 銀河英雄傳說:卡斯楚普動亂"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Kastrop Rebellion (1989)★★★
[152886] 19686. 銀河英雄傳說:薔薇騎士"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Knights of the Rose (1989)★★
[152887] 19687. 銀河英雄傳說:伊謝爾倫攻略!"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Iserlohn Taken! (1989)★★
[152888] 19688. 銀河英雄傳說:冷徹的義眼"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Cool, Clear, Artificial Eyes (1989)★★★
[152889] 19689. 銀河英雄傳說:克洛普修克特事件"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Klopstock Incident (1989)★★
[152890] 19690. 銀河英雄傳說:潔西卡的戰鬥"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Jessica’s Battle (1989)★★★
[152891] 19691. 銀河英雄傳說:女演員退場"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Actress Exits (1989)★★
[152892] 19692. 銀河英雄傳說:進攻帝國領域"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Invasion of the Imperial Territory (1989)★★
[152893] 19693. 銀河英雄傳說:如果愁雨將至…"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" When the Rain of Grief Comes (1989)★★
[152894] 19694. 銀河英雄傳說:邊境的解放"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Liberation of the Frontier Zone (1989)★★
[152895] 19695. 銀河英雄傳說:亞姆立札星域會戰"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Battle of Amlitzer Starzone (1989)★★
[152896] 19696. 銀河英雄傳說:新的潮流"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" New Trends (1989)★★
[152897] 19697. 銀河英雄傳說:暴風雨前夕"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Before the Storm (1989)★★
[152898] 19698. 銀河英雄傳說:利普休達特的密約"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Lippstadt Conspiracy (1989)★★
[152899] 19699. 銀河英雄傳說:楊艦隊出動"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Yang Fleet Goes Out (1989)★★★
[152900] 19700. 銀河英雄傳說:流血的宇宙"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Bloodshed in Space (1989)★★★
[152901] 19701. 銀河英雄傳說:德奧里亞星域會戰,然後…"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Battle of Doria Starzone, Then... (1989)★★
[152902] 19702. 銀河英雄傳說:勇氣及忠誠"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Courage and Allegiance (1989)★★
[152903] 19703. 銀河英雄傳說:黃金樹倒下了"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Downfall of the Golden Tree (Goldenbaum) (1989)★★
[152904] 19704. 銀河英雄傳說:獻給誰人的勝利?"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Whose Victory? (1989)★★
[152605] 19705. 銀河英雄傳說:命運的前日"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Day before Destiny (1989)★★
[152906] 19706. 銀河英雄傳說:永別了,遠去的日子"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Farewell, the Old Days (1989)★★
[152907] 19707. 銀河英雄傳說:初陣"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" First Battle (1991)★★★
[152908] 19708. 銀河英雄傳說:肖像"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Portraits (1991)★★
[152909] 19709. 銀河英雄傳說:一條細弦"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" One Thin Thread (1991)★★
[152910] 19710. 銀河英雄傳說:失去的東西"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Lost Things (1991)★★
[152911] 19711. 銀河英雄傳說:審問會"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Inquiry Committee (1991)★★
[152912] 19712. 銀河英雄傳說:沒有武器的戰爭"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" War without Weapons (1991)★★
[152913] 19713. 銀河英雄傳說:要塞對要塞"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Fortress versus Fortress (1991)★★
[152914] 19714. 銀河英雄傳說:歸來"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Return (1991)★★
[152915] 19715. 銀河英雄傳說:決心與野心"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Determination and Ambition (1991)★★
[152916] 19716. 銀河英雄傳說:雷鳴"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Thunder (1991)★★
[152917] 19717. 銀河英雄傳說:綁架幼帝"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Abduction of the Young Emperor (1991)★★
[152918] 19718. 銀河英雄傳說:箭已射出"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Arrow Is Released (1991)★★
[152919] 19719. 銀河英雄傳說:一個人的旅程"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" A Departure (1991)★★
[152920] 19720. 銀河英雄傳說:尤里安之旅、人類之旅"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Julian's Journey, Mankind's Journey (1991)★★
[152921] 19721. 銀河英雄傳說:作戰名稱「諸神的黃昏」"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Operation Twilight of the Gods (Ragnarök) (1991)★★
[152922] 19722. 銀河英雄傳說:安魂曲的邀宴"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Invitation to a Requiem (1991)★★
[152923] 19723. 銀河英雄傳說:號角響起"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Gjallarhorn's Roar (1991)★★★
[152924] 19724. 銀河英雄傳說:佔領費沙"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Phezzan Occupied (1991)★★★
[152925] 19725. 銀河英雄傳說:寒流來襲"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Cold Wave Arrives (1991)★★
[152926] 19726. 銀河英雄傳說:楊提督的方舟隊"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Admiral Yang's Ark Fleet (1991)★★
[152927] 19727. 銀河英雄傳說:尋找自由的宇宙"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Seeking a Free Universe (1991)★★
[152928] 19728. 銀河英雄傳說:雙頭蛇~決戰蘭提馬利歐"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Double-Headed Snake: the Decisive Battle of Rantemario (1991)★★★
[152929] 19729. 銀河英雄傳說:黎明前的黑暗…"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Darkness Deepens... (1991)★★
[152930] 19730. 銀河英雄傳說:連戰"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Battle After Battle (1991)★★
[152931] 19731. 銀河英雄傳說:巴米利恩的死鬥(前篇)"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Battle of Vermillion - Part I (1991)★★
[152932] 19732. 銀河英雄傳說:巴米利恩的死鬥(後篇)"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Battle of Vermillion - Part II (1991)★★
[152933] 19733. 銀河英雄傳說:急轉"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Sudden Change (1991)★★
[152934] 19734. 銀河英雄傳說:皇帝萬歲!"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Long Live the Emperor! (Sieg Kaiser) (1991)★★
[152935] 19735. 銀河英雄傳說:儀式再度揭幕"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" After the Ceremony, the Curtain Rises Again... (1994)★★
[152936] 19736. 銀河英雄傳說:往地球"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" To Earth (1994)★★
[152937] 19737. 銀河英雄傳說:邱梅爾事件"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Künmel Incident (1994)★★
[152938] 19738. 銀河英雄傳說:訪問者"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Visitors (1994)★★
[152939] 19739. 銀河英雄傳說:過去、現在與未來"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Past, Present and Future (1994)★★∿
[152940] 19740. 銀河英雄傳說:魔術師被捕"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Magician Is Captured (1994)★★
[152941] 19741. 銀河英雄傳說:歌劇的招待"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Invitation to an Opera (1994)★★
[152942] 19742. 銀河英雄傳說:血的流水階梯"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Blood Running down the Stairs (Cascade) (1994)★★
[152943] 19743. 銀河英雄傳說:聖地"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Holy Land (1994)★★★
[152944] 19744. 銀河英雄傳說:休假結束"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Holiday's End (1994)★★
[152945] 19745. 銀河英雄傳說:背棄一切旗幟"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Against All Flags (1994)★★
[152946] 19746. 銀河英雄傳說:黃金獅子旗下"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Under the Golden Lion Flag (Goldenlöwe) (1994)★★
[152947] 19747. 銀河英雄傳說:諸神的黃昏再現"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Twilight of the Gods (Ragnarök) Again (1994)★★★
[152948] 19748. 銀河英雄傳說:前往艾爾法西爾"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" To El Facil (1994)★★★
[152949] 19749. 銀河英雄傳說:伊謝爾倫再奪取作戰"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Battle to Retake Iserlohn (1994)★★★
[152950] 19750. 銀河英雄傳說:流浪兒回家"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Prodigal Sons Come Home (1994)★★★
[152951] 19751. 銀河英雄傳說:馬爾.亞迪特星域的會戰(前篇)"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Battle of Mar-Adetta Starzone - Part I (1994)★★
[152952] 19752. 銀河英雄傳說:馬爾.亞迪特星域的會戰(後篇)"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Battle of Mar-Adetta Starzone - Part II (1994)★★★
[152953] 19753. 銀河英雄傳說:冬薔薇園的勅令"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Edict of the Winter Rose Garden (1994)★★
[152954] 19754. 銀河英雄傳說:前途遙遠"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Long Road Ahead (1994)★★
[152955] 19755. 銀河英雄傳說:雷動"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Rolling Thunder (1994)★★
[152956] 19756. 銀河英雄傳說:祭典之前"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Eve of the Festival (1994)★★★
[152957] 19757. 銀河英雄傳說:吹向走廊之風"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" To the Windy Corridor (1994)★★★
[152958] 19758. 銀河英雄傳說:春天的風暴"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Spring Storm (1994)★★★
[152959] 19759. 銀河英雄傳說:迴廊之戰(前篇)~常勝與不敗"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Battle of the Corridor (beginning): the Invincible and the Undefeated (1995)★★★
[152960] 19760. 銀河英雄傳說:迴廊之戰(中篇)~萬花筒"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Battle of the Corridor (middle): Kaleidoscope (1995)★★★
[152961] 19761. 銀河英雄傳說:迴廊之戰(後篇)~大親征終幕"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Battle of the Corridor (ending): End of the Imperial Expedition (1995)★★★
[152962] 19762. 銀河英雄傳說:魔術師,一去不回"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Magician Doesn't Come Back (1995)★★★
[152963] 19763. 銀河英雄傳說:祭典之後"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" After the Festival (1995)★★
[152964] 19764. 銀河英雄傳說:失意的凱旋"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Disappointing Triumphal Return (1995)★★★
[152965] 19765. 銀河英雄傳說:遷都令"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Order for the Transfer of the Capital (1995)★★★
[152966] 19766. 銀河英雄傳說:八月的新政府"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" New Government in August (1995)★★
[152967] 19767. 銀河英雄傳說:嵐(風暴)的預感"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Premonition of the Storm (1996)★★
[152968] 19768. 銀河英雄傳說:在邊境上"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" In the Distant Frontier (1996)★★
[152969] 19769. 銀河英雄傳說:夏末的薔薇"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Roses at the End of Summer (1996)★★
[152970] 19770. 銀河英雄傳說:鳴動"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Rumbling (1996)★★
[152971] 19771. 銀河英雄傳說:發芽"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Burgeoning (1996)★★★
[152972] 19772. 銀河英雄傳說:烏魯瓦希事件"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Uruvasi Incident (1996)★★★
[152973] 19773. 銀河英雄傳說:皇帝的矜持"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" For Pride (1996)★★
[152974] 19774. 銀河英雄傳說:叛逆是英雄的特權"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Rebellion Is a Hero's Privilege (1997)★★
[152975] 19775. 銀河英雄傳說:雙璧互擊!"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Two Great Ones Strike at Each Other! (1997)★★
[152976] 19776. 銀河英雄傳說:因劍而生…"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Live by the Sword... (1997)★★
[152977] 19777. 銀河英雄傳說:因劍而亡…"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Die by the Sword (1997)★★
[152978] 19778. 銀河英雄傳說:無休止的鎮魂曲"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Endless Requiem (1997)★★★
[152979] 19779. 銀河英雄傳說:往未來的助走"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Approach Run toward the Future (1997)★★
[152980] 19780. 銀河英雄傳說:皇妃萬歲!"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Long Live the Empress! (Hoffe Kaiserin) (1997)★★
[152981] 19781. 銀河英雄傳說:動亂的誘因"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" An Invitation to War (1997)★★
[152982] 19782. 銀河英雄傳說:拿起武器"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" A Challenge to Arms (1997)★★
[152983] 19783. 銀河英雄傳說:宇宙結構"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Cosmic Mosaic (1997)★★
[152984] 19784. 銀河英雄傳說:從流血通往和平"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" For Peace, via Bloodshed (1997)★★
[152985] 19785. 銀河英雄傳說:昏迷的惑星"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Planet of Confusion (1997)★★
[152986] 19786. 銀河英雄傳說:柊館大火"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Stehibalm Schloss Burns (1997)★★
[152987] 19787. 銀河英雄傳說:深紅的星路"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Crimson Star Road (1997)★★
[152988] 19788. 銀河英雄傳說:美人嗜血"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Bloodthirsty Maiden (Brünnhilde) (1997)★★
[152989] 19789. 銀河英雄傳說:「黃金獅子旗」下黯然無光"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Golden Lion Flag (Goldenlöwe) Loses Its Light (1997)★★
[152990] 19790. 銀河英雄傳說:夢的盡頭"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Dream: to See it to the End (1997)★★
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【Berlenga 大島半天休閒遊】
【Berlenga Island /Ilha da Berlenga~ half day of relaxed trip】
好久以前在網上見過幾張 Berlenga Island 的 Fort of São João Baptista (聖約翰堡壘) 的照片, 令我一直都很想到這個島旅遊, 直到最近, 終於能成行。
Berlenga 大島沒有令我失望, 它真是非常美麗、優美宜人。超讚,我極度推薦。:-)
I have been thinking about visiting Berlenga Island since I saw some photos of Fort of São João Baptista (Saint John Fort) long time ago. I'm so glad that I finally made the trip recently.
The visit to Berlenga Island is worth the time and effort. It is so beautiful and pleasant. I highly recommend a visit to the Berlenga Island when you're in Portugal.
要來 Berlenga 大島遊玩, 最通常的做法, 是先搭車去沿海城市 Peniche (佩尼切, 著名的沖浪勝地) 再搭船到 Berlenga 大島。從里斯本搭巴士到 Peniche, 車程大概一個半小時 (去此城和 Berlenga大島的攻略以及住宿, 我會稍後再談)。
The most common way to Berlenga Island is to go via a coastal town called Peniche - famous for surfing - take a ferry from Peniche to Berlenga Island. Coaches from Lisbon to Peniche is roughly 1.5 hours one way (guide to Peniche and Berlenga Island, and accommodation in Peniche will be coming up soon).
Berlenga 大島被葡萄牙政府列為自然保護區, 您在島上, 會見到很多各種的海鳥, 包括海鷗、鸕鶿, 以及整個島都聽到牠們的叫聲。
Berlanga Island has been declared a natural reserve, and you can see different kinds of sea birds on the island, including seagulls and cormorants; and can hear them making all sorts of sounds all over the island.
從 Peniche 一天即日往返遊是多數旅客選擇的方法, 由於夏天天氣和風景一流, 不少人會在島上住宿或露營。注意: 秋季開始, 由於風大海浪也大十分危險, 因此沒有船會從佩尼切 (Peniche) 來 Berlenga 大島的。
小島不大, 半天遊大概都足夠遊走欣賞島上所有景點。島上的海灘, 海水非常晶瑩清徹, 另有不少奇岩洞穴和堡礁, 因此島上有乘船遊覽洞穴, 費用只需5歐元。
記緊一定要花點時間去走它的那條自然步道, 沿途風景秀麗, 會先見到一個燈塔, 再走一小段路, 就是著名的古老堡壘「聖約翰堡壘」 (堡壘現在部分已改成為一青年旅舍) 。
Visit on the Island:
Most travellers come to the Berlenga Island on a same day round trip, departing from Peniche. Weather and scenery is superb during the summer months, and so quite many people would lodge or go camping on the island for a few days. Note: travelling to Berlenga Island after October will be impossible due to strong wind and big waves on the sea. No ferries go to Berlenga Island between November and April.
Berlenga Island is small and therefore a half-day tour is more or less enough to see the major attractions on the island. The beaches are beautiful with crystal clear waters. There are barrier reefs and various caves, so try to take a boat trip. It's very affordable, just 5 euros for a trip of about 45 minutes.
Be sure to also spare time for a walk on the natural trail. The scenery will reward you. You will first see a lighthouse. Walk further and you will then reach the famous ancient fortress called "St. John Fort" (Forta de São João Baptista) (part of the fort has been converted into a youth hostel).
*** 下回: 去Peniche 和 Berlenga 大島的攻略以及住宿
*** To be continued with "Guide to Peniche and Berlenga Island, and accommodation in Peniche
summer days攻略 在 電競說書客 KH Youtube 的最佳貼文
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【決勝時刻M 】最正女角登場?薔薇刺客補給箱!跌破眼睛的結果
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【*每周二 19:00 固定直播時間】
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summer days攻略 在 Man The Fvck Up Youtube 的最佳貼文
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summer days攻略 在 Color Your Summer Days! ║... - 誠品生活eslite spectrum 的推薦與評價
Color Your Summer Days! ║ 夏日漫遊板橋攻略看這篇 炎熱又漫長的夏天怎麼渡過好呢?讓在地人來帶路,到板橋來一場夏日出走吧! #文青帶路5 個板橋在地私房店家# ... ... <看更多>
summer days攻略 在 2022 P3 Girls 朗誦節-誦材攻略Summer Days, Hair Drier, ... 的推薦與評價
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summer days攻略 在 閱讀文章- 精華區C_Chat - 批踢踢實業坊 的推薦與評價
作者: c224456k (看看文章的說!) 看板: C_Chat
標題: Re: [問題] Summer Days小說心得&疑問 (有劇情)
時間: Thu Nov 19 12:17:14 2009
想大推一下這篇文章 因為昨天跑玩Summer days的遊戲!
今天想說搜尋板上的summer days 突然收尋到原PO發的這篇文
對於遊戲的時間比較起來Summer days比school days還要來的長也久
不知道是不是看不懂日文的關係 (不過我也是在一知半解的情況下跑完)
最後始終跟原PO所描述的劇情相差不遠(包括: 剎那打工熟練度成長 ,33322之謎,
和言葉一起到夏夜祭的修羅場(不過言葉失敗了), 桂心的國中同學誤導桂心調教成
癡女樣, 和桂心一起去海灘玩看到桂心的胖子而紳士了起來, 玩到後來形成四人戀情
(____,言葉,桂心,剎那), 最後已經變成癡女桂心引狼入室趁著家人不在把____引到
自己家裡來個強制餵食, 但不妙音量太大吵醒睡覺中的姐姐, ____遭到高爾夫球竿襲
擊, 事後言葉也不知為何向____當天爆他頭的事道歉)
說了這麼多 昨天玩到的結局是: 左手掐言葉右嘴吻桂心的結局(似乎跟原PO所說的小
說結局是不同的 不過第一次玩就可以玩到言葉純愛還是挺令人滿意的
差點被剎那抓去.... 也許還會再亂玩其他線看看吧(請勿捏我及給我攻略)
※ 引述《leoliao13 (麵包)》之銘言:
: 本來打寫Scohhl Days的心得,不過手殘按到,手忙腳亂的時候靈感飛走了(囧)
: 然後又有兩本─世界篇、言葉篇,講起來還蠻花時間的( ̄ー ̄;)
: Summer Days的小說看完的時間比較近,就來寫這本吧~其實只是想問最後面的問題
: ============================以下本文開始的分隔線============================
: School Days 我只看過動畫,對最後那艘nice boat.可說是印象深刻阿...
: Summer Days 我沒跑過遊戲,不過聽說修正檔的大小也是很可怕的( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏
: (根據我的印象,時間點是設定在原作之前~ 然後小說裡有多新的人物登場)
: 小說主要是以剎那為主角,幫生病的世界代班,在世界媽媽當店長的餐廳打工,
: 過程中不算很順利,讓剎那一度想放棄的時候,見到了還未覺醒的__帶著
: 妹妹─伊藤止 到海邊玩,然後就打起了精神繼續打工的,夏日的故事...
: 前面四章可都是剎那的回合,作者很用心的描寫了剎那的成長,從一開始的
: 新手狀態到打工的時候能把奧客整頓的好好的,內心方面也有所成長,一開始
: 只是單純的幫朋友打工,後來因為__給了她勇氣(本人不知道),開始走剎那線..
: ============================中間印象不深的分隔線============================
: 總之,在夏日祭典結束前,__解開了33322的謎,兩人正式成為男女朋友,一起
: 看煙火,之後因為剎那家裡沒大人(無誤),媽媽出國去了,兩人就回剎那家,
: 一進入房間誠就抱住了剎那...
: ==========================以為這樣就結束了嗎的分隔線========================
: 最後一章是接續上一章,__的修羅場──言葉的妹妹桂心NTR__的回合(再誤),
: 自我感覺良好的小學生,聽死黨說有男朋友之後的事情,心中產生憧憬,本來在前幾章
: 想撮合姐姐跟__的戀情的她,心中萌生了想被__抱緊(字面上的意思)的想法...
: 不出所料__碰到女生送上自動門(咦)就像在餓三天的人面前擺一桌滿漢全席一樣,
: 豈有不吃的道理 ̄▽ ̄||,小心心在這篇可說是很傻很天真,也很黑 (天然腹黑?)
: 不過可能是__還沒覺醒的關係,最後跑去巴黎找剎那了>.<
: =========================內容結束了下面是感想的分隔線========================
: 作者在寫主要角色的內心時,OS在說的時候腳色似乎也在眼前做動作,刻劃的相當成功,
: 不過感覺這本書還蠻薄的...一下子就沒了(School Days那兩本我覺得太厚),
: 總之,這本我還蠻推薦的~
: 不知道是不是多了伊藤止,小心心反而沒那麼可愛的說...小止好萌阿>///<
: ======================以下是問問題可能會捏到遊戲的分隔線======================
: 問題希望被雷,請開燈看問題
: 1.小說裡面提到的:剎那跟已經離婚的爸爸處不好的情況,遊戲有做說明嗎??
: 2.小說最後剎那飛去巴黎,__跑去巴黎追她這段遊戲有嗎??
: 3.伊藤止的生父跟__的生父是同一人嗎?? 該不會是兇惡的人間自走砲,澤/越/止吧??
: 以上有人能幫忙解答嗎??
: ================================做個推文防雷頁================================
: ================================上面空了一整頁================================
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