Mood: Getting ready to pack my bag!!! 😶🌫️
#37weekspregnant #fullterm #anytime #vonlee李宜芳 #taelertan #mumanddaughter
Von Lee 李宜芳
About author
Born a Sagittarius, VON LEE is an easy-going person with happy-go-lucky personality which brings her great fan-based, not only in Malaysia & Singapore, but also Taiwan and GuangDong, China.
Von is in charge for vocals and composition at times in the first Malaysian Canto-Rap group – ManHanD. Formed by multi-talented 5 members, ManHanD creates unique music concept and characteristic bringing the message of taking each step and move slow & steady, will results in consistent growth for the future – in creating sincere music from heart.
After the announcement of short break by ManHanD back in March 2015, Von has put her time and effort into her own solo EP, which aims to concentrate on her own thoughts and ideas, in terms of making her very own type of music, far different from music genre within ManHanD.
Featuring 3 Mandarin + 1 Cantonese song, presentation of music and concept is very unique in her own way. Working together with the members of ManHanD in music production, Von has managed to create her own masterpieces also with the creativity by new blood for lyrics writing. This new album will be one to be longed and anticipated.
'Von Lee'李宜芳是馬來西亞著名5人嘻哈饒舌組合''ManHanD慢行''的女主唱,曾經是本地最亮眼的說唱組合,在馬來西亞與幾個亞洲國家如香港,台灣與中國廣州也有支持者與好成績,他們多次獲得最佳團體以及多個獎項,Von磁性的聲音與唱歌技巧是她們獲得好成績上不能缺少的其中一個因素,2015年3月慢行宣佈無限期休息,各自修行進修,而von就開始著手籌備她的個人專輯,在一年多的時間在2016年她終於完成這張迷你專輯(遠方的我)這首張Von迷你專輯(EP)收錄3首華語加1首粵語共4首歌曲為主,這次的EP概念、曲風與以往嘻哈路線的ManHanD慢行完全不一樣,是深入探討von個人的內心世界和音樂品味而打造,她的慢行戰友們也參與製作,除了慢行的幾位成員擔當幕後製作以外,也邀請了幾位新晉詞曲創作人一同操刀。
ManRoom artiste | Lead vocal of ManHanD 慢行 Contact: Soo | Don Ng | weibo:
ManRoom artiste | Lead vocal of ManHanD 慢行 Contact: Soo | Don Ng | weibo:
taelertan 在 Von Lee 李宜芳- 貴為•「媽」的•節奏• #只有當媽的妳知道 ... 的推薦與評價
貴為•「媽」的•節奏• #只有當媽的妳知道! #taelerbaby #VonLee #vonleelifestyle #vonlee李宜芳#TaelerTan #TTbaby #momlife #mumlife #asianmum #milkbottle ... ... <看更多>