【🇹🇼🇫🇷 台法青年交流 C'est la VIE!】
不只是你想的辣個玫瑰 "人生" 🌹
更是圓你一個夢想前程的 #VIE
Volontaires Internationaux en Entrprise
J 個計畫
要來協助台法兩國 18 - 36 歲
想要到對方國家企業實習的青年 💪🏻
#魔法部 曾厚仁次長在記者會上
大推 VIE 計畫根本就「度假打工計畫」2.0 ✨
也特別感謝 #法國在台協會
以及參與這項旗鑑計畫的法國企業 👇🏻
包括 意法半導體 STMicroelectronics Taiwan #亞東工業氣體 亞東氣體 Air Liquide Far Eastern in Semicon Taiwan 家樂福Carrefour #空中巴士 (Air Bus) #達利思 (Thales) 軌道交通系統、VINCI Energies能源科技等
在台灣 #物流 #航太 #半導體 #運輸 #高科技 領域
都有重要投資的 6 家法國廠商~
12/1 魔法部即將在官網上成立
「法國企業國際實習」(VIE) 專區
#國民外交 #經貿外交
VIE 緣起於二戰後法國海外替代役的概念,數十年來已發展成普受歡迎的青年海外實習計畫,過去法國青年曾以零星個案方式來台灣參與 VIE 計畫,去年6月台法雙方達成制度性協議,同意互予對方各100名實習名額,讓台丶法雙方的青年能分別赴法國、台灣境內的企業進行至多兩年的實習。
What do you think of when you think of #France? Classic film? Great cheese? Great wine? Breathtaking landscape?
Well, we've got something to add to the list: great business opportunities!
After several postponements due to the global #COVID19 pandemic, a group of young people from #Taiwan will set off for internships of up to two years with French businesses such as STMicroelectronics NV, Air Liquide Far Eastern, Carrefour, Air Bus, Thales and Vinci Energies.
Although previously French young people had visited Taiwan under the VIE scheme, in June of last year an agreement was made for each country to accept a quota of 100 students a year.
At the press conference before the departure of the young interns, MOFA Deputy Minister Harry Tseng stated that interest in the scheme shows that young people in France clearly appreciate how Taiwan’s diverse democracy has come to fruition and that having an arrangement like this in place shows the close trading ties between the two countries.
The scheme will not only add to the diversity of the workplace in Taiwan, but also introduce young Taiwanese people to European work cultures.
thales group 在 新‧二七部隊 軍事雜談 Facebook 的精選貼文
法國軍用飛機之王薩吉‧達梭(Serge Dassault),在28日晚間於巴黎香榭麗舍大道上的辦公室內心臟病發倒地,送醫後急救無效,享壽93歲
這位法國知名富豪擁有家族企業達梭集團(Dassault Group),還有達梭航太公司(Dassault Aviation)和媒體報紙「費加洛報」(Le Figaro),同時持有泰雷斯集團(Thales)和達梭系統公司(Dassault Systemes)控股,也有投資酒莊、房地產和拍賣業
thales group 在 新‧二七部隊 軍事雜談 Facebook 的精選貼文
由德國魯爾森(Lürssen)造船公司為汶萊打造的巡邏艦,約1600噸,武裝波佛斯(Bofors)57砲、4枚飛魚反艦飛彈(Exocet MM40 Block 3)、STING-EO Mk2火控雷達、Zeiss MEOS II 電戰系統,擁有飛行甲板提供直升機停靠,動力引擎使用兩具MTU 12V,可產生11,400馬力
汶萊皇家海軍於1961年成立,前身是「汶萊皇家馬來兵團」(Askar Melayu Brunei)1984年1月1日汶萊獨立後,成為國家的軍隊,但這個國家缺乏軍事打擊或實戰經驗,陸軍是主要戰力,相較於空軍與海軍卻顯得規模較小,最近已積極參與國際性的人道主義與維持和平任務的區域部署行動,汶萊也廣泛與新加坡進行軍事交流
KDB Daruttaqwa OPV-09 became the fourth ship of the Darussalam-class offshore patrol vessel in 2014 when commissioned for service as part of the Royal Brunei Navy. Established in June of 1965, the Royal Brunei Navy today fields a modest waterborne force of which a large portion of the fleet is made up of patrol boats of various shapes and sizes. The most impressive of the lot is the Darussalam-class which were built in Germany by Lurssen Werft of Bremen-Vegesack. Four were procured in all with one of the group , KDB Darussalam (OPV-06) - being commissioned in 2011. The class is represented through a design showcasing a length of 260 feet with a beam of 43 feet. Displacement is 1,625 tons. They feature a 57mm Bofors (KDB Daruttaqwa: Bofors 57 mm gun replaced with MLG27) turreted autocannon at the bow supported by 2 x 20mm Oerlikon guns while carrying 4 x Exocet MM40 Block 3 anti-ship missiles. Beyond their armament fit, the vessels sport a Thales "Sting" EO Mk 2 fire-control radar, a Terma Scanter 4100 series air-surface search radar and the Zeiss MEOS II series electro-optical system. The standard operating crew numbers 55 personnel and a stern-located helipad accepts a single naval helicopter. Power is derived from 2 x MTU 12V diesel units outputting 11,400 horsepower to 2 x shafts. Maximum speed in ideal conditions reaches 22 knots and the boat ranges out to 7,500 nautical miles. Onboard storage is such that the vessel can stay out at sea for up to 21 days.