🎥One Song Orchestra to kick off 2020 with Taiwanese classics in New Year’s concert
灣聲樂團、音樂家攜手 新年音樂會詮釋台灣聲音
Taiwan''s One Song Orchestra will be performing its second New Year''s concert at the National Concert Hall on Jan. 1. The ensemble aims to present Taiwanese music through a classical music lens. The concert will include performances with Peking and Taiwanese opera artists and renowned Taiwanese singers.
以專門演出台灣作品而成立的灣聲樂團,明年元旦將首度登上國家音樂廳,帶來一場「台灣的聲音 新年音樂會」,邀請歌仔戲國寶唐美雲、京劇小天后黃宇琳、歌王殷正洋等人同台演出,共同詮釋令人感動的台灣聲音,希望讓台灣音樂站上世界舞台。
#Orchestra #newyearsconcert #Taiwaneseopera #ftv #TangMeiyun #PekingOpera #soundsofTaiwan
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