這是要解散還是完全重組? 😱
【Flash Wolves人事異動公告】
閃電狼《英雄聯盟》團隊:教練周政廷(FW AFei)、上路選手蘇嘉祥(FW Hanabi)、打野選手Lee Seong-Yeop(FW Bugi)、中路選手Shin Hyoung-Sub(FW Rather)、下路選手盧禹宏(FW Betty),在合約期限屆滿前進行雙方協商,基於未來發展與尊重選手意願,最終決定不再續約,合約期滿即正式離隊。
Flash Wolves LoL Team Personnel Change
After a long time contract negotiation, our LoL team coach Chou "AFei" Cheng-Tin, player, Su "Hanabi" Chia-Hsiang(TOP), Lee "Bugi" Seong-Yeop(JG), Shin "Rather" Hyoung-Sub (MID) and Lu "Betty" Yu-Hung(BOT) will not extend contract. Good luck, our boys!
We appreciate their fighting and contributions. The precious thing is not only victory in game, but also those experience is very valuable. Expect that we both can do better and better on stage.
Our new roster will be announce officially on the date. See you at 2020!