#mobility #fitness #workout #thoracicmobility #homeworkout #thoracic #
同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過44萬的網紅SHINPHAMM,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Trong khi các phòng tập đang đóng cửa thì mình đã sang nhờ anh Bình từ Viet Yogi để được hướng dẫn tập thử Yoga. Calisthenics & Yoga có rất nhiều điểm...
thoracic 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳貼文
#台灣模式 不僅有防疫,還有 #抗癌 喔~
透過台美跨單位合作與努力,及美國「索拉茲基金會」的支持,台美雙方順利完成 #台美肺癌研究雙邊視訊會議,而 #索拉茲跨國實驗室 也正式啟動囉!
外交部與美國在台協會台北辦事處日前也應邀出席,共同見證台美攜手發展 #癌症精準醫療 的決心與具體成果!
台美雙方2019年簽署 #台美肺癌研究合作備忘錄,透過設立跨國實驗室、互訪交流及定期雙邊會議,持續深化台美癌症研究合作。
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Representatives from MOFA and AIT attended the recent launch ceremony for the Stephen J. Solarz International Laboratory at Taipei Veterans General Hospital. The lab was established under an agreement between #Taiwan and the #US to collaborate on thoracic cancer research. It will conduct research to characterize the distinct features of thoracic cancers in patients in Asia and the US, to accelerate the development of diagnostics, treatments and preventative measures against thoracic cancers, which account for two million deaths per year worldwide. Clinical trials are also slated to begin, both at Taipei Veterans General Hospital and the US National Institute of Health Clinical Center.
thoracic 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
近年來肺癌及上呼吸道癌症病率不斷上升,為美國和台灣癌症死亡率最高的癌症。2019年美台簽署了肺癌及上呼吸道癌症研究的合作協定,由 #美國國家衛生研究院、#台北榮民總醫院 和 #國立陽明交通大學共同參與此項研究計畫,並在台灣建立了#史蒂芬索拉茲國際研究實驗室。
The number of people diagnosed with thoracic cancer has been increasing in recent years and its mortality rate is the highest in the United States and in Taiwan. In 2019, the United States and Taiwan signed an agreement to collaborate on thoracic cancer research and establish the Stephen J. Solarz International Research Laboratory in Taiwan. This international standard laboratory will conduct research to characterize distinct features that cause thoracic cancers in Asian versus Caucasian patients and accelerate the development of novel methods to diagnose, treat, and prevent thoracic malignancies that collectively account for two million deaths a year worldwide. Clinical trials will begin simultaneously at the U.S. National Institute of Health Clinical Center, the largest hospital in the world dedicated solely to medical research, and Taipei Veterans General Hospital (TVGH), one of the largest and most prestigious hospitals in Asia, in the near future. On Friday, AIT Economic Officer Neevy Laningham participated virtually in a ceremony to launch the Stephen J. Solarz International Research Laboratory, located in TVGH. This U.S.-Taiwan collaboration will not only benefit patients but will also provide training to future researchers in thoracic oncology and translational cancer.
thoracic 在 SHINPHAMM Youtube 的最佳解答
Trong khi các phòng tập đang đóng cửa thì mình đã sang nhờ anh Bình từ Viet Yogi để được hướng dẫn tập thử Yoga. Calisthenics & Yoga có rất nhiều điểm chung vì đều là các bộ môn bodyweight only vì thế mà mình đã luôn muốn trải nghiệm thử bộ môn này trong khoảng thời gian không thể đi tập. Mình đã học được rất nhiều từ trải nghiệm này, cùng xem và tập theo mình nhé.
?Theo dõi Viet Yogi: https://www.facebook.com/thevietyogi
?Anh Bình: https://www.facebook.com/bibeomario
?Mua thảm tập giống mình: https://shp.ee/kqhysiv
01:40 3 kỹ thuật thở cơ bản
01:45 Belly breathing
05:43 Box breathing
08:05 Alternate Nostril Breathing - Nadī Shodhana
11:37 Tác dụng của việc thở trong Yoga
12:53 Warm Up
18:58 Cat Cow
21:15 Downward Facing Dog
23:00 Low Cobra
23:21 Upward Facing Dog
26:04 Chào mặt trời - Sun Salutation/Surya Namaskar
26:15 Sun Salutation A (lv1)
28:32 Sun Salutation A (lv2)
29:55 Sun Salutation B (lv1)
33:55 Sun Salutation B (lv2)
35:26 Hand Balance
35:55 Frog Pose
37:11 Crow Pose
39:26 One Leg Crow Pose
41:10 Crow to Handstand
42:40 Mobility & Flexibility
43:10 Bridge Pose
44:58 Wheel Pose/Thoracic bridge
47:42 Bridge Rotation
50:37 Cool Down
1:01:06 Mua thảm ở đâu
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*Disclaimers: Shinphamm không phải là bác sỹ hay chuyên gia huấn luyện, tất cả video chia sẻ hoàn toàn dựa trên kinh nghiệm luyện tập cá nhân và kiến thức tự đúc rút được. Hãy chọn lọc thông tin kỹ càng khi xem video và luôn chủ động tìm đến các chuyên gia để được tư vấn.

thoracic 在 Mark Sir 教室 Youtube 的最佳解答
點止老人體能測試咁簡單? 觀眾任務:挑戰 鄭景陽 議員 和 Mark Sir | 六分鐘步行測驗 6MWT Six-Minute Walking Test | 與區議員居家運動
上一集我們跑完二十米往返跑,來到第十五集,我們邀請到 鄭景陽議員 和大家一起運動。 其選區老人家比較多,這次應鄭議員提議,我們一起(超額)完成了一個六分鐘步行測試
六分步試 Six-minute walking test (6MWT) 是美國胸科協會 American Thoracic Society 開發的,原意是在較低強度下評估病人的心肺功能。後來,應用越益廣泛,可以為普通人運動期間的下肢肌耐力、心肺力量、血液循環、肌肉神經連結、身陳代謝、外周循環提供參考資訊
測試非常簡單,只需一條通暢的步道 (運動場關閉的今天,可以選擇人少開揚、不短於三十米的行人路) 以及 計距工具 (手機跑步 app 已經可以提供大約讀數)。 受測者在開始前需要休息十分鐘,降低心率,開始後保持步行狀態 (雙腳不能離地) ,盡力步行夠六分鐘,行走距離就是所得分數了
看上去只是給老人或病人的測試,實際上六分步試可供學前兒童、青少年、成年人使用。美國40歲至85歲的成年人平均可以在六分鐘內步行 400米 至 700米
對健康成年人而言,400米 是一個輕鬆容易的距離,不過六分步試也可以提供一個機會,讓普羅大眾體驗一下 健步行 (Fitness walking)、急步行 (Speed walking) 或 競步行 (Race walking) 的感覺
影片中,雖然戴著口罩,受測的鄭議員和Mark (前者更是肩負背囊) 卻行得興起,齊齊超時,折算得出六分鐘距離分別為約 670米 和 1140米,可以作為健步參考挑戰的目標

thoracic 在 Mark Sir 教室 Youtube 的最佳貼文
Credit: Katrinauntie
今次我們邀得得田灣區議員袁嘉蔚 Tiffany 一齊練習兩組簡單易行的動作。 除了有運動前熱身效果,亦可矯正姿勢,並提升 Thoracic Spine 胸椎靈活度!
第一組是深蹲伸手 Squat & Reach:首先下蹲至可行的最低幅度 (下肢力量或關節靈活度不足者,扶物下蹲亦可),張開大腿,然後一手輕按地板,另一手高舉,拇指向後者。挺起胸膛,眼向高舉手的腋窩望。 如此可以簡單提升臀部、胸椎的可動性,稍為拉伸緊繃的前方肌肉
第二組係拱橋 Bridge ,分成三種難度:入門者可做 Easy Bridge, 『 冂 』字型撐起身體,張開胸膛,頂起臀部 (貼士:雙手手指可以向左右兩旁邊指出,甚至指向頭部方向,可增加展開胸膛的幅度,同時對肩膀更友善);初階者可以直接做拱橋;中階者可以腳尖觸地腳跟離地,最大幅度伸展胸椎,甚至可以只用一手觸地,增加挑戰性
無論是任何難度選擇,皆可以在拉伸肱二頭肌、前三角肌、胸大肌,很好地強化身體後方肌肉群 Posterior Chain ,刺激背肌、臀部、膕繩肌等後方肌群 (Posterior Chain)
上面提及的每組動作可做三十秒,每日做三次。 累積下來,水滴石穿,有助改善姿勢,降低訓練受傷的機率,開開心心愉快運動