Jam 10:58pm
Hari dah malam
Ducky nak tidur dah...
Kata hati ...
Malam ni sepi tapi indah
Ducky rindukan mak ayah di kampung ...
Tapi Ducky beringat
Walaupun Ducky takut, tapi IMPIAN Ducky lebih penting dan lebih besar dari ketakutan yang Ducky perlu harungi
Sebab Ducky dah janji dan berniat nak berikan kehidupan yang lebih baik buat mak dan ayah dan adik beradik di kampung
Itu JANJI Ducky 💪
Ducky dah penat melihat mereka susah, semakin hari usia meningkat, semakin susah kehidupan mereka
Sebab tu
Ducky menghilangkan diri seketika dari kampung
Ducky dengar Pendekar RichWorks bersama Dr Azizan Osman boleh bantu orang seperti Ducky
Jadi Ducky pun bertekad
Ducky sanggup curi-curi naik flight bersama Pendekar RichWorks
Menyorok di dalam beg mereka
Menyamar di celah-celah ranting dan pokok
Menumpang makan di Four Seasons
Dan menyamar diri sebagai perhiasan di dewan kuliah
Apa sahaja Ducky sanggup buat hanya nak dengar kata-kata seorang MenThor yang telah bantu ramai usahawan berjaya
Ducky hanya nak rasa secebis dari kemanisan kejayaan itu
Ducky tak salah kan?
Walaupun ragu-ragu, Ducky tiada pilihan
Yang penting bagi Ducky
Ducky nak berjaya
Sebelum tidur Ducky teringat untuk berdoa, Ducky baru belajar di kuliah tadi
“Segala pujian bagi Tuhan sekalian alam
Izinkan saya melupakan segala kesedihan dan tekanan untuk seketika
Saya tak selalu betul, mohon maaf di atas salah dan silap, semoga saya diberi peluang melihat keindahan dunia lagi esok hari
Bersihkan hati saya dengan rasa kesyukuran
Halalkan rezeki dan usaha saya
Lindungi keluarga dan orang tersayang saya
Berikan Kekayaan, Kejayaan, Kesihatan, Kebahagiaan & Keberkatan kepada semua
Saya doakan ramai orang capai impian dan hasrat mereka dan saya doakan mereka Kaya & Berjaya di dunia dan di akhirat”
Selamat malam dunia ku
Saya nak mimpi-mimpi indah malam ni
Jumpa esok ... 😴 💤
At 10:58 pm
Day is already night
Ducky is about to sleep...
Says the heart...
Tonight is quiet but beautiful
Ducky misses mom in the village...
But Ducky is sweating
Though Ducky is scared, but Ducky's DREAM is more important and bigger than the fear that Ducky needs to be harungi
Because Ducky promised and intends to give a better life to mom and dad and siblings in the village
That's a Ducky PROMISE 💪
Ducky is tired of seeing them so hard, the days of age increase, the harder their life is
That's why
Ducky disappeared for a while from the village
Ducky listening to Warrior RichWorks with Dr Azizan Osman can help people like Ducky
So Ducky is determined too
Ducky is willing to take a flight with Warrior RichWorks
Hiding in their bags
Disguised in twigs and trees
Hitting a meal at Four Seasons
And disguising myself as jewelry in the lecture hall
Whatever Ducky is willing to do just want to hear the words of a MenThor who has helped many entrepreneurs succeed
Ducky just wants to feel a little bit of the sweetness of that success
Ducky ain't wrong right?
Even in doubt, Ducky has no choice
What's important for Ducky
Ducky wants to succeed
Before sleeping Ducky remembers praying, Ducky just learned in college earlier
′′ All praise to the Lord of the worlds
Let me forget all sadness and stress for a while
I'm not always right, sorry for wrong and wrong, may I be given a chance to see the beauty of the world again tomorrow
Clean my heart with gratitude
Keep my fortune and effort
Protect my family and love ones
Give Wealth, Success, Health, Happiness & Blessings to all
I pray that many people achieve their dreams and desires and I pray for them to be Rich & Successful in this world and in the hereafter ′′
Good night my world
I want sweet dreams tonight
See you tomorrow... 😴 💤
「the sweet hereafter」的推薦目錄:
- 關於the sweet hereafter 在 Azizan Osman Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於the sweet hereafter 在 Azizan Osman Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於the sweet hereafter 在 半瓶醋 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於the sweet hereafter 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於the sweet hereafter 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於the sweet hereafter 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於the sweet hereafter 在 THE SWEET HEREAFTER | Now Showing | By MUBI - Facebook 的評價
the sweet hereafter 在 Azizan Osman Facebook 的最佳貼文
'Mak… adik lapar ...’
Rasa geli hati kan nampak posting-posting telur dari kami? Menarik pun ada, sebab ada unsur lawak jika anda faham mesej tersurat dan tersiratnya. Tapi ada ceritanya mengapa. Nak tahu? Kami kongsikan.
'Mak… adik lapar ...’
Kata anak kecil yang baru bermain-main di depan rumah kepada ibunya… ibu sedang mengadun tepung, persediaan untuk perniagaan kueh mueh esok. Ibu pun berhenti sekejap dan bergesa-gesa di dapur, basuh tangan dan mencapai kuali untuk menunaikan permintaan anaknya…
Kuali dicapai dan minyak dipanaskan. Ibu pun pecahkan telur dan menantikan telur masak walaupun terkena percikkan minyak panas. Sambil tu, ibu panaskan nasi kerana nak hidang makanan adik dengan telur goreng, nasi panas dan kicap manis.
“Kenapa mak?”
“Tak der apa nak, terkena minyak panas tadi, karang terkena wap nasi pulak…”
“Dah siap masak dah dik… mari mak suapkan”
“Mak tak nak adik lapar… cepat mai sini”
Tahun berlalu … adik dah besar.
Tetiba air mata jatuh … teringat telur goreng ibu pagi ni.
Walaupun telur sahaja … rindu mak sangat-sangat.
Kasih ibu walaupun hanya dengan sebutir telur
Tapi masakan air tangan ibu tetap kita kenang
Dari kecil hingga dewasa dan tua
Dalam susah dan senang kita tetap kenang
Dalam perjalanan hidup kita ini antara memori penting… Ibu… Mak…
Kasih sayang ibu membawa ke syurga, setiap kasih sayang, setiap belaian, setiap usapan air mata. Rindu kan?
Dalam perjalanan hidup kita ini juga antara memori penting… Pesan Mak… “Jangan lupa solat, pesan mak jaga diri dan hati… pesan mak walau jauh mana kita pergi, walau susah mana kita, walau tinggi mana kita ada… ingat pada yang satu, pada yang Maha Pencipta.”
Pesan Ibu… kasih sayang ibu… masakan ibu … pengorbanan ibu, banyak lagi …
Love you Ibu! Love you Mak!
“Adik hanya boleh balas pengorbanan ibu dengan kejayaan adik.”
“Adik nak bermula dari Zero!”
“Ibu… Doakan adik Kaya & Berjaya bu. Dunia dan akhirat…”
'Mom... sister is hungry...'
Feels so nervous to see eggs posting from us? Interesting there is, because there is a joke if you understand the text and implicate message. But there's a story why. Want to know? We share.
'Mom... sister is hungry...'
Says the little boy just playing around in front of the house to his mom... mom is mixing up flour, preparing for your cake business tomorrow. Mom also stops for a while and rush in the kitchen, wash hands and reach the wok to fulfill her child's request...
The pot is achieved and the oil is heated. Mom also broke the egg and waited for the egg to cook even though it was sprinkled by hot oil In the meantime, mom warms up rice because she wants to serve sister's food with fried eggs, hot rice and sweet sauce.
′′ Ouch..."
′′ Why mom?"
′′ It's okay, I'm getting into hot oil just now, I'm having rice wap..."
′′ Done cooking, sis... let's feed it ′′
′′ Mom doesn't want younger siblings to be hungry... come here quickly ′′
Year pass... little brother has grown up.
Suddenly tears fall... remembering mom's fried eggs this morning.
Even though it's just an egg... I miss you so much.
Mother's love even if it's only with egg
But the cooking of mother's hand is still remembering
From small to adult and old
In difficulty and happy we keep remembering
In the journey of our life this is among the important memories... Mom... Mom...
Mother's love brings to heaven, every love, every caress, every tear. Missing you right?
In the journey of our life this is also among the important memories... Mom's message... ′′ Don't forget to pray, message me to take care of yourself and heart... message me no matter how far we go, no matter how hard we are, no matter how high we are remember the one, on the Creator."
Mother's message... mother's love... mother's cooking... mother's sacrifice, more...
Love you Mom! Love you, Mom!
′′ I can only repay my mother's sacrifice with the success of my sister."
′′ Brother wants to start from Zero!"
′′ Mother... Pray for the rich & successful brother. The world and the hereafter..."
the sweet hereafter 在 半瓶醋 Facebook 的精選貼文
演員伊恩·霍爾姆(Ian Holm)去世,享年88歲。
曾在《魔戒》飾演比爾博·巴金斯(Bilbo Baggins )的演員伊恩·霍爾姆(Ian Holm),罹患帕金森氏症,於今日逝世。除了知名的《魔戒》三部曲外,伊恩更曾演出《異形》裡的人造人。
伊恩的職業生涯始於劇院,在經歷了舞台的一場意外後,他最終於1976年辭職。在1976年的《冰人Cometh》的表演中,霍爾姆表演的舞台上出現了“某種故障”,這件意外在他心裡留下永久的創傷。在此之前,他曾是皇家莎士比亞劇團的傑出人物,並因在亨利五世(Henry V)(1965年)中的出色表現而獲得了夜間標準獎。
之後伊恩在雷利史可特(Scott)開創性的科幻恐怖片中露面之後,他在盧貝松(Luc Besson)的《第五要素》和原子阿曼(Atom Egoyan)的電影《甜蜜的未來》(The Sweet Hereafter)中扮演了重要角色。
the sweet hereafter 在 THE SWEET HEREAFTER | Now Showing | By MUBI - Facebook 的推薦與評價
THE SWEET HEREAFTER | Now Showing. Atom Egoyan's ambitious, Oscar-nominated drama. Anne Wessling and 171 others. 10K Views. ... <看更多>