大家有看過 #三體 這本書嗎?令我最感動和震撼的部分是當外星人發現地球的存在時的反應。住在只有極熱和極冷,被三個太陽包圍的星球的他們不敢相信這宇宙有一個完美氣候的地方。一個有四季,有陽光,雨,雪,山,海,各種自然生態系統和環境的地方。外星人把這裡形容為天堂。他們極度妒忌,也決定要侵入地球,讓自己人民有一個氣候穩定的星球為家。
有很多可以做,大大小小都有 - 少點外賣/少吃肉/不要用一次性塑膠料東西/自帶水杯/循環再用/參加環保活動等。#地球日快樂 🌏
In #TheThreeBodyProblem (highly recommended book), I was most touched when aliens first discover Earth’s existence. Living on a planet surrounded by 3 suns, they deal with extreme heat and extreme cold. They couldn’t believe that Earth had perfect liveable climate, with different temperatures, seasons and environments, that there was sunshine, ocean, mountains, and so much biodiversity. They became extremely jealous, describing Earth as paradise and decided to invade this planet, to give their own people a better home. This made me reflect a lot. Wow, Earth is indeed so so special, there isn’t anywhere like it in our observable universe and the fact we exist is because our nature is so perfectly designed that life blossomed. I felt so lucky to be born on this rare planet.
The climate crisis is the most pressing and dire issue of our generation, I really hope we can all take part in conserving our only home, the planet that any extra terrestrial would be jealous of.
Let’s all try - get less delivery/eat less meat/recycle/don’t use single use plastics/bring your own bottle/get involved in conservation efforts - so many little and big ways 🙂
#HappyEarthDay 🤍 @ Planet Earth
terrestrial paradise 在 無影無蹤 Facebook 的最佳解答
英國資深影評人貝瑞.諾曼(Barry Norman)辭世,享壽83歲。他在1972年至1988年期間主持BBC ONE的權威電影節目《Film...》,同時也為每日郵報與衛報撰寫影評,在歐美評論界的地位舉足輕重。
在此附上貝瑞.諾曼在1992年出版的《世紀最佳百部電影》(100 Best Films of Century)中前三十名的電影片單,供大家一窺其電影偏好:
(30)《老爺車(暫譯)》(Genevieve ,1953)
(29)《將軍號》(The General ,1926)
(28)《科學怪人》(Frankenstein ,1931)
(27)《E.T.外星人》(E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial ,1982)
(26)《天堂的小孩》(The Children of Paradise ,1945)
(25)《鴨羹》(Duck Soup ,1933)
(24)《雙重保險》(Double Indemnity ,1944)
(23)《熱天午後》(Dog Day Afternoon ,1975)
(22)《中產階級拘謹的魅力》(The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie ,1972)
(21)《大國民》(Citizen Kane ,1941)
(20)《唐人街》(Chinatown ,1974)
(19)《北非諜影》(Casablanca ,1942)
(18)《酒店》(Cabaret ,1972)
(17)《虎豹小霸王》(Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid ,1969)
(16)《育嬰奇譚》(Bringing Up Baby ,1938)
(15)《斷了氣》(Breathless ,1960)
(14)《我倆沒有明天》(Bonnie and Clyde ,1967)
(13)《一個國家的誕生》(The Birth of a Nation ,1915)
(12)《夜長夢多》(The Big Sleep ,1946)
(11)《單車失竊記》(The Bicycle Thief ,1948)
(10)《黃金時代》(The Best Years of Our Lives ,1946)
(9)《波坦金戰艦》(Bronenosets Potemkin ,1925)
(8)《銀行妙探(暫譯)》(The Bank Dick ,1940)
(7)《小鹿斑比》(Bambi ,1942)
(6)《黑岩喋血記》(Bad Day at Black Rock ,1955)
(5)《現代啟示錄》(Apocalypse Now ,1979)
(4)《西線無戰事》(All Quiet on the Western Front ,1930)
(3)《彗星美人》(All About Eve ,1950)
(2)《非洲皇后》(The African Queen ,1951)
(1)《俠盜羅賓漢》(The Adventures of Robin Hood ,1938)
貝瑞.諾曼的觀影品味多元,涉獵甚廣,但與一般歐美影評人一樣,對亞洲電影關注甚少,片單僅列了四部亞洲電影,分別是薩雅吉.雷(Satyajit Ray)的《大地之歌》(Pather Panchali ,1955)與黑澤明的《亂》(1985)、《羅生門》(1950)、《七武士》(1954)。