【Statement on Further Escalation of Social Unrest】
// 當體制構建不能保障市民應有的追索權,暴力兼「私了」必如落山流水跟著來,這已清晰可見。僅說無諾,何能「止暴制亂」?
// Where the system fails to provide proper recourse, vigilantism and violence proclaiming self-defence arise as simple cause and effect. Without any real commitment by the Government to de-escalate and defuse the political crisis, verbal condemnation and physical crackdown will do nothing to ‘stop violence and curb disorder’.
【Statement on Further Escalation of Social Unrest】(Scroll for English)
1. 近日,警隊的行為就如國際特赦組織所言越見低劣。[1] 這皆因政府漠視其專家提供的建議,並以歇斯底里、毫無章法可言的策略回應持續的動盪。
2. 五個月來,政府持續容許以下情況發生,對警政問題及根本的政治危機藥石亂投:
a. 阻礙救護人員前往現場拯救傷者;[2]
b. 偏頗地處理強姦或酷刑對待被拘留人士的指控;[3]
c. 肆無忌憚地濫用武力;[4]
d. 以諸多藉口為警察的失控或報復行為辯解。[5]
3. 法政匯思強烈譴責警隊濫用武力,及其本末倒置、往往為社區添煩添亂的驅散示威者行動。警方在十一月十一日於香港中文大學(「中大」)、香港理工大學及香港大學等驅散非法集結及/或堵路行為的行動,指稱的事實根據惹人非議。[6] 在撰寫此聲明之時,警方甚至以催淚彈及橡膠子彈回應中大校長的善意,與學生發生激烈衝突,造成最少60人受傷及多人被捕。[7]
4. 歸根究底,現有的制度未能公正地調查涉及警務人員的刑事指控,乃是警民衝突的源頭。樂觀地看,這可能只是個別調查人員的疏忽;悲觀地看,這反映一種互相包庇的文化,可能已由員佐級警員到警務處處長、保安局局長甚至特首,滲透警隊及政府上下。無論是哪一個情況,這種警察橫行無忌的觀感已經令公眾對負責調查大部分罪行的警察的信任蕩然無存。這個缺口一開,刑事司法制度剩下非常有限的能力,處理失職警員。
5. 法政匯思繼續呼籲香港政府成立獨立調查委員會,調查包括六月份以來政府的治安管理手段。除了將肇事者繩之於法外,更重要的是全面檢閱香港警隊以達至結構上的改革。至今,特區政府對於這個明顯又實際的選擇不屑一顧,堅持讓一個缺乏監察權力的獨立監察警方處理投訴委員會(「監警會」)[8] 去調查警察投訴及內部調查科。這正正就是問題根源所在。
6. 監警會委派的國際專家組就這個問題發表《進展報告》。國際專家組與政府持相反意見。他們批評監警會在結構上欠缺全面調查權力,對監警會這一個輕型、監管式的體制是否能夠做出決定性的貢獻表示懷疑,更指出下一步的可能性諸如「委派一個享有所需權力的獨立調查機構以作更深程度及更廣泛的調查」,意味著一個獨立調查委員會。[9]
7. 對於近數星期暴力頻頻,政府沒有採取任何行動,只是堅拒示威者的訴求(包括成立獨立調查委員會),更稱他們為「人民的敵人」。[10] 警員們多月來非人化地濫稱示威者為「曱甴」。[11]
8. 法政匯思絕對不認同法外制裁。此立場於七月二十五日之聲明已表明。然而,當體制構建不能保障市民應有的追索權,暴力兼「私了」必如落山流水跟著來,這已清晰可見。僅說無諾,何能「止暴制亂」?
(PDF: https://tinyurl.com/tt2nzmr)
1. Police conduct has seen, in the words of Amnesty International, ‘another shocking low’ [1] in recent days as the Government ignored constructive feedback by its own experts and hysterically responded to the ongoing unrest without any rational strategy.
2. In particular, these allegations point to a wanton failure on the part of the Government to properly approach policing and the underlying political crisis, now in its 5th month:
a. Obstructing rescuers and ambulances from accessing the injured; [2]
b. Unfair handling of allegations of rape and torture in custody; [3]
c. Unapologetic excesses in its use of force; [4] and
d. Evasive defence of police officers acting impulsively or in retaliation. [5]
3. The Progressive Lawyers Group (the ‘PLG’) vehemently condemns the Police regarding their excessive use of force and dispersal operations which often create the chaos sought to be quelled. On 11 November, the police conducted operations in, amongst others, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (‘CUHK’), the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong and the University of Hong Kong to disperse unlawful assemblies and/or obstruction of traffic, [6] the factual basis of which has been doubted by many. As at the drafting of this Statement, as riot police responded to an olive branch by the CUHK Vice-Chancellor with tear gas and rubber bullets, severe clashes between students and riot police at CUHK are ongoing with at least 60 injured and dozens arrested. [7]
4. Nonetheless, the crux of the problem remains in the institutional failure to investigate criminal allegations involving police officers impartially. At best, it could be an omission by individual police officers in their execution of duty. At worst, it could be a culture that acquiesces and conceals wrongdoings affecting grassroot constables, the Commissioner of Police, the Secretary for Security and the Chief Executive alike. Whichever the case may be, this perception of impunity breaches the trust and confidence the public reposes in the police who are tasked with investigating most offences. With this link broken, there remains very limited recourse in the criminal justice system against rogue officers.
5. The PLG continues to call on the Hong Kong Government to appoint a Commission of Inquiry regarding, amongst others, the current approach to policing social unrest since June. Bringing wrongdoers to justice aside, the more important task is a holistic review on the Police Force and a roadmap to structural reforms. So far, the Government brushed aside this obvious and pragmatic option, insisting upon an inquiry by the Independent Police Complaints Council (‘IPCC’) [8] whose (lack of) oversight over the Complaints Against Police Office (‘CAPO’) is the very issue at the heart of the current saga.
6. Curiously, the International Expert Panel of the IPCC appointed for advice on that very inquiry seems to hold a contrary view. In their Position Statement Report of Progress, the experts pointed out ‘structural limitations in the scope and powers of the IPCC Inquiry’ and noted that ‘it remains to be seen whether a light touch, oversight body like the IPCC, can make sufficient progress to produce any decisive contribution…’ It also identified a possible next step such as ‘a deeper more comprehensive inquiry in a number of respects by an independent body with requisite powers’, alluding to a Commission of Inquiry. [9]
7. In response to the extraordinary brutalities these few weeks, the Government did nothing but maintain that it will not yield to the protesters’ demands (including an independent Commission of Inquiry) and call them ‘enemies of the people’. [10] It has not helped that the police have for months been blatantly using such a dehumanising term as ‘cockroaches’ to refer to protesters [11].
8. The PLG stands by our Statement on 25 July 2019 and does not encourage citizens to take justice into their own hands. However, it is obvious by now that where the system fails to provide proper recourse, vigilantism and violence proclaiming self-defence arise as simple cause and effect. Without any real commitment by the Government to de-escalate and defuse the political crisis, verbal condemnation and physical crackdown will do nothing to ‘stop violence and curb disorder’.
The Progressive Lawyers Group
15 November 2019
(PDF version: https://tinyurl.com/tt2nzmr)
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過444萬的網紅Hane & Mari's World,也在其Youtube影片中提到,■English Title : Chatting Anpanman touch! Smart Anpanman kitchen Toy opening review ■中文標題 : 面包超人觸摸之後會說話的智能廚房玩具 ■한국어 제목 : 호빵맨 터치 수다! 스마트 호빵맨 주방 장난감 개봉...
touch panel中文 在 羅溫特 Winter L. Facebook 的精選貼文
最近這件事鬧的沸沸揚揚 也上了新聞 在留言上發現自己考試的影片有被po上去 增加一些曝光率這樣 哈XD
但對於此事件 我就不公開多表態什麼了 只希望一切能以理性與和平的方式去解決 我們大家都是文明人 都要努力讓這個世界變得更美好
Today I got very angry and upset for the first time in public in front of a crowd.
What started out as a nice day, I thought it would only get better by attending the street performance artist's exam in Taipei. Everything seemed nice when I saw the performers were all prepared in their provided locations around the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall. But after I saw the head of the judge panel treated the street performers while performing, I couldn't keep my mouth shut.
Let me explained: each performer had to pay to register for the license exam. They were given 3 minutes to present their work(s) hoping they'd get a lisence so they can earn some sort of living from their passion. This one particular judge (pictured) leading the group seems impatiently listen and watch the street performers. It barely hit the one minute mark, he aggressively cut into the song of a singer and told the performer "many singers sing in different languages like English etc, sing in another language!"(I paraphrased with my bad Chinese translation). Then the singer started singing in Taiwanese language. But barely two sentences, he talked to another judge barely paying attention to the performer this head judge basically just left and gestured to the rest of the group to follow him.
The singer sang barely a minute and a half (they were promised 3 mins and they kept being interrupted by this judge). Bare in mind, this judge is earning a wage while these hopeful performers were paying him to be there. He basically did the same thing over and over again disregarding the artist's intent and hard work. Not a single word of appreciation. He just acted as he was a big boss looking down on these petty performers. He chatted as he wished and walked away without saying a "thank you" or a gesture of acknowledgement. A percussionist kept being interrupted asking him to do something different. Then he just left after the third time. The rest of the judges just followed.
So, i approached him politely asking for his name and his business card. I told him I wanted to talk to him one on one in the future. Degradingly he asked me who I was. I could see in his eyes that he saw a young man who looked like a student to him. But I was not and am not. I am a 40 year old dance artist, filmmaker and educator that have taught around the globe and in many prestigious colleges and festivals.
He didn't want to give me his business card. He seemed annoyed and surprised that someone spoke up. So I said I can give him my contact info but we needed to talk on how the exam went.
The way Taipei city exams the performers today was both disrespectful and insulting to the arts community in general. I didn't want to say this all out. But he left me with no choice.
I told him, for one, the way he treated the performers was disrespectful. As an educator I could not be quiet when I see something like that. Second, the process of the exam is not doing the art community any justice. If he cannot see the artists as a human being first, then what does it say about his view on the Arts. I could see him pissed off. But again he left me with no choice. He was very degrading towards these performers. As an artist myself and an art advocate I had to do something.
The organizer apologized to me said the process needed to go on. I told him I wasn't trying to stop them. I merely want to know how I could get in touch with them to discuss this. If you know me well enough, you should know my temperament. I am a happy go lucky person. I almost never get angry in the public. But it was genuinely insulting and degrading to every artists based on what I saw today.
This arrogant judge didn't care of my opinion. I could see it in his eyes. He was basically the superior in his world and his way was the right way. That's how he had always done it. All the young staffers there were afraid of him. Today he was disrespectful, rude, and arrogant. I really want to know why he does what he does.
After the incident, a few people came up and thanked me for speaking up. They felt the same way but they didn't have the courage to say it to this judge or the organization that issues these licenses. One organizer from the New Taipei City said even she felt bad seeing how the performers being treated.
I don't understand why people don't stand up for each other. The Taipei City has failed their community and even more so to their arts community.
For an organization that is supposed to advocate for the arts, culture and authenticity, they did miserably today. It is like giving an exam to a dog, a cat, a bird and a monkey then telling them that their exam is climbing a tree. It's absolutely ridiculous.
I left them my contact information. They said they will contact me. If they don't, this could be an interesting subject for my next film project. A documentary on how these hopeful, aspiring performers being treated.
I am mad and I am angry. I really hope they will change their shallow way of seeing Arts.
P.S. Share or repost in Chinese. They need to change. Thanks.
台北國際藝術村-寶藏巖 Taipei Artist Village-Treasure Hill
Taipei National University of the Arts
臺北表演藝術中心 Taipei Performing Arts Center
National Theater and Concert Hall, Taipei
中正紀念堂 Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
National Taiwan University of Arts
touch panel中文 在 E火舞團 Facebook 的最佳貼文
分享者為台灣極少數進入太陽馬戲團表演過的 陳星合(目前正在推動當代馬戲、新藝術表演發展的重要推手)
1. 沒有足夠的經費、人力去安排街頭藝人考試。
2. 評審的來源和資格一直都是爭議。
By 蝶編
感謝黃翊 (Yi Huang)的中文翻譯。
翻譯William Lu文章』
Today I got very angry and upset for the first time in public in front of a crowd.
What started out as a nice day, I thought it would only get better by attending the street performance artist's exam in Taipei. Everything seemed nice when I saw the performers were all prepared in their provided locations around the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall. But after I saw the head of the judge panel treated the street performers while performing, I couldn't keep my mouth shut.
Let me explained: each performer had to pay to register for the license exam. They were given 3 minutes to present their work(s) hoping they'd get a lisence so they can earn some sort of living from their passion. This one particular judge (pictured) leading the group seems impatiently listen and watch the street performers. It barely hit the one minute mark, he aggressively cut into the song of a singer and told the performer "many singers sing in different languages like English etc, sing in another language!"(I paraphrased with my bad Chinese translation). Then the singer started singing in Taiwanese language. But barely two sentences, he talked to another judge barely paying attention to the performer this head judge basically just left and gestured to the rest of the group to follow him.
The singer sang barely a minute and a half (they were promised 3 mins and they kept being interrupted by this judge). Bare in mind, this judge is earning a wage while these hopeful performers were paying him to be there. He basically did the same thing over and over again disregarding the artist's intent and hard work. Not a single word of appreciation. He just acted as he was a big boss looking down on these petty performers. He chatted as he wished and walked away without saying a "thank you" or a gesture of acknowledgement. A percussionist kept being interrupted asking him to do something different. Then he just left after the third time. The rest of the judges just followed.
So, i approached him politely asking for his name and his business card. I told him I wanted to talk to him one on one in the future. Degradingly he asked me who I was. I could see in his eyes that he saw a young man who looked like a student to him. But I was not and am not. I am a 40 year old dance artist, filmmaker and educator that have taught around the globe and in many prestigious colleges and festivals.
He didn't want to give me his business card. He seemed annoyed and surprised that someone spoke up. So I said I can give him my contact info but we needed to talk on how the exam went.
The way Taipei city exams the performers today was both disrespectful and insulting to the arts community in general. I didn't want to say this all out. But he left me with no choice.
I told him, for one, the way he treated the performers was disrespectful. As an educator I could not be quiet when I see something like that. Second, the process of the exam is not doing the art community any justice. If he cannot see the artists as a human being first, then what does it say about his view on the Arts. I could see him pissed off. But again he left me with no choice. He was very degrading towards these performers. As an artist myself and an art advocate I had to do something.
The organizer apologized to me said the process needed to go on. I told him I wasn't trying to stop them. I merely want to know how I could get in touch with them to discuss this. If you know me well enough, you should know my temperament. I am a happy go lucky person. I almost never get angry in the public. But it was genuinely insulting and degrading to every artists based on what I saw today.
This arrogant judge didn't care of my opinion. I could see it in his eyes. He was basically the superior in his world and his way was the right way. That's how he had always done it. All the young staffers there were afraid of him. Today he was disrespectful, rude, and arrogant. I really want to know why he does what he does.
After the incident, a few people came up and thanked me for speaking up. They felt the same way but they didn't have the courage to say it to this judge or the organization that issues these licenses. One organizer from the New Taipei City said even she felt bad seeing how the performers being treated.
I don't understand why people don't stand up for each other. The Taipei City has failed their community and even more so to their arts community.
For an organization that is supposed to advocate for the arts, culture and authenticity, they did miserably today. It is like giving an exam to a dog, a cat, a bird and a monkey then telling them that their exam is climbing a tree. It's absolutely ridiculous.
I left them my contact information. They said they will contact me. If they don't, this could be an interesting subject for my next film project. A documentary on how these hopeful, aspiring performers being treated.
I am mad and I am angry. I really hope they will change their shallow way of seeing Arts.
P.S. Share or repost in Chinese. They need to change. Thanks.
台北國際藝術村-寶藏巖 Taipei Artist Village-Treasure Hill
Taipei National University of the Arts
臺北表演藝術中心 Taipei Performing Arts Center
National Theater and Concert Hall, Taipei
中正紀念堂 Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
National Taiwan University of Arts
touch panel中文 在 Hane & Mari's World Youtube 的精選貼文
■English Title : Chatting Anpanman touch! Smart Anpanman kitchen Toy opening review
■中文標題 : 面包超人觸摸之後會說話的智能廚房玩具
■한국어 제목 : 호빵맨 터치 수다! 스마트 호빵맨 주방 장난감 개봉 리뷰
■中文标题 : 面包超人触摸之后会说话的智能厨房玩具
■チャンネル登録はこちら / Channel subscript → https://goo.gl/in9442
2016年9月24日 新発売 新商品
中央にあるスマートパネルをタッチすると楽しいおしゃべりがいっぱい! アンパンマンのマーチも流れます。
パーツに関連するおしゃべりやおままごと遊びを盛り上げるおしゃべりがいっぱい! ! !
■Video Description / Overview
Launches New Products September 24, 2016
Is a popular Anpanman kitchen set of toys.
Fun chat is full when you touch the smart panel in the middle! Also flow Anpanman march.
Full of chatter liven up the chat and play house play related to the parts!!!
When you press the stove button on the panel, it can be operated even without pressing the actual stove button below.
Sink that rotation of the popular LED was attached so that you can image how to become a clean wash.
Stove will move glowing. The back plate also has a corner that put up against the shelves and wash the dishes.
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Hane&Mari'sWorld | アンパンマン おもちゃ 開封紹介動画 | Japan Anpanman Toys Unboxing |日本麵包超人玩具開箱 | 일본 호빵맨 장난감 개봉 소개 동영상
Hane&Mari'sWorld | 魔法使いプリキュア おもちゃ | Maho Girls PreCure TOYS | 魔法使光之美少女 玩具 | 마법사 프리큐어 장난감
Hane&Mari'sWolrd | マクドナルド マック ハッピーセット おもちゃ | McDonald Japan Happy Meal Toys | 麥當勞歡樂兒童套餐玩具
Hane&Mari'sWorld | ここたま おもちゃ | Kokotama Toys
Hane&Mari'sWorld | プリキュアオールスターズ | Precure All Stars | 光之美少女全明星
Hane&Mari'sWorld | トミカ おもちゃ | TOMICA TOMY CAR TOY | 日本多美小汽車玩具 | 日本多美小汽车玩具 | 일본 토미카 장난감
Hane&Mari'sWorld | 食玩おもちゃ開封紹介動画 | Candy Toy Chocolat Eggs Review Videos | 日本食品玩具開箱介紹視訊 | 日本零食附赠玩具开箱视频
Hane&Mari'sWorld | ガチャガチャ ガシャポン ガチャポン カプセルトイ | Japan GASHAPON Capsule Toy | 빙글 빙글 가샤폰 가체 폰 캡슐 토이 | 日本扭蛋 轉蛋 玩具
Hane&Mari'sWorld | スーパー サプライズ エッグ | チョコエッグ | Super Surprise Egg | Chocolate Egg
■撮影機材/Photographic Equipment → キャノン Canon EOS 80D + EF-S18-135mm F3.5-5.6 IS USM
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touch panel中文 在 觸控式螢幕- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 的相關結果
觸控螢幕(英語:Touchscreen),是可以接收觸頭(包括手指或者膠筆頭等)等輸入訊號的感應式LED顯示器、液晶顯示、平板螢幕或电子墨水裝置。當接觸了螢幕上的圖形按鈕 ... ... <看更多>