你不问不做, 你怎么知道是行不通呢?
由于这小孩儿懂得争取, 才能让小狗健康活着~
在祕魯的首都 - 利馬 , 有一個沒有都市計畫又簡陋的一個小社區裡 . 這裡有個保護動物協會 , 專門負責動物醫療的小組. 協會名稱叫 “Vida Digna”.
在一個又濕又冷的一天 , 將近兩百個窮人帶著他們的寵物 , 排隊來給我們的獸醫做護理和治療 . 在排隊的隊伍中 , 有個耳聾又不會說話的小男生 , 用手語告訴我們 , 有很緊急的東西要給我們先看看 .
後來他失蹤了一會 . 等他回來時 , 就看到他帶著一隻可憐的小幼犬 . 小幼犬的皮膚長滿了疥癬 , 看起來很癢的樣子. 除此之外 , 還有個因為被滾燙的熱水燙到而造成的傷口 , 已經發炎流膿 . 小幼犬應該是在市場時 , 被賣東西的小販用熱水燙跑的 . 他被棄養了. 完完全全地孤立無援 , 直到遇到了很關心他的人 , 一個好朋友 .
獸醫幫小狗醫治並包紮好他的燙傷傷口 , 幫他的疥癬上葯 , 還幫他把身上的跳蚤 , 蝨子, 和蟲都從牠的身上弄掉 . 小狗這樣才能在吃飽飯後舒服地休息和睡覺 . 一個很好心的鄰居答應在小狗把疥癬完全治癒前 , 暫時讓小狗住在他家 .
後來 , 每個星期這個小男生都會帶著這隻小狗排著隊等著我們給他的小狗醫病 . 看來小男孩在小狗完全病好前是不會離開的 . 小男生幫他取了名字叫 " 米露 "
米露病好後 , 變了一隻健康快樂的小狗 . 跟幾個月前我們看到的可憐的樣子大不相同 . 完全讓人認不出來 .
又過了兩個月後 , 醫療小組的下郷活動接近了尾聲 . 米露痊癒了 , 變成健康又活潑的小狗 . 小男生和小狗都笑得好燦爛 .
米露是個活生生的好例子. 他向民眾證明了, 好好照顧他們寵物的身體是多麼地簡單又符合經濟效應 . 現在有好多人排隊想要領養米露 .
米露堅強地熬過來了 , 他當時幾乎差點沒命 . 現在他既開心又健康 , 還當了小男孩的鄰居 . 貧窮和身體的障礙阻擋不了小男孩救援一條小生命 , 幫忙我們把米露的煎熬化成了快樂 .
這個愛心小男孩的背景 :
小男孩也是有家人的 . 但是他住在一個貧窮的社區 . 並且是在一個沒有提供免費醫療的國家 . 不知道他有沒有上學 . 因為他常常帶浪貓浪狗來救援小組 , 所以常常看到他 . 小男生常常叫獸醫幫小狗打治療疥癬的針 .
在這邊 , 一半以上的學齡兒童都沒有上學 , 都是因為家裡太窮的關係 . 所以小男生只是現況的冰山一角 . 但是他知道一個觀念 , 就是他用愛心和付出來改變了他自己的世界 , 把痛苦變成了快樂 .
現實生活中 , 有很多貧窮和身體殘障的人們 , 雖然他們的生活並不如意 , 但是他們努力地讓他們的寵物能得到完善的照顧 . 這些人真的很愛他們的寵物 .
I live in Peru, and work in animal health programs in the sprawling shanty-towns of Lima, the country’s capital, with Vida Digna, a Peruvian animal welfare association.
One damp, chilly day we were attending a line of about 200 very poor people who had brought their animals to be tended and cured by our vets. In the line there was a small boy, deaf and unable to speak, who used sign language to tell us we needed to see something urgently.
He disappeared for a while and then returned with a small, cold, miserable puppy covered in an angry, itchy mange and with a nasty, festering wound caused by scalding water, probably thrown at him to scare him away from market stands. He was completely abandoned, except for his faithful human friend.
The vet treated and dressed his burn and treated his mange, ridding him of fleas, ticks and worms, so that he could rest and sleep, and we gave him a meal. A kind-hearted neighbor agreed to care for him until we could completely cure him of his mange. Every week he was back in the line with the small boy, who wasn’t letting us leave until ‘his’ dog, now named Milo, was cured.
He Became a New Creature
Hardly recognizable now as that same pathetic creature we saw months ago.
Two months later, as our program was drawing to an end, he was a new creature. Both boy and dog were wreathed in smiles. Milo proved a shining example to local people of how simple and economical it is to keep their animals healthy. Now there was a line of people who wanted to take him home!
Today, Milo is making the most of the life he so nearly lost. Healthy, happy and homed close to the small child who refused to let poverty and physical limitations stop him from saving a life, and helped us to turn Milo’s suffering into happiness.
A Bit More About the Big-Hearted Little Boy
The small boy has a family, and as you see he is a happy little chap. However, he lives in an extremely poor community and in a country where there are no free services of any value for children with his difficulties. I do not know if he attends school at all. We always see him on our programs because he brings us strays. He wants us to give him an injection along with the dogs (the anti-mange injection), and the vet pretends to get ready an enormous syringe. Here, half of all school-age children do not go to school because the parents cannot afford it, so he is one more of many. However, we always try to make it clear to him that he is changing his world, by turning suffering into happiness.
We feel that the message is very strong, that people who are living permanently with those terrible constraints still want their animals to be well-cared for. People love their animals. The animals of the poor are often ill-cared for simply for lack of information and money. We teach above all, but provide services at prices most can pay for, even if only bit by bit. That is our work.
Read more: http://www.care2.com/…/deaf-boy-in-shanty-town-rescues-burn…
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